Win rate comparison of archer vs cavalry civs in open map/Arabia excluding OP civs

Stats show it’s not even true 11
Yes we see a lot of archer openers from cav civs. But nevertheless we see a lot of cav civs, no?

you clearly didn’t read the post? I said they need to keep it exciting with new things or they get no $$$$

As for me I definetely find the current meta more exciting than scouts into knights in 2/3 of all games.

I don’t see where the problem with knight civs opening archers is. It actually leads to way more diversity. Ofc I would also like scouts into xbows but this is bec of the current scout and archer designs just not a feasible option.

To me the stats look like the openers are kinda balanced, though ofc it’s appearant that the like 2/3 more cavalry like civs that are played also make range openigs quite frequently. But I see no problem with that. Right the opposite: If there is so a large discrepancy in the viability of archer vs cav, it’s actually good that at least the beginning seems to be more attracting for range openings. It’s definetely better than the other way around.


Recently they nerfed archers , this makes no sense.

My comment makes no sense?

Based bad vibes spreader

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Japanese aren’t an archer civ any more than say Magyars. They have no bonus towards it.