Words which can be used for names of DLCs are running out

I’m glad to see such a DLC but afraid of its being banned by CN government.

sounds good

By the way , that area was called Kithay(originated from Kithan and became Cathay at last) while south China was named as Nanggya by inner or central Asians such as Persians and Mongols in the history. Liao(Khitan) , Xia(Tangut) and Jin(Jurchen) are also called 3 Dynasties out of the Great Wall in China.

So “king” has been used for twice.

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Borderland Dynasties dlc?

Borderland is creative.For the second word , I prefer Hordes.

Borderland tributaries?

Btw did any one chinese ruler fight all three groups?it would make an interesting campaign if there was such.

Horde means nomad tribe, the word is originated from Turkish word orda , which refers to the royal court of the khan . It is also used in other Altaic languages , such as Oltin Orda (Mongols’ Golden Horde) or Hos Orda (capital of Qara Khitan). Some Chinese scholars also think that the Youdu (belong to Huang Di /Yellow Emperor) is also originated from orda as the ancient books said Huang Di /Yellow Emperor’s clan had no fixed residence and Xianbei/Sirbi people called their hometown Youdu either.

Tributaries may refer to many factions around central China and paying tributes to the imperial Chinese court, including not only the nomad ones but also some moutain tribes , overseas kingdoms and even some Chinese warlords in the borderland .

No Chinese ruler fought all three groups at the same time in the history.

Tangut is a branch of Qiang , they rised as warlord when they assistanted Tang Dynasty in the battle against rebels.After Song Dynasty established, they didn’t want to surrender so they established Xia Dynasty.

Khitan(a branch of Xianbei/Sirbi) also rised when Tang Dynasty still existed ,then established Liao Dynasty and occupied some regions of North China during the time that Tang Dynasty devided . Many years later , Song Dynasty united most regions of China proper and then faced Liao as their enemy who occupied North China regions.

So, as a Chinese dynasty , Song fought with both Tangut and Khitan at first.In my opinion ,to be exact, the later ones occupied but not invaded a part of North China as their ancestors had lived in those areas for hundred years or ruled those regions before Song Dynasty . However , the real invaders came soon. Jurchen tribes ruled by the Liao Dynasty/Khitan Empire rised up and contacted Song Dynasty to attack on their common enemy Liao Dynasty/Khitan Empire .Khitan was defeated by them but not wiped out. As a nomadic ethnic group , some Khitan people moved to Inner Asia , and established another dynasty called Qara Khitan or West Liao. So they no longer shared a border whith Song.Then conflict broke out between Song and Jin which was established by Jurchen. Jin defeated Song and occupied most of North China until Mongols rised up and destroyed them.

Interestingly , either rulers of Tangut, Khitan, Jurchen or Kublai Khan regarded themself as Chinese rulers . As results , Xia(Tangut) and Jin(Jurchen) are described as Chinese in the AOE2 scenario Genghis Khan , Khitay or Cathy became another name of China , and Yuan Dynasty(but not Mongol Empire) is described as an age of Chinese civ in AOE4.


Sultans of the Savanna

I still hate the AoE4 Chinese “dynasty” system. One dynasty turning into another dynasty always means blood, coup, civil wars, foreign invasion, or even natural disaster, as the opposition will use it as an excuse to claim the emperor “lost the mandate”.

Imagine when you click the advance button, then a civil war broke out in your town center, or somehow your opponent is 10 times stronger.

And I just realized “Rivalry of Yellow River” won’t work as “RoR” is taken by Return of Roman, maybe calling it “Beyond the Great Wall” will be better lol

Rise of Rajas took it first.Besides that name is RoYR not RoR.


Right! It is always mentioned as “9 out of 10 homes are empty” or “population is halved” in some Chinese books.

Quite appropriate.

I hope for more than these.

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