I am a plat zhuxi player and personally I never use this because I feel this is not strong.
My feeling is that if you have armored units in the feudal, Zhu ge nu is super weak in this case.
For example, I can never beat english in the feudal. Their longbow + MAA are invicible to any combos zhuxi can build.
So I am guessing, is it because zhuxi used by many players so people are complaining this? So if they are facing the same components who are using franch and english, they will have the same feeling.
Precisely english is one of the civs that can beat Zhu Xi in feudal with 0 effort. Longbows crush zhu ge nu, nothing you can do against english with zhu ge nu.
Zhu Xi also haven’t archers, so you rely 100% in zhu ge nu and they aren’t as good as archers vs spears, so zhu ge + horseman is easily beaten by longbows + spears + a few men at arms to tank.
Zhu Xi zhu ge nu rush is specially overpowered against any other civ despite english and jeanne.
As zhu xi vs english only thing you have to do is go fast castle (you can go to castle in minute 6), take relics and starting to do heavy cav.