Worst Cards in AOE 3 right now - and how would you fix them

At least the cards that are objectively bad, especially when compared to counterparts, need to be improved.
Those that are good by design but proved to be less practical could remain meme and situational.


How happy I was to see that they added cards that others and I requested, for example. Conquistadors for Spain “Reconquista” card, or European natives for French “bourbon” or Germany “mix royal houses”.

How happy I would be if they could make them more viable and be able to use them competitively.

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This would work so much better as something similar to the card Cartridge Currency. However, instead of getting coin directly from killing units, it would be deposited in Lombards.

Another way to make Lombards a bit more viable and enhance a card would be to make one of the Lombard cards work similarly to the card Jesuit Influence and deposit some resources into each Lombard every time you receive a shipment. Monte di Pieta could ship a Lombard wagon and deposit some coin into each Lombard whenever a shipment arrives. The Genoese Financers and Florentine Financers could also function similarly.

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yeah, totally agree, ethiopian card is useful but this card is a kind of joke.

The card is more of a meme in my opinion than a serious card.

Although, I believe that there are some niche use for it, like in mercs and outlaw decks, where everything revolve around gold and you don’t have all those cards for the lombards and basilica (I usually have only the capitalism and trattoria cards) you can squeeze it inside your deck for some extra gold.

Anyway, I would prefer that they change some other cards, maybe less useless, but that would improve Italy gameplay, like:

  • Usury (IV)
  • Venetian Arsenal (II)
  • Maritime Republics (I)
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