This is just to show you how broken gurjaras are. Not to mention thier camels are very oppressive against cav civ but also against camel civs.
Did you consider using more than 1 unit?
Try 1 halb? Or Camel maybe? All projectiles are dodged so it is not surprising.
I think the only issue is the speed. Camels should be able to catch up to the shrivamsa rider.
Gasp a unit that dodges projectiles beats mamelukes?
If you don’t micro ranged units they die against basically any gold melee unit. If you use the editor this way even longswords beat xbows.
bruhh thats a 20g cav unit thats faster than a camel. Your comment doesn’t really matter when they do better than franks paladins against the biggest counter to cav.
not sure whether we should still consider Mameluke as the biggest counter to cav since Saracens is just a Camel civ on paper and everyone use it as a archer civ
Not to mention halbs and gc exist
Yeah so are infantry and if you don’t micro, infantry also beats archers? Don’t be obtuse.
11, your not getting the point. Shrivamsha rider = 20g. And they do a lot better than a frank paladin = 75g. And against the biggest cav counter in the game that you need a castle to build and cost 85g. This unit is broken. I’ll just keep playing gurjaras but i’m getting quite bored to play the same op civ again and again.
It’s a unit that is supposed to be good vs everything that shoots projectiles. Ranged units can work vs these but only if you micro properly. If you don’t micro mangudai lose hard to onager although mangudai is supposed to counter siege. All I’m saying is you don’t provide any serious argument by showing a scenario editor scene where no micro is involved.
Except it isnt the biggest cav counter in the game. And again the rider is designed to counter projectile units
Dude there is counter and counter. There is a counter unit and a fair counter unit. I thought you were good at balancing unit the first times I spoke to you but if you think this is balanced
Mr. ‘‘Things has to be balanced around pros’’’ guess what civ is number what and what unit specifically he is referring to. Top 5 Civilizations That Need A Nerf | AoE2 - YouTube
I think shrivamsha need nerfs but nothing here is a reason to complain.
Do you complain that a castle light cavalry is better against monks then a paladin?
Guess what mr let me link something ive already referenced many times
- i already stated shriv needs nerfs.
- shrivs are receiving nerfs.
- nothing in your video is unexpected.
- youre so out of touch with the game you use microless videos about a unit that should be microed. Which means your inherently BIASING YOUR TESTS AGAINST THE MAMELUKE.
Dude your so out of touch with the game. When u said memelukes were too strong and doesnt need any substiantial buffs guess what happened. The devs decided to give them a buff because the unit was literally a meme. Then you say it is fair that a unit costing 20g does way better than a frank paladin against a unit designed to coutner cavalry is fair is soemthing of it’s own class. I’m stupid bored of playing gurjaras. They are so strong at what they specialize with that in team games you just need to pick a civ that takes care of their weakness and its too strong.
Except Mamelukes can win with minimal damage taken (Shrivamsha will get hits in due to their speed) when you micro them in a group. You’re just trolling at this point because you don’t understand how the projectile dodging works and how Mameluke works.
If you lose against Shrivamsha with Mamelukes you simply didn’t micro and deserve to lose anyway (not to mention your first go-to would be, yknow…standard camels).
Yeah, so is Infantry??