YAFTTML: Yet Another Fix To The Militia Line

Oh interesting.
I’m not familiar with AOE3 and it has probably different mechanics.
But how is the feature recieved there?

Should you add Samurai and Jw too? I feel like they are very similar outside of their unique attack bonus.

I’m also curious to know how it works, I don’t play aoe3 and had no idea this was already used.

This is not in the spirit of Aoe2.

It is something the devs can experiment with as a unique unit or unique tech, but for the base game it is far too much.

I have not had much free time lately, but I had not included the faster infantry units because they should be slightly different.

I added such an idea in the initial post.

I would fix them like this:
-Man at arm upgrade removed, Militia is instantly upgraded to MAA for free upon aging up.
-Base speed increased to 1.0 (equal to spear line).
-Squire: move to feudal age, costs 75 food.
-Supply: -10 food / -5 gold cost for militia line. Plus cuts infantry’s population cost by 25% (4 infantry units = 3 pop)
-Gambeson: +1m/+1p armor.

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It can be a good if you think about Bulgarians. But annoying meta ppl exist and may not want this change

Delete Supplies. No upgrade should be 1 unit-line specific.

I dont understand the purpose of increasing the food cost to 55F. Just give them 80HP, no need to make them more expensive.

I got you.

Stats Champion Legionary Elite Obuch Elite Serjeant
Food Cost 45 60 55 50
Gold Cost 20 20 20 35
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Cost (Food) 1475 1050 800 800
Upgrade Cost (Gold) 730 505 600 675
Train Time (Seconds) 21 14 12 12
HP 70 75 95 85
Attack Base Attack 17 16 14 15
Vs Eagle 8 8 3 3
Vs Building 6 6 8 5
Vs Other 4 vs Infantry
Reload time 2 2 2 2
Melee armour 4 6 5 7
Pierce armour 6 6 6 8
Speed 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99

I think the difference is not much. So here is another one with them being added.

Stats Champion Legionary Elite Obuch Elite Serjeant Elite Samurai Elite Jaguar Warrior
Cost Food Cost 45 60 55 50 50 60
Gold Cost 20 20 20 35 30 30
Upgrade Cost Upgrade Cost (Food) 1475 1050 800 800 750 1000
Upgrade Cost (Gold) 730 505 600 675 650 500
Train Time (Seconds) 21 14 12 12 9 10.8
HP 70 75 95 85 80 75
Attack Base Attack 17 16 14 15 16 16
Vs Eagle 8 8 3 3 3 2
Vs Building 6 6 8 5 5 4
Vs Other 4 vs Infantry 12 vs UU 11 vs Infantry
Reload time 2 2 2 2 1.43 2
Melee armour 4 6 5 7 4 5
Pierce armour 6 6 6 8 5 6
Speed 0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 1.1 1.1

Well, that’s why I suggest it cuts infantry population cost by 25%, that includes spear line and UU infantries.

I would save it for civ bonus. As a base line unit, making it Karambit mass spammy isnt making this unit helpful rather other way around. You dont waste your training time for nothing. Having Obuch Stats without gimmick is actually helpful or taking the treatment from AOM by making Swordsman like infantry in general a soft counter to Cavalry.

The fix is to make MaA absurdly broken, I understand.
If you’re going to propose such a thing, you should at least say how to rebalance the key civilisations.

One alternative can be done is through taking too long to create M@A at Dark Age. Perhaps double the creation time. But once its upgraded to M@A automatically in Feudal then you can create it how you were used to. But a radical early game change regardless. It can either decline of M@A opening or might turn out to be OP. Basically you are taking the time to create 6 militia in Dark Age for 3 Militia opening.

Making the MaA upgrade free means making all civilisations capable of at least a 5-unit rush, and the civilisations that can do 4 today to 6.

How I should stop 6 Japanese MaA in feudal I do not know

Again creation time can take long enough while opponent already reaches Feudal Age at that point. If possible 2.5x time in Dark Age can still delay the rush by large margin. Just making 3 Militia can simply take more time than to research Feudal.

Because the unit is already cost-effective against many units in melee, but has the problem that the situation rarely occurs.

So raising the stats without raising the cost would make it too strong in some situations. While maintaining the same cost-efficiency and raising pop-efficiency in the meantime, makes the unit generally easier to use.