Will there be an open Beta test?

Good answer.
Open beta means everybody can participate?

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Open = everyone
Closed = those they chose to participate




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Will there be another round of Beta Test before game release?

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Hi @OafishOrca79821, There will at least be one more open beta prior to release as confirmed by Eliot at Relic Entertainment. Gamescom is next week and there may be a beta announcement so stay tuned!


So Iā€™m very happy that the open beta is confirmed.
Just please let us play with maximum TEXTURES.


Do you really know what does texture do? There was already max textures. And if youā€™re not satisfied with the graphic, that is not caused by textures.

I think there should be a small closed beta (maybe 1000 users) 1 week before the open beta just to check everything is running well before the open beta.


Well, maybe I could only play on low TEXTURES. Medium and high TEXTURES I couldnā€™t play I had them locked.
And a lot of players had it that way.



Daddy needs his fix!

Similar to AOE3: DE, there will probably be an ā€œopenā€ beta in October leading up to the public release, which will primarily ensure multiplayer is functioning smoothly. At that point you have no time to adjust balance or content.

Iā€™d think the devs also do another closed beta in September with all civs and maps to gather additional last minute feedback, as we saw how much feedback was gathered from the Aug beta with only a fraction of the content being made playable.

Balance can be changed on the fly. Unless something is systemically broken.
Changing things like damage values and timings really isnā€™t that hard.
Think of balance as the most fluid thing a game can have. Aoe 2 still gets such patches.
Games like DOTA have sometimes had daily/weekly changes to balance.

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What day will they show more of AoEIV?

I see that today was an Xbox GameScom and they didnā€™t show anything about the game.

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I think that was just a preview, the event itself is supposed to happen tomorrow 18GMT, if Iā€™m not mistaken.

Obviously balance can be changed in a patch after release. Usually balance patches take a few weeks though. If you want a game launch to be successful, you try your hardest for it to be as balanced as possible at initial release. First impressions are critical to anything being successful in the long term.

Yeah this is true, hopefully game designers and devs have taken our feedback into account.
Iā€™m just saying that balance tends to change really fast and easily. So people shouldnā€™t feel like there ā€œis no timeā€ for such changes.


I donā€™t know anything about the event but if itā€™s an Xbox event, why should they show PC games that are not avalible on xbox? :smiley:

Mostly because of the Xbox gamespass.
And to be fair a lot of the Aoe4 trailers were on the xbox youtube channel.

ratings pretty bad. not wondering after I saw it. Everyone wanted to see something else I guessā€¦