//============================================================================== /* aiMilitary.xs This file is intended for any military related stuffs, not limited to army training, researching upgrades and combat handling. */ //============================================================================== //============================================================================== // mostHatedEnemy // Determine who we should attack, checking cvPlayerToAttack too //============================================================================== rule mostHatedEnemy minInterval 60 inactive { if (cvPlayerToAttack > 0) { debugMilitary("cv Changing most hated Player from " + aiGetMostHatedPlayerID() + " to " + cvPlayerToAttack); aiSetMostHatedPlayerID(cvPlayerToAttack); if (gLandUnitPicker >= 0) { kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(gLandUnitPicker, cvPlayerToAttack); // Update the unit picker. } xsDisableSelf(); return; } static bool treatyTargetingPerformed = false; int arrayIndex = 0; int arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy = 0; gNumEnemies = 0; bool isTreatyActive = aiTreatyActive(); if ((isTreatyActive == true) && (treatyTargetingPerformed == false)) // We only perform the targeting once during treaty. { // Add IDs of enemies to the array. for (i = 1; < cNumberPlayers) { if (kbGetPlayerTeam(i) != kbGetPlayerTeam(cMyID)) // Not on our team so must be an enemy. { if (kbHasPlayerLost(i) == false) { xsArraySetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndex, i); arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1; gNumEnemies = gNumEnemies + 1; } } } if (kbGetIsFFA()) // We pick a target that is adjacent to us in FFA. { if (gNumEnemies >= 3) // We only need to sort when we have more than 2 enemies, because if we only have 2 enemies we // just chose either one anyway regardless of distance. { arraySortInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, 0, gNumEnemies, [](int playerA = 1, int playerB = 2) -> bool { return (xsArrayGetFloat(gStartingPosDistances, playerA) < xsArrayGetFloat(gStartingPosDistances, playerB)); }); } arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy = gNumEnemies >= 2 ? aiRandInt(2) : 0; } else { arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy = aiRandInt(gNumEnemies); } aiSetMostHatedPlayerID(xsArrayGetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy)); debugMilitary("Treaty targeting randomly selected Player " + xsArrayGetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy) + " to be our most hated player"); if (gLandUnitPicker >= 0) { kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(gLandUnitPicker, xsArrayGetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy)); // Update the unit picker. } treatyTargetingPerformed = true; return; } if (isTreatyActive == false) { // Add IDs of enemies who are still alive to the array. for (i = 1; < cNumberPlayers) { if (kbIsPlayerEnemy(i)) { if (kbHasPlayerLost(i) == false) { xsArraySetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndex, i); arrayIndex = arrayIndex + 1; gNumEnemies = gNumEnemies + 1; } } } if (kbGetIsFFA()) // We pick a target that is adjacent to us in FFA. { if (gNumEnemies >= 3) // We only need to sort when we have more than 2 enemies, because if we only have 2 enemies we // just chose either one anyway regardless of distance. { arraySortInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, 0, gNumEnemies, [](int playerA = 1, int playerB = 2) -> bool { return (xsArrayGetFloat(gStartingPosDistances, playerA) < xsArrayGetFloat(gStartingPosDistances, playerB)); }); } arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy = gNumEnemies >= 2 ? aiRandInt(2) : 0; } else { arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy = aiRandInt(gNumEnemies); } aiSetMostHatedPlayerID(xsArrayGetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy)); debugMilitary("Randomly selected Player " + xsArrayGetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy) + " to be our most hated player"); if (gLandUnitPicker >= 0) { // Update the unit picker. kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(gLandUnitPicker, xsArrayGetInt(gArrayEnemyPlayerIDs, arrayIndexOfSelectedEnemy)); } } } //============================================================================== // addUnitsToMilitaryPlan //============================================================================== void addUnitsToMilitaryPlan(int planID = -1) { // TODO: don't always task the full army, leave some behind if the enemy is weak or we need more defense if ((gRevolutionType & cRevolutionFinland) == 0) { aiPlanAddUnitType(planID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 200); return; } // For the finland revolution, keep some karelian jaegers around to sustain the economy int numberAvailableEconUnits = 0; int queryID = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); aiPlanAddUnitType(planID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 0); // Add each unit type individually for (i = 0; < numberFound) { int unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(queryID, i); int puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); if (puid == gEconUnit) { int unitPlanType = aiPlanGetType(kbUnitGetPlanID(unitID)); if (unitPlanType == cPlanGather || unitPlanType == cPlanBuild) { numberAvailableEconUnits = numberAvailableEconUnits + 1; } continue; } aiPlanAddUnitType(planID, puid, 0, 0, 200); } // Keep at least 30 karelian jaegers around or the equivalent wood amount float numberEconUnits = (0.0 - xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceWood) - 3000.0) / 100.0; if (numberEconUnits < 0.0) { numberEconUnits = numberAvailableEconUnits + numberEconUnits; if (numberEconUnits < 0.0) { numberEconUnits = 0.0; } } else { numberEconUnits = numberAvailableEconUnits; } aiPlanAddUnitType(planID, gEconUnit, 0, numberEconUnits, numberEconUnits); } //============================================================================== // updateMilitaryTrainPlanBuildings //============================================================================== void updateMilitaryTrainPlanBuildings(int baseID = -1) { static int buildingIDs = -1; int size = xsArrayGetSize(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans); int planID = -1; int buildingQuery = -1; int numberFound = 0; int buildingID = -1; int buildingPUID = -1; int numberBuildings = 0; if (buildingIDs < 0) { buildingIDs = xsArrayCreateInt(8, -1, "Temp train buildings"); } for (i = 0; < size) { planID = xsArrayGetInt(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans, i); if (planID < 0) { continue; } if (baseID < 0) { // Clear all buildings. aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(planID, cTrainPlanBuildingID, 1, true); } else { // Restrict train plan to train from the base if we can. if (buildingQuery < 0) { buildingQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery( cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, baseID), kbBaseGetDistance(cMyID, baseID)); numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(buildingQuery); } numberBuildings = 0; for (j = 0; < numberFound) { buildingID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(buildingQuery); buildingPUID = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(buildingID); if (kbProtoUnitCanTrain(buildingPUID, aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0)) == false) { continue; } xsArraySetInt(buildingIDs, numberBuildings, buildingID); numberBuildings++; } if (numberBuildings == 0) { aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(planID, cTrainPlanBuildingID, 1, true); } else { aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(planID, cTrainPlanBuildingID, numberBuildings, true); for (j = 0; < numberBuildings) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanBuildingID, j, xsArrayGetInt(buildingIDs, j)); } } } } } //============================================================================== /* militaryManager Create maintain plans for military unit lines. Control 'maintain' levels, buy upgrades. */ //============================================================================== rule militaryManager inactive minInterval 28 { static bool firstRun = false; // Flag to indicate vars, plans are initialized static int unitsNotMaintained = -1; static int unitsNotMaintainedValue = -1; static int unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade = -1; if (firstRun == false) { // Need to initialize, if we're allowed to. firstRun = true; if (cvNumArmyUnitTypes >= 0) { gNumArmyUnitTypes = cvNumArmyUnitTypes; } else { gNumArmyUnitTypes = 3; } gLandUnitPicker = initUnitPicker("Land military units", gNumArmyUnitTypes, 1, 30, -1, -1, 1, true); unitsNotMaintained = xsArrayCreateInt(3, -1, "Units not maintained"); unitsNotMaintainedValue = xsArrayCreateFloat(3, -1, "Units not maintained value"); unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade = xsArrayCreateInt(3, -1, "Units not maintained upgrade"); } if (gLandUnitPicker != -1) { int age = kbGetAge(); int targetPlayer = aiGetMostHatedPlayerID(); if (agingUp() == true) { age++; } // Update preferences in case btBiasEtc vars have changed, or cvPrimaryArmyUnit has changed. setUnitPickerPreference(gLandUnitPicker); kbUnitPickSetMinimumPop(gLandUnitPicker, 1); kbUnitPickSetMaximumPop(gLandUnitPicker, aiGetMilitaryPop()); if (cvNumArmyUnitTypes < 0) { if (age < cAge3) { gNumArmyUnitTypes = 2; } else { gNumArmyUnitTypes = 3; } kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes(gLandUnitPicker, gNumArmyUnitTypes, 1, true); } setUnitPickerCommon(gLandUnitPicker); // Bump up an age when we are transitioning to plan early for resources. kbUnitPickRun(gLandUnitPicker, age); int numMilitaryBuildings = xsArrayGetSize(gMilitaryBuildings); int planID = -1; int upgradePlanID = -1; float totalFactor = 0.0; int baseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); vector gatherPoint = kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(cMyID, baseID); int puid = -1; int buildingPUID = -1; int trainBuildingPUID = -1; int numberToMaintain = 0; int popCount = 0; int upgradeTechID = -1; float totalValue = 0.0; for (i = 0; < gNumArmyUnitTypes) { totalFactor = totalFactor + kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(gLandUnitPicker, i); } for (i = 0; < gNumArmyUnitTypes) { puid = kbUnitPickGetResult(gLandUnitPicker, i); trainBuildingPUID = -1; numberToMaintain = 0; popCount = kbGetProtoUnitPopCount(puid); // Update maintain plan. planID = xsArrayGetInt(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans, i); if (planID >= 0 && puid != aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0)) { int otherPlanID = -1; for (j = i + 1; < gNumArmyUnitTypes) { otherPlanID = xsArrayGetInt(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans, j); if (otherPlanID >= 0 && puid == aiPlanGetVariableInt(otherPlanID, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0)) { xsArraySetInt(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans, j, planID); break; } otherPlanID = -1; } if (otherPlanID < 0) { aiPlanDestroy(planID); planID = -1; } else { planID = otherPlanID; xsArraySetInt(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans, i, planID); } } if (planID < 0 && puid >= 0) { planID = aiPlanCreate("Land military " + kbGetUnitTypeName(puid) + " maintain", cPlanTrain); // Unit type. aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0, puid); aiPlanSetBaseID(planID, baseID); aiPlanSetVariableVector(planID, cTrainPlanGatherPoint, 0, gatherPoint); aiPlanSetActive(planID); xsArraySetInt(gArmyUnitMaintainPlans, i, planID); debugMilitary("*** Creating maintain plan for " + kbGetUnitTypeName(puid)); } if (popCount > 0) { numberToMaintain = (kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(gLandUnitPicker, i) / totalFactor) * aiGetMilitaryPop() / popCount; } else { numberToMaintain = (kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(gLandUnitPicker, i) / totalFactor) * aiGetMilitaryPop() / (kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceFood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceGold)); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); for (j = 0; < numMilitaryBuildings) { buildingPUID = xsArrayGetInt(gMilitaryBuildings, j); if (kbProtoUnitCanTrain(buildingPUID, puid) == true) { trainBuildingPUID = buildingPUID; break; } } // create a research plan. if (trainBuildingPUID >= 0 && age >= cAge3) { upgradeTechID = kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade(puid, trainBuildingPUID); if (upgradeTechID >= 0) { upgradePlanID = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanTechID, upgradeTechID); if (upgradePlanID < 0) { upgradePlanID = aiPlanCreate("Research " + kbGetTechName(upgradeTechID), cPlanResearch); aiPlanSetVariableInt(upgradePlanID, cResearchPlanTechID, 0, upgradeTechID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(upgradePlanID, cResearchPlanBuildingTypeID, 0, trainBuildingPUID); aiPlanSetActive(upgradePlanID); debugMilitary("*** Creating research plan for " + kbGetTechName(upgradeTechID)); } aiPlanSetParentID(upgradePlanID, planID); totalValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceFood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceGold); totalValue = totalValue * kbUnitCount(cMyID, puid, cUnitStateABQ); // Below default priority if we do not have enough units. if (totalValue < 1000.0) { aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(upgradePlanID, 45 - (5 - totalValue / 200)); } else { aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(upgradePlanID, 50); } } } xsArraySetInt(gArmyUnitBuildings, i, trainBuildingPUID); } // Also research upgrades for units not maintained. if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyModerate && age >= cAge3) { // Remove any units in the unit picker. for (i = 0; < 3) { puid = xsArrayGetInt(unitsNotMaintained, i); if (puid < 0) { continue; } for (j = 0; < gNumArmyUnitTypes) { if (puid == kbUnitPickGetResult(gLandUnitPicker, j)) { xsArraySetInt(unitsNotMaintained, i, -1); upgradePlanID = xsArrayGetInt(unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade, i); if (upgradePlanID >= 0) { if (aiPlanGetParentID(upgradePlanID) < 0) { aiPlanDestroy(upgradePlanID); } xsArraySetInt(unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade, i, -1); } puid = -1; break; } } if (puid >= 0) { totalValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceFood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceGold); totalValue = totalValue * kbUnitCount(cMyID, puid, cUnitStateAlive); xsArraySetFloat(unitsNotMaintainedValue, i, totalValue); } else { xsArraySetFloat(unitsNotMaintainedValue, i, 0.0); } } int militaryQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(militaryQuery); int unitID = -1; int militaryPUID = -1; float lowestTotalValue = 0.0; int lowestTotalValueIndex = 0; // Query all units, pick unit types with the highest total value. for (i = 0; < numberFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(militaryQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); // Avoid unit types in the unit picker. for (j = 0; < gNumArmyUnitTypes) { if (puid == kbUnitPickGetResult(gLandUnitPicker, j)) { puid = -1; break; } } if (puid < 0) { break; } // Ignore unit types already in the array. for (j = 0; < 3) { if (puid == xsArrayGetInt(unitsNotMaintained, j)) { puid = -1; break; } } if (puid < 0) { break; } // Pick unit type in the array with the lowest value and replace it. lowestTotalValue = 99999.0; lowestTotalValueIndex = 0; for (j = 0; < 3) { militaryPUID = xsArrayGetInt(unitsNotMaintained, j); totalValue = xsArrayGetFloat(unitsNotMaintainedValue, j); if (militaryPUID < 0 || lowestTotalValue > totalValue) { lowestTotalValue = totalValue; lowestTotalValueIndex = j; break; } } totalValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceFood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceGold); totalValue = totalValue * kbUnitCount(cMyID, puid, cUnitStateAlive); if (totalValue > lowestTotalValue) { xsArraySetInt(unitsNotMaintained, lowestTotalValueIndex, puid); xsArraySetFloat(unitsNotMaintainedValue, lowestTotalValueIndex, totalValue); upgradePlanID = xsArrayGetInt(unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade, lowestTotalValueIndex); if (upgradePlanID >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(upgradePlanID); } xsArraySetInt(unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade, lowestTotalValueIndex, -1); } } // Research upgrades when available. for (i = 0; < 3) { puid = xsArrayGetInt(unitsNotMaintained, i); for (j = 0; < numMilitaryBuildings) { buildingPUID = xsArrayGetInt(gMilitaryBuildings, j); if (kbProtoUnitCanTrain(buildingPUID, puid) == true) { trainBuildingPUID = buildingPUID; break; } } if (trainBuildingPUID >= 0) { upgradeTechID = kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade(puid, trainBuildingPUID); if (upgradeTechID >= 0) { upgradePlanID = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanTechID, upgradeTechID); if (upgradePlanID < 0) { upgradePlanID = aiPlanCreate("Research " + kbGetTechName(upgradeTechID), cPlanResearch); aiPlanSetVariableInt(upgradePlanID, cResearchPlanTechID, 0, upgradeTechID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(upgradePlanID, cResearchPlanBuildingTypeID, 0, trainBuildingPUID); aiPlanSetActive(upgradePlanID); debugMilitary("*** Creating research plan for " + kbGetTechName(upgradeTechID)); } totalValue = xsArrayGetFloat(unitsNotMaintainedValue, i); // below default priority if we do not have enough units. if (totalValue < 1000.0) { aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(upgradePlanID, 45 - (5 - totalValue / 200)); } else { aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(upgradePlanID, 50); } xsArraySetInt(unitsNotMaintainedUpgrade, i, upgradePlanID); } } } } if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyExpert) { planID = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanCombat, cCombatPlanCombatType, cCombatPlanCombatTypeAttack); if (planID >= 0 && aiPlanGetVariableBool(planID, cCombatPlanAllowMoreUnitsDuringAttack, 0) == true) { baseID = gForwardBaseID; } else { baseID = -1; } updateMilitaryTrainPlanBuildings(baseID); } } } //============================================================================== /* delayAttackMonitor We're on cDifficultyEasy aka Standard difficulty. It means we can't attack until AFTER someone has attacked us, or until we've reached age 4. It can also be that the loader file has set gDelayAttacks to false for this difficulty directly. */ //============================================================================== rule delayAttackMonitor inactive minInterval 10 { if ((gDelayAttacks == false) || (kbGetAge() >= cAge4) || (gDefenseReflexBaseID == kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID))) { xsEnableRule("mostHatedEnemy"); // Picks a target for us to attack. mostHatedEnemy(); // Instantly get a target so our managers have something to work with. xsEnableRule("attackManager"); // Land attacking / defending allies. if (gNavyMap == true) { xsEnableRule("waterAttack"); // Water attacking. } xsDisableSelf(); } } //============================================================================== // attackManager // This rule analyzes the current situation in the game and decides if we should // attack an enemy OR defend an ally in need. //============================================================================== rule attackManager inactive minInterval 15 { int mainBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); static int currentPlayer = -1; static int currentBaseIndex = -1; // Don't attack under treaty or main base is under attack or we want to focus on aging up or if we already have an attack / // "real" defend plan. if ((aiTreatyActive() == true) || (gDefenseReflexBaseID == mainBaseID) || (aiPlanGetActualResourcePriority(gAgeUpResearchPlan) >= 52) || (isDefendingOrAttacking() == true)) { debugMilitary("Quiting attackManager early because we're not allowed to make a plan"); debugMilitary("gDefenseReflexBaseID: " + gDefenseReflexBaseID + ", mainBaseID: " + mainBaseID); debugMilitary("gAgeUpResearchPlan prio: " + aiPlanGetActualResourcePriority(gAgeUpResearchPlan)); debugMilitary("isDefendingOrAttacking: " + isDefendingOrAttacking()); // Reset current player and base index if we are interrupted. if (currentPlayer >= 0 && currentBaseIndex >= 0) { currentPlayer = -1; currentBaseIndex = -1; xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(15); } return; } static int baseQuery = -1; static int baseEnemyQuery = -1; bool defendingMonopoly = false; bool attackingMonopoly = false; bool defendingKOTH = false; bool attackingKOTH = false; int currentTime = xsGetTime(); int numberUnits = 0; int numberFound = 0; int numberEnemyFound = 0; int numberBases = 0; int baseID = -1; vector mainBaseLocation = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID); int mainAreaGroup = kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(mainBaseLocation); int baseAreaGroup = -1; vector baseLocation = cInvalidVector; vector location = cInvalidVector; float baseDistance = 0.0; float armyPower = 0.0; float buildingPower = 0.0; float militaryPower = 0.0; float enemyMilitaryPower = 0.0; float affordable = 0.0; float baseAssets = 0.0; float distancePenalty = 0.0; float score = 0.0; bool isEnemy = false; bool isKOTH = false; bool isTradingPost = false; bool shouldAttack = false; int availableMilitaryPop = aiGetAvailableMilitaryPop(); int unitID = -1; int puid = -1; float unitPower = 0.0; static int targetBaseID = -1; static vector targetBaseLocation = cInvalidVector; static int targetPlayer = 2; static bool targetIsEnemy = true; static bool targetShouldAttack = false; static float targetAffordable = 0.0; static float targetBaseAssets = 0.0; static float targetDistancePenalty = 0.0; static float targetScore = 0.0; float maxBaseAssets = 100.0; int planID = -1; bool isItalianWars = (cRandomMapName == "euItalianWars"); bool isNorthernWars = (cRandomMapName == "eugreatnorthernwar"); int cityStateQuery = -1; bool isCityState = false; int numberControlledCityStates = 0; int crateFlagQuery = -1; int numberBasesProcessed = 0; if (baseQuery < 0) // First run. { baseQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("attackBaseQuery"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(baseQuery, true); baseEnemyQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("attackBaseEnemyQuery"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(baseEnemyQuery, true); } if (gIsMonopolyRunning == true) { if (gMonopolyTeam == kbGetPlayerTeam(cMyID)) { defendingMonopoly = true; // We're defending, let's not go launching any attacks. } else { attackingMonopoly = true; // We're attacking, focus on trade posts. } } else if (isItalianWars == true && kbCounterGetCurrentValue("leagueVictoryTimer") < 600) { // Italian Wars League Victory as Trade Monopoly. cityStateQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypedeSPCSocketCityState, cPlayerRelationAny, cUnitStateAny); numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(cityStateQuery); for (i = 0; i < numberFound; i++) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(cityStateQuery, i); if (kbIsPlayerAlly(kbUnitGetPlayerID(unitID)) == true) { numberControlledCityStates++; } } if (numberControlledCityStates > (numberFound / 2)) { attackingMonopoly = true; } else { defendingMonopoly = true; } } if (gIsKOTHRunning == true || aiIsKOTHAllowed() == true) { if (gKOTHTeam == kbGetPlayerTeam(cMyID)) { defendingKOTH = true; // We're defending, let's not go launching any attacks. } else { attackingKOTH = true; // We're attacking, focus on the hill. } } numberUnits = aiPlanGetNumberUnits(gLandReservePlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); for (i = 0; < numberUnits) { unitID = aiPlanGetUnitByIndex(gLandReservePlan, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); armyPower = armyPower + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); } // Reset target values if current player or base index is invalid. if (currentPlayer < 0 || currentBaseIndex < 0) { targetBaseID = -1; targetBaseLocation = cInvalidVector; targetPlayer = 2; targetIsEnemy = true; targetShouldAttack = false; targetAffordable = 0.0; targetBaseAssets = 0.0; targetDistancePenalty = 0.0; targetScore = 0.0; currentPlayer = 0; currentBaseIndex = 0; } // Go through all players' bases and calculate values for comparison. for (player = currentPlayer; < cNumberPlayers) { cityStateQuery = -1; if (player == 0) { if (isItalianWars == true) { cityStateQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypedeSPCSocketCityState, 0, cUnitStateAny); } else if (isNorthernWars == true) { crateFlagQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypedeSPCCrateFlag, 0, cUnitStateAny); } else { continue; } } if (cityStateQuery >= 0) { numberBases = kbUnitQueryExecute(cityStateQuery); isEnemy = true; } else if (crateFlagQuery >= 0) { numberBases = kbUnitQueryExecute(crateFlagQuery); isEnemy = true; } else { if (player == cMyID || kbHasPlayerLost(player) == true) { continue; } numberBases = kbBaseGetNumber(player); isEnemy = kbIsPlayerEnemy(player); if (isEnemy == true && (cvPlayerToAttack > 0 && cvPlayerToAttack != player && kbHasPlayerLost(cvPlayerToAttack) == false)) { continue; } } for (baseIndex = currentBaseIndex; < numberBases) { int cityStateID = -1; int crateFlagID = -1; // Split into multiple runs if we have a lot of bases to process. if (numberBasesProcessed >= 2) { currentPlayer = player; currentBaseIndex = baseIndex; xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(1); debugMilitary("attackManager: too many bases to process, splitting into multiple updates"); return; } if (cityStateQuery >= 0) // city state, treat the gaia controlled city state as an enemy base. { baseID = -1; cityStateID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(cityStateQuery, baseIndex); baseLocation = kbUnitGetPosition(cityStateID); baseDistance = 30.0; } else if (crateFlagQuery >= 0) { baseID = -1; crateFlagID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(crateFlagQuery, baseIndex); baseLocation = kbUnitGetPosition(crateFlagID); baseDistance = 20.0; } else { baseID = kbBaseGetIDByIndex(player, baseIndex); baseLocation = kbBaseGetLocation(player, baseID); baseDistance = kbBaseGetDistance(player, baseID); } kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID(baseQuery, player); kbUnitQuerySetState(baseQuery, cUnitStateABQ); kbUnitQuerySetPosition(baseQuery, baseLocation); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(baseQuery, baseDistance); if (crateFlagQuery >= 0) { kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(baseQuery, cUnitTypeAbstractResourceCrate); } else { kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(baseQuery, cUnitTypeHasBountyValue); } kbUnitQueryResetResults(baseQuery); numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(baseQuery); buildingPower = 0.0; militaryPower = 0.0; enemyMilitaryPower = 0.0; // Gaia city states, prioritize them over everything. if (cityStateQuery >= 0) { baseAssets = 99999.0; } else if (crateFlagQuery >= 0) { // 300 points for each resource crate. baseAssets = numberFound * 300.0; // don't go through query results again. numberFound = 0; } else { baseAssets = 0.0; } isKOTH = false; isTradingPost = false; shouldAttack = true; isCityState = false; if (isEnemy == true) { if (currentTime - gLastAttackMissionTime < gAttackMissionInterval) { shouldAttack = false; } } else { if (currentTime - gLastDefendMissionTime < gDefendMissionInterval) { shouldAttack = false; } } for (i = 0; < numberFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(baseQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); switch (puid) { case cUnitTypeypKingsHill: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 1600.0; isKOTH = true; break; } case cUnitTypeTownCenter: case cUnitTypedeSPCCommandPost: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 1000.0; break; } // Buildings generating resources. case cUnitTypeBank: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 800.0; break; } case cUnitTypeFactory: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 1600.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWCPorcelainTower2: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 800.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWCPorcelainTower3: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 1200.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWCPorcelainTower4: case cUnitTypeypWCPorcelainTower5: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 1600.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypShrineJapanese: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 200.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWJToshoguShrine2: case cUnitTypeypWJToshoguShrine3: case cUnitTypeypWJToshoguShrine4: case cUnitTypeypWJToshoguShrine5: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 400.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeHouseInca: case cUnitTypedeTorp: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 200.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeMountainMonastery: case cUnitTypedeUniversity: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 300.0; break; } // Buildings automatically creating military units. case cUnitTypeypWCSummerPalace2: case cUnitTypeypWCSummerPalace3: case cUnitTypeypWCSummerPalace4: case cUnitTypeypWCSummerPalace5: case cUnitTypeypDojo: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 1200.0; break; } // Buildings with HC drop off point. case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: case cUnitTypeOutpost: case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: case cUnitTypeypCastle: case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: case cUnitTypedeTower: // Military buildings. case cUnitTypeBarracks: case cUnitTypeStable: case cUnitTypeArtilleryDepot: case cUnitTypeCorral: case cUnitTypeypWarAcademy: case cUnitTypeYPBarracksIndian: case cUnitTypeypCaravanserai: case cUnitTypeypBarracksJapanese: case cUnitTypeypStableJapanese: case cUnitTypedeKallanka: case cUnitTypedeWarCamp: case cUnitTypedeHospital: case cUnitTypedeCommandery: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 100.0; break; } case cUnitTypedePalace: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 200.0; break; } // Villagers. case cUnitTypeSettlerWagon: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 400.0; break; } case cUnitTypeSettler: case cUnitTypeCoureur: case cUnitTypeCoureurCree: case cUnitTypeSettlerNative: case cUnitTypeypSettlerAsian: case cUnitTypeypSettlerIndian: case cUnitTypeypSettlerJapanese: case cUnitTypedeSettlerAfrican: { baseAssets = baseAssets + 200.0; break; } default: { if (kbUnitIsType(unitID, cUnitTypeTradingPost) == true) { if (isItalianWars == true && kbUnitGetSubCiv(unitID) == cCivSPCCityState) { baseAssets += 2000.0; isCityState = true; } else if (kbUnitGetSubCiv(unitID) >= 0) { baseAssets += 400.0; } else // Trade route trading post. { baseAssets += 1600.0; } isTradingPost = true; } break; } } } // Ignore base when we have no good targets to attack. if (baseAssets == 0.0) { continue; } // Prioritize trade monopoly and king's hill when active. if ((attackingMonopoly == true || defendingMonopoly == true) && isTradingPost == false) { // When Italian Wars League Victory is active, only attack those TPs. if (isItalianWars == false || isCityState == true) { shouldAttack = false; } } if ((attackingKOTH == true || defendingKOTH == true) && isKOTH == false) { shouldAttack = false; } if (isEnemy == false) { kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(baseEnemyQuery, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia); kbUnitQuerySetState(baseEnemyQuery, cUnitStateABQ); kbUnitQuerySetPosition(baseEnemyQuery, baseLocation); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(baseEnemyQuery, baseDistance + 10.0); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(baseEnemyQuery, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); kbUnitQueryResetResults(baseEnemyQuery); numberEnemyFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(baseEnemyQuery); for (i = 0; < numberEnemyFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(baseQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); enemyMilitaryPower = enemyMilitaryPower + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); } if (enemyMilitaryPower == 0.0) { continue; } } for (i = 0; < numberFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(baseQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); switch (puid) { case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: { buildingPower = buildingPower + 10.0; break; } case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: case cUnitTypeOutpost: case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: { buildingPower = buildingPower + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: case cUnitTypeTownCenter: case cUnitTypedeSPCCommandPost: { buildingPower = buildingPower + 4.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypCastle: { buildingPower = buildingPower + 3.5; break; } } if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) { militaryPower = militaryPower + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); } } // Avoid division by 0. if ((militaryPower + buildingPower) < 1.0) { militaryPower = 1.0; buildingPower = 0.0; } if (isEnemy == true) { // Do we have enough power to defeat the target base? if (armyPower < militaryPower && availableMilitaryPop > 0) { shouldAttack = false; } } else { // Is my ally really in trouble and can I handle the attack? if ((militaryPower + buildingPower > enemyMilitaryPower) || (armyPower + militaryPower + buildingPower < enemyMilitaryPower * 0.8)) { shouldAttack = false; } } // Prioritize defending allies. if (isEnemy == true && targetIsEnemy == false) { shouldAttack = false; } if (cDifficultyCurrent >= gDifficultyExpert) { // Avoid attacking until 5 minutes passed after aging up. if ((btRushBoom <= -0.5 && kbGetAge() < cAge4) || (btRushBoom <= 0.0 && kbGetAge() < cAge3)) { if (currentTime - gAgeUpTime < 300000) { shouldAttack = false; } } } if (baseAssets > maxBaseAssets) { maxBaseAssets = baseAssets; targetScore = (targetBaseAssets / maxBaseAssets) * targetAffordable * targetDistancePenalty; } if (isEnemy == true) { affordable = armyPower / (militaryPower + buildingPower); } else { affordable = (armyPower + militaryPower + buildingPower) / enemyMilitaryPower; } // Adjust for distance. If < 100m, leave as is. Over 100m to 400m, penalize 10% per 100m. distancePenalty = distance(mainBaseLocation, baseLocation) / 1000.0; if (distancePenalty > 0.4) { distancePenalty = 0.4; } // Increase penalty by 40% if transporting is required. baseAreaGroup = kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(baseLocation); if (mainAreaGroup != baseAreaGroup) { distancePenalty = distancePenalty + 0.4; } distancePenalty = 1.0 - distancePenalty; score = (baseAssets / maxBaseAssets) * affordable * distancePenalty; if (score > targetScore || (shouldAttack == true && targetShouldAttack == false)) { targetBaseID = baseID; targetBaseLocation = baseLocation; targetPlayer = player; targetIsEnemy = isEnemy; targetBaseAssets = baseAssets; targetAffordable = affordable; targetDistancePenalty = distancePenalty; targetScore = score; targetShouldAttack = shouldAttack; } numberBasesProcessed++; } // If we found a city state target, break now. if (isItalianWars == true && cityStateQuery >= 0 && targetShouldAttack == true) { break; } // Set current base index to 0 to start from the first base of the next player. currentBaseIndex = 0; } // Reset current player and base index and restore rule interval. currentPlayer = -1; currentBaseIndex = -1; xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(15); // Update target player. if (targetIsEnemy == true) { aiSetMostHatedPlayerID(targetPlayer); } if (targetBaseID < 0 || targetShouldAttack == false) { // If we got nothing, and KOTH is active, grab the KOTH location. if (defendingKOTH == true || attackingKOTH == true) { targetIsEnemy = attackingKOTH; int kothID = getUnit(cUnitTypeypKingsHill, cPlayerRelationAny, cUnitStateAlive); targetPlayer = kbUnitGetPlayerID(kothID); targetBaseLocation = kbUnitGetPosition(kothID); } // Exclude city state, which doesn't have a base ID. else if (targetPlayer > 0) { // If we haven't attacked for too long and have plenty of resources in stock, attack anyway. if (targetIsEnemy == true) { if (currentTime - gLastAttackMissionTime < 2 * gAttackMissionInterval) { return; } } // No time check for defend, be a more helpful ally. // We have more resources to train a full army again. if ((xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceGold) > 0.0 || xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceWood) > 0.0 || xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceFood) > 0.0) || ((xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceGold) + xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceWood) + xsArrayGetFloat(gResourceNeeds, cResourceFood)) < 100 * aiGetMilitaryPop())) { return; } debugMilitary("We have too much resources in stock, and idled our army for too long, "+(targetIsEnemy ? "attacking" : "defending")); } } /*else { targetBaseLocation = kbBaseGetLocation(targetPlayer, targetBaseID); }*/ vector gatherPoint = kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(cMyID, mainBaseID); if (targetIsEnemy == true) { planID = aiPlanCreate("Attack Player " + targetPlayer + " Base " + targetBaseID, cPlanCombat); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeAttack); if (targetBaseID >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModeBase); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, targetBaseID); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, targetPlayer); aiPlanSetVariableVector(planID, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, baseLocation); aiPlanSetVariableVector(planID, cCombatPlanGatherPoint, 0, gatherPoint); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 40.0); /*baseAreaGroup = kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(baseLocation); if (mainAreaGroup == baseAreaGroup) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePattern, 0, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePatternBest); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePattern, 0, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePatternRandom); }*/ aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePattern, 0, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePatternRandom); // Override the route when it is valid. int routeID = cvCreateBaseAttackRoute(targetPlayer, targetBaseID); if (routeID >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanAttackRouteID, 0, routeID); // aiPlanSetVariableBool(planID, cCombatPlanRefreshAttackRoute, 0, false); } if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard) { if (cDifficultyCurrent >= gDifficultyExpert) { aiPlanSetVariableBool(planID, cCombatPlanAllowMoreUnitsDuringAttack, 0, true); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 300); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanDoneMode, 0, cCombatPlanDoneModeRetreat | cCombatPlanDoneModeBaseGone); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanRetreatMode, 0, cCombatPlanRetreatModeOutnumbered); updateMilitaryTrainPlanBuildings(gForwardBaseID); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 1000); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanDoneMode, 0, cCombatPlanDoneModeBaseGone); } // If we do not have a base, destroy the plan when we have no targets. if (targetBaseID < 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanDoneMode, 0, cCombatPlanDoneModeNoTarget | aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanDoneMode, 0)); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanNoTargetTimeout, 0, 30000); } aiPlanSetBaseID(planID, mainBaseID); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(planID, gatherPoint); addUnitsToMilitaryPlan(planID); aiPlanSetActive(planID); gLastAttackMissionTime = xsGetTime(); debugMilitary("***** LAUNCHING ATTACK on player " + targetPlayer + " base " + targetBaseID); } else { planID = aiPlanCreate("Defend Player " + targetPlayer + " Base " + targetBaseID, cPlanCombat); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeDefend); if (targetBaseID >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModeBase); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, targetBaseID); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, targetPlayer); aiPlanSetVariableVector(planID, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, baseLocation); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard ? 300 : 1000); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanDoneMode, 0, cCombatPlanDoneModeNoTarget | cCombatPlanDoneModeRetreat); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanNoTargetTimeout, 0, 30000); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cCombatPlanRetreatMode, 0, cCombatPlanRetreatModeOutnumbered); aiPlanSetOrphan(planID, true); addUnitsToMilitaryPlan(planID); aiPlanSetActive(planID); gLastDefendMissionTime = xsGetTime(); debugMilitary("***** DEFENDING player " + targetPlayer + " base " + targetBaseID); } } void navalAttackPlanHandler(int planID = -1) { if (aiPlanGetState(planID) == -1) { // Done so reset the global. gNavyAttackPlan = -1; } } /* Naval Priorities explained: Defending = 15 when not under attack so war ships that can fish will do so. Fishing = 19. Exploring = 20 so fishing ships can be used for it. Repairing = 22 so the war ships do defend but will chose repairing over fishing. Defending = 25 when under attack so war ships that can fish will actually fight. Attacking = 60 so all war ships will go on the attack. Transport = 100 so the ships will actually deliver the units reliably. */ //============================================================================== // waterAttack // Creates the attack plans for our naval units. //============================================================================== rule waterAttack inactive minInterval 30 { int age = kbGetAge(); int time = xsGetTime(); if ((gLastNavalAttackTime > time - gAttackMissionInterval) || (aiTreatyActive() == true)) { return; } if (gNavyAttackPlan >= 0) { return; // We don't want multiple attack plans. } if (age < cAge3) { if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cUnitStateAlive) < 2) { return; // We don't attack with fewer than 2 war ships in age 2. } } else { if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cUnitStateAlive) < 3) { return; // We don't attack with fewer than 3 war ships. } } int targetDockID = getClosestUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractDock, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, gNavyVec, 400.0); // Get any enemy Dock within 400 range of our gNavyVec to attack. if (targetDockID < 0) // If there's no dock then pick something else { targetDockID = getClosestUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, gNavyVec, 300.0); // Get any enemy Warship within 300 range of our gNavyVec to attack. } if (targetDockID >= 0) // There's something to attack. { vector targetDockPosition = kbUnitGetPosition(targetDockID); int navalTargetPlayer = kbUnitGetPlayerID(targetDockID); gNavyAttackPlan = aiPlanCreate("NAVAL Attack Player: " + navalTargetPlayer + ", targetDockID: " + targetDockID, cPlanCombat); aiPlanAddUnitType(gNavyAttackPlan, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, 3, 200, 200); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeAttack); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, navalTargetPlayer); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, targetDockPosition); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanGatherPoint, 0, gNavyVec); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 40.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePattern, 0, cCombatPlanAttackRoutePatternRandom); if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard) { if (cDifficultyCurrent >= gDifficultyExpert) { aiPlanSetVariableBool(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanAllowMoreUnitsDuringAttack, 0, true); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 300); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 1000); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanDoneMode, 0, cCombatPlanDoneModeRetreat | cCombatPlanDoneModeNoTarget); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanRetreatMode, 0, cCombatPlanRetreatModeOutnumbered); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyAttackPlan, cCombatPlanNoTargetTimeout, 0, 30000); aiPlanSetBaseID(gNavyAttackPlan, kbUnitGetBaseID(getUnit(gDockUnit, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive))); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(gNavyAttackPlan, gNavyVec); aiPlanSetActive(gNavyAttackPlan); gLastNavalAttackTime = time; debugMilitary("***** LAUNCHING NAVAL ATTACK on player: " + navalTargetPlayer + ", targetDockID: " + targetDockID); aiPlanSetEventHandler(gNavyAttackPlan, cPlanEventStateChange, "navalAttackPlanHandler"); } } //============================================================================== // waterDefend // Creates and manages the persistent defend plan for our naval units. //============================================================================== rule waterDefend inactive minInterval 10 { if (gNavyDefendPlan < 0) // First run, create a persistent defend plan. { gNavyDefendPlan = aiPlanCreate("Water Defend", cPlanCombat); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeDefend); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, gNavyVec); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(gNavyDefendPlan, gNavyVec); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanGatherPoint, 0, gNavyVec); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 40.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyDefendPlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard ? 300 : 1000); aiPlanAddUnitType(gNavyDefendPlan, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, 0, 200, 200); debugMilitary("Creating primary navy defend plan at: " + gNavyVec); aiPlanSetActive(gNavyDefendPlan); } int enemyQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive); kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(enemyQuery, true); // Only stop fishing when the enemy is actually near us. int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(enemyQuery); if (numberFound > 0) { aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(gNavyDefendPlan, 25); // Above fishing when there are enemies around. } else { aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(gNavyDefendPlan, 15); // Below fishing when there are no enemies around. } } //============================================================================== /* navyManager Create enough Docks for our age and difficulty. Create maintain plans for navy unit lines. Control 'maintain' levels. Monitor if we need to repair ships. */ //============================================================================== rule navyManager inactive minInterval 30 { int age = kbGetAge(); ///////////////// // Maintain war ships part. ///////////////// int ownDockID = getUnit(gDockUnit, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); vector ownDockPosition = kbUnitGetPosition(ownDockID); if (gCaravelMaintain < 0) // First run, initiliaze plans. { // Don't fire up maintain plans until we have a base ID, and repairing is no use either. // Only start training war ships when we're 5 minutes away from treaty ending. if ((ownDockID < 0) || (aiTreatyGetEnd() > xsGetTime() + 5 * 60 * 1000)) { return; } int baseID = kbUnitGetBaseID(ownDockID); // These initial maintain amounts mean nothing and get instantly overwritten. if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { gCaravelMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gCaravelUnit, 10, false, baseID, 1); // xpWarCanoe gFrigateMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gGalleonUnit, 5, false, baseID, 1); // xpTlalocCanoe } else if (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca) { gCaravelMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gCaravelUnit, 8, false, baseID, 1); // deChinchaRaft } else if (civIsNative() == true) { gCaravelMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gCaravelUnit, 10, false, baseID, 1); // xpWarCanoe gGalleonMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gGalleonUnit, 20, false, baseID, 1); // Canoe } else if ((cMyCiv == cCivChinese) || (cMyCiv == cCivSPCChinese)) { gCaravelMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gCaravelUnit, 5, false, baseID, 1); // War Junk gFrigateMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gFrigateUnit, 3, false, baseID, 1); // Fuchuan gMonitorMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gMonitorUnit, 2, false, baseID, 1); } else if (civIsAfrican() == true) { gCaravelMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gCaravelUnit, 5, false, baseID, 1); // Battle Canoe gFrigateMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gFrigateUnit, 2, false, baseID, 1); // Dhow/Xebec gMonitorMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gMonitorUnit, 2, false, baseID, 1); // Cannon Boat } else // Europeans. { gCaravelMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gCaravelUnit, 5, false, baseID, 1); gGalleonMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gGalleonUnit, 3, false, baseID, 1); gFrigateMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gFrigateUnit, 3, false, baseID, 1); gMonitorMaintain = createSimpleMaintainPlan(gMonitorUnit, 2, false, baseID, 1); } } int numberCaravels = 0; int numberGalleons = 0; int numberFrigates = 0; int numberMonitors = 0; if ((gStartOnDifferentIslands == true) || (gTimeToFish == true) || (age >= cAge3)) { int navyQuery = -1; int navySize = 0; int unitID = -1; int puid = -1; // We either focus on an enemy player which we find by searching for a Dock. // Or if we don't find a Dock we see if we're being "attacked" and focus on some of those ships. // If neither, we check if there are any nearby warships and if we have less than 2 or 3, depending on age int navyEnemyPlayer = kbUnitGetPlayerID(getClosestUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractDock, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, gNavyVec, 400.0)); if (navyEnemyPlayer < 0) { navyEnemyPlayer = kbUnitGetPlayerID(getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, ownDockPosition, 100)); // If enemy ships are within 100 meters we still need to train ships to defend ourselves. navyQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, navyEnemyPlayer, cUnitStateAlive); navySize = kbUnitQueryExecute(navyQuery); if (age == cAge2 && navySize < 2) { navyEnemyPlayer = kbUnitGetPlayerID(getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, ownDockPosition, 400)); // Make a navy if any enemy ships exist } if (age >= cAge3 && navySize < 3) { navyEnemyPlayer = kbUnitGetPlayerID(getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, ownDockPosition, 400)); // Make a navy if any enemy ships exist } } navyQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, navyEnemyPlayer, cUnitStateAlive); navySize = kbUnitQueryExecute(navyQuery); for (i = 0; < navySize) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(navyQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); gNetNavyValue += (kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceGold) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceInfluence)); } navyQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cMyID, cUnitStateABQ); navySize = kbUnitQueryExecute(navyQuery); int caravelLimit = 0; int galleonLimit = 0; int frigateLimit = 0; int monitorLimit = 0; caravelLimit = kbGetBuildLimit(cMyID, gCaravelUnit); if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec || cMyCiv == cCivXPIroquois || cMyCiv == cCivXPSioux) { galleonLimit = kbGetBuildLimit(cMyID, gGalleonUnit); } if (cMyCiv != cCivXPIroquois && cMyCiv != cCivXPSioux && cMyCiv != cCivDEInca && age >= cAge3) { frigateLimit = kbGetBuildLimit(cMyID, gFrigateUnit); } if (civIsNative() == false && age >= cAge4) { monitorLimit = kbGetBuildLimit(cMyID, gMonitorUnit); } for (i = 0; < navySize) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(navyQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); gNetNavyValue -= (kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceGold) + kbUnitCostPerResource(puid, cResourceInfluence)); switch (puid) { case gCaravelUnit: { numberCaravels++; break; } case gGalleonUnit: { numberGalleons++; break; } case gFrigateUnit: { numberFrigates++; break; } case gMonitorUnit: { numberMonitors++; break; } } } // 3 More Frigate or 1-3 Caravel or equivalent amount of war ships than enemy depending on difficulty if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard) { if (age <= cAge2) { gNetNavyValue += 1200; // three caravels } else { gNetNavyValue += 2400; // three frigates } } else { gNetNavyValue += 400.0; } debugMilitary("Navy enemy player is " + navyEnemyPlayer + ", net navy value is " + gNetNavyValue); int caravelValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(gCaravelUnit, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(gCaravelUnit, cResourceGold); int galleonValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(gGalleonUnit, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(gGalleonUnit, cResourceGold); // African Dhows/Xebecs cost influence. int frigateValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(gFrigateUnit, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(gFrigateUnit, cResourceGold) + kbUnitCostPerResource(gFrigateUnit, cResourceInfluence); int monitorValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(gMonitorUnit, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(gMonitorUnit, cResourceGold); // Prioritize ships in the following order - Age3: Caravel, Frigate, Monitor, Galleon. Age4: Frigate, Caravel, Monitor, Galleon. while (gNetNavyValue > 0.0) { if (age < cAge4 && numberCaravels < caravelLimit) { numberCaravels++; gNetNavyValue -= caravelValue; continue; } if (numberFrigates < frigateLimit) { numberFrigates++; gNetNavyValue -= frigateValue; continue; } if (age >= cAge4 && numberCaravels < caravelLimit) { numberCaravels++; gNetNavyValue -= caravelValue; continue; } if (numberMonitors < monitorLimit) { numberMonitors++; gNetNavyValue -= monitorValue; continue; } if (numberGalleons < galleonLimit) { numberGalleons++; gNetNavyValue -= galleonValue; continue; } break; } } else { gNetNavyValue = 0; } if (gCaravelMaintain >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gCaravelMaintain, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberCaravels); } if (gGalleonMaintain >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gGalleonMaintain, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberGalleons); } if (gMonitorMaintain >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gMonitorMaintain, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberMonitors); } if (gFrigateMaintain >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gFrigateMaintain, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberFrigates); } ///////////////// // Repair part. // We repurpose a combat defend plan to function as a repair plan by basically forcing a unit next to a Dock. ///////////////// if (ownDockID < 0) // Destroy the repair plan as soon as we have no Docks left. { if (gNavyRepairPlan >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(gNavyRepairPlan); gNavyRepairPlan = -1; } } else { if (gNavyRepairPlan < 0) { gNavyRepairPlan = aiPlanCreate("Navy Repair", cPlanCombat); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeDefend); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 10.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard ? 300 : 1000); aiPlanAddUnitType(gNavyRepairPlan, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, 0, 0, 0); // Up later. debugMilitary("Creating primary navy repair plan at: " + ownDockPosition); aiPlanSetActive(gNavyRepairPlan); } aiPlanSetVariableVector(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, ownDockPosition); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(gNavyRepairPlan, ownDockPosition); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gNavyRepairPlan, cCombatPlanGatherPoint, 0, ownDockPosition); int bestUnitID = -1; unitID = aiPlanGetUnitByIndex(gNavyRepairPlan, 0); if (kbUnitGetHealth(unitID) > 0.95) { aiTaskUnitMove(unitID, gNavyVec); aiPlanAddUnit(gNavyDefendPlan, unitID); } // Look for a ship to repair. float unitHitpoints = 0.0; int unitPlanID = -1; float bestUnitHitpoints = 9999.0; int shipQueryID = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(shipQueryID); for (i = 0; < numberFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(shipQueryID, i); unitPlanID = kbUnitGetPlanID(unitID); if ((aiPlanGetDesiredPriority(unitPlanID) > 22) || (aiPlanGetType(unitPlanID) == cPlanTransport) || (kbUnitGetHealth(unitID) > 0.95)) { continue; } unitHitpoints = kbUnitGetCurrentHitpoints(unitID); if (unitHitpoints < bestUnitHitpoints) { bestUnitID = unitID; bestUnitHitpoints = unitHitpoints; } } if (bestUnitID >= 0) { aiPlanAddUnitType(gNavyRepairPlan, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, 1, 1, 1); aiPlanAddUnit(gNavyRepairPlan, bestUnitID); } else { aiPlanAddUnitType(gNavyRepairPlan, cUnitTypeAbstractWarShip, 0, 0, 0); } } } //============================================================================== // setUnitPickerCommon //============================================================================== void setUnitPickerCommon(int upID = -1) { int targetPlayer = aiGetMostHatedPlayerID(); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight(upID, 1.0); if (gSPC == false) { kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 2.0); // Changed from 1.0 to dilute the power of the preference weight. // Late in game, less focus on taking down buildings. if (xsGetTime() < 900000 || kbUnitCount(targetPlayer, cUnitTypeBuilding, cUnitStateAlive | cUnitStateBuilding) >= 70) { kbUnitPickSetBuildingCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 0.5); } else { kbUnitPickSetBuildingCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 0.0); } } else { kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 1.0); // Leave it at 1.0 to avoid messing up SPC balance. kbUnitPickSetBuildingCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 0.25); } kbUnitPickSetCostWeight(upID, 0.0); // Default to land units. kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(upID, targetPlayer); kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType(upID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); // Set the default target types and weights, for use until we've seen enough actual units. kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 1.0); kbUnitPickAddBuildingCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeMilitaryBuilding, 1.0); kbUnitPickAddBuildingCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractTownCenter, 1.0); } //============================================================================== // setUnitPickerDisabledUnits //============================================================================== void setUnitPickerDisabledUnits(int upID = -1) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractNativeWarrior, 0.0); if (cMyCiv == cCivFrench) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeCoureur, 0.0); // Avoid Coureurs, they mess up econ/mil calcs. } // Never pick xpWarrior or xpDogSoldier, available via dance only. if (civIsNative() == true) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypexpWarrior, 0.0); } if (cMyCiv == cCivXPSioux) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypexpDogSoldier, 0.0); } if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypexpMedicineManAztec, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypexpSkullKnight, 0.0); } kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypMercFlailiphant, 0.0); /*kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypMercIronTroop, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypMercYojimbo, 0.0);*/ if ((cMyCiv == cCivIndians) || (cMyCiv == cCivSPCIndians)) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypSowarMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypRajputMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypSepoyMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypUrumiMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypZamburakMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypNatMercGurkhaJemadar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypMercFlailiphantMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypHowdahMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypMahoutMansabdar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypSiegeElephantMansabdar, 0.0); } if (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypedeChasqui, 0.0); } if (civIsAfrican() == true) { // Exclude units costing influence, they are handled in influenceManager. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeMercenary, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypedeBowmanLevy, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypedeSpearmanLevy, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypedeGunnerLevy, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypedeMaigadi, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypedeSebastopolMortar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeFalconet, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeOrganGun, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeCulverin, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeMortar, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypMahout, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeypHowdah, 0.0); } if (civIsAsian() == true && upID == gLandUnitPicker) { // Remove Consulate units. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractConsulateSiegeFortress, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractConsulateSiegeIndustrial, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractConsulateUnit, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractConsulateUnitColonial, 0.0); } } //============================================================================== /* setUnitPickerPreference Updates the unit picker biases, arbitrates between the potentially conflicting sources. Priority order is: 1) If control is from a trigger, that wins. The unit line specified in gCommandUnitLine gets a +.8, all others +.2 2) If control is ally command, ditto. (Can only be one unit due to UI limits. 3) If we're not under command, but cvPrimaryArmyUnit (and optionally cvSecondaryArmyUnit) are set, they rule. If just primary, it gets .8 to .2 for other classes. If primary and secondary, they get 1.0 and 0.5, others get 0.0. 4) If not under command and no cv's are set, we go with the btBiasCav, btBiasInf and btBiasArt line settings. */ //============================================================================== void setUnitPickerPreference(int upID = -1) { // Add the main unit lines. if (upID < 0) { return; } int enemyPlayerID = aiGetMostHatedPlayerID(); // Check for commanded unit preferences. if ((gUnitPickSource == cOpportunitySourceTrigger) || (gUnitPickSource == cOpportunitySourceAllyRequest)) { // We have an ally or trigger command, so bias everything for that one unit if (cvPrimaryArmyUnit < 0) { return; // This should never happen, it should be set when the unitPickSource is set. } kbUnitPickResetAll(upID); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractInfantry, 0.2); // Range 0.0 to 1.0. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractArtillery, 0.2); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry, 0.2); if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractLightInfantry, 0.2); } if ((cMyCiv == cCivDEEthiopians) || (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca)) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCoyoteMan, 0.2); } setUnitPickerDisabledUnits(upID); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cvPrimaryArmyUnit, 0.8); kbUnitPickRemovePreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractBannerArmy); return; } // Check for cv settings. if (cvPrimaryArmyUnit >= 0) { kbUnitPickResetAll(upID); // See if 1 or 2 lines set. If 1, score 0.8 vs. 0.2. If 2, score 1.0, 0.5 and 0.0. if (cvSecondaryArmyUnit < 0) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractInfantry, 0.2); // Range 0.0 to 1.0. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractArtillery, 0.2); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry, 0.2); if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractLightInfantry, 0.2); } if ((cMyCiv == cCivDEEthiopians) || (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca)) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCoyoteMan, 0.2); } setUnitPickerDisabledUnits(upID); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cvPrimaryArmyUnit, 0.8); kbUnitPickRemovePreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractBannerArmy); } else { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractInfantry, 0.0); // Range 0.0 to 1.0. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractArtillery, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry, 0.0); if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractLightInfantry, 0.0); } if ((cMyCiv == cCivDEEthiopians) || (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca)) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCoyoteMan, 0.0); } setUnitPickerDisabledUnits(upID); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cvPrimaryArmyUnit, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cvSecondaryArmyUnit, 0.5); if (cvTertiaryArmyUnit >= 0) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cvTertiaryArmyUnit, 0.5); } kbUnitPickRemovePreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractBannerArmy); } return; } kbUnitPickSetMinimumCounterModePop(upID, 15); // No commands active. No primary unit set. Go with our default biases. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractInfantry, 0.5 + (btBiasInf / 2.0)); // Range 0.0 to 1.0. kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractArtillery, 0.5 + (btBiasArt / 2.0)); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry, 0.5 + (btBiasCav / 2.0)); if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractLightInfantry, 0.5 + (btBiasCav / 2.0)); } if ((cMyCiv == cCivDEEthiopians) || (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca)) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractCoyoteMan, 0.5 + (btBiasCav / 2.0)); } // Disable Grenadiers, Outlaws, and Merceneries in the Commerce Age because they mess with our eco too much. if (kbGetAge() <= cAge2) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeGrenadier, 0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractOutlaw, 0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeMercenary, 0); } setUnitPickerDisabledUnits(upID); if (((cMyCiv == cCivJapanese || cMyCiv == cCivSPCJapanese || cMyCiv == cCivSPCJapaneseEnemy || cMyCiv == cCivOttomans) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypChurch, cUnitStateAlive) == 0)) || // Disable spies when low on mercenaries. kbUnitCount(enemyPlayerID, cUnitTypeMercenary, cUnitStateAlive) < 8) { kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypexpSpy, 0.0); } kbUnitPickRemovePreferenceFactor(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractBannerArmy); } //============================================================================== // initUnitPicker //============================================================================== int initUnitPicker(string name = "BUG", int numberTypes = 1, int minUnits = 10, int maxUnits = 20, int minPop = -1, int maxPop = -1, int numberBuildings = 1, bool guessEnemyUnitType = false) { // Create it. int upID = kbUnitPickCreate(name); if (upID < 0) { return (-1); } // Default init. kbUnitPickResetAll(upID); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight(upID, 1.0); if (gSPC == false) { kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 2.0); // Changed from 1.0 to dilute the power of the preference weight. kbUnitPickSetBuildingCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 0.5); } else { kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 1.0); // Leave it at 1.0 to avoid messing up SPC balance kbUnitPickSetBuildingCombatEfficiencyWeight(upID, 0.25); } kbUnitPickSetCostWeight(upID, 0.0); // Desired number units types, buildings. kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes(upID, numberTypes, numberBuildings, true); // Min/Max units and Min/Max pop. kbUnitPickSetMinimumNumberUnits(upID, minUnits); // Sets "need" level on attack plans // Sets "max" level on attack plans, sets "numberToMaintain" on train. // plans for primary unit, half that for secondary, 1/4 for tertiary, etc. kbUnitPickSetMaximumNumberUnits(upID, maxUnits); // Default to land units. kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(upID, aiGetMostHatedPlayerID()); kbUnitPickSetAttackUnitType(upID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); kbUnitPickSetGoalCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); // Set the default target types and weights, for use until we've seen enough actual units. // kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 1.0); kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeSettler, 0.2);// We need to build units that can kill settlers efficiently. kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeHussar, 0.2); // Major component. kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeMusketeer, 0.4); // Bigger component. kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypePikeman, 0.1); // Minor component. kbUnitPickAddCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeCrossbowman, 0.1); // Minor component. kbUnitPickAddBuildingCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeMilitaryBuilding, 1.0); kbUnitPickAddBuildingCombatEfficiencyType(upID, cUnitTypeAbstractTownCenter, 1.0); setUnitPickerPreference(upID); // Set generic preferences for this civ. return (upID); } //============================================================================== // nativeMonitor // Make and update maintain plans for native warriors since they don't show up often. //============================================================================== rule nativeMonitor inactive minInterval 30 { static int nativeUPID = -1; static int nativeMaintainPlans = -1; static int nativeBuildingIDs = -1; if (nativeUPID < 0) { // Create it. nativeUPID = kbUnitPickCreate("Native Warrior"); if (nativeUPID < 0) { return; } nativeMaintainPlans = xsArrayCreateInt(3, -1, "Native warrior maintain plans"); nativeBuildingIDs = xsArrayCreateInt(3, -1, "Native warrior buildings"); } int trainUnitID = -1; int planID = -1; int numberToMaintain = 0; int militaryPopPercentage = btBiasNative * 10 + 10; int buildLimit = 0; int upgradeTechID = -1; int upgradePlanID = -1; float totalValue = 0.0; int trainBuildingID = -2; int mainBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); vector mainBaseLocation = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID); float mainBaseDist = kbBaseGetDistance(cMyID, mainBaseID); int age = kbGetAge(); // Default init. kbUnitPickResetAll(nativeUPID); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceWeight(nativeUPID, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetCombatEfficiencyWeight(nativeUPID, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetBuildingCombatEfficiencyWeight(nativeUPID, 0.0); kbUnitPickSetCostWeight(nativeUPID, 0.0); // Desired number units types, buildings. kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes(nativeUPID, 3, 1, true); kbUnitPickSetEnemyPlayerID(nativeUPID, aiGetMostHatedPlayerID()); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(nativeUPID, cUnitTypeAbstractNativeWarrior, 1.0); kbUnitPickRun(nativeUPID); int numberPlans = xsArrayGetSize(nativeMaintainPlans); int numberUnitTypes = kbUnitPickGetNumberResults(nativeUPID); if (numberUnitTypes > numberPlans) { xsArrayResizeInt(nativeMaintainPlans, numberUnitTypes); for (i = numberPlans; < numberUnitTypes) { xsArraySetInt(nativeMaintainPlans, i, -1); } } for (i = 0; < numberUnitTypes) { trainUnitID = kbUnitPickGetResult(nativeUPID, i); planID = xsArrayGetInt(nativeMaintainPlans, i); buildLimit = kbGetBuildLimit(cMyID, trainUnitID); if (buildLimit == 0) { trainUnitID = -1; } if (planID >= 0 && trainUnitID != aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0)) { aiPlanDestroy(planID); planID = -1; } if (trainUnitID < 0) { continue; } if (planID < 0) { planID = createSimpleMaintainPlan(trainUnitID, 0, false, mainBaseID, 1); xsArraySetInt(nativeMaintainPlans, i, planID); } if (age <= cAge4) { // Resource equivalent to 0-20% of our military pop. numberToMaintain = (aiGetMilitaryPop() * militaryPopPercentage) / (kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceGold) + kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceFood)); } else { numberToMaintain = buildLimit; } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); // Train from main base whenever possible. if (numberToMaintain > 0) { if (trainBuildingID == -2) { trainBuildingID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeNativeEmbassy, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseLocation, mainBaseDist); if (trainBuildingID < 0 && civIsAfrican() == true) { trainBuildingID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypedePalace, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseLocation, mainBaseDist); } } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanBuildingID, 0, trainBuildingID); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanBuildingID, 0, -1); } // create a research plan. if (age >= cAge3) { upgradeTechID = kbTechTreeGetCheapestUnitUpgrade(trainUnitID, cUnitTypeTradingPost); if (upgradeTechID >= 0) { upgradePlanID = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanTechID, upgradeTechID); if (upgradePlanID < 0) { upgradePlanID = aiPlanCreate("Research " + kbGetTechName(upgradeTechID), cPlanResearch); aiPlanSetVariableInt(upgradePlanID, cResearchPlanTechID, 0, upgradeTechID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(upgradePlanID, cResearchPlanBuildingTypeID, 0, cUnitTypeTradingPost); aiPlanSetActive(upgradePlanID); debugMilitary("Creating research plan for: " + kbGetTechName(upgradeTechID)); } aiPlanSetParentID(upgradePlanID, planID); totalValue = kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceFood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceWood) + kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceGold) + kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceInfluence); totalValue = totalValue * kbUnitCount(cMyID, trainUnitID, cUnitStateABQ); // below default priority if we do not have enough units. if (totalValue < 800.0) { aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(upgradePlanID, 45 - (5 - totalValue / 200)); } else { aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(upgradePlanID, 50); } } } } for (i = numberUnitTypes; < numberPlans) { planID = xsArrayGetInt(nativeMaintainPlans, i); if (planID >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(planID); xsArraySetInt(nativeMaintainPlans, i, -1); } } } //============================================================================== // calculateDefenseEngageRange // Calculates the max engage range without enemy buildings nearby. //============================================================================== float calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(vector location = cInvalidVector, float range = 0.0, float minRange = 0.0) { int enemyBuildingQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeBuilding, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateABQ, location, range); kbUnitQuerySetAscendingSort(enemyBuildingQuery, true); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(enemyBuildingQuery); if (numberFound == 0) { // No buildings nearby, we're good. return (range); } int enemyBuildingID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(enemyBuildingQuery, 0); float dist = distance(kbUnitGetPosition(enemyBuildingID), location); if (dist < minRange) { debugMilitary("******** WARNING! Defend location too close to enemy buildings, distance: " + dist); return (minRange); } debugMilitary("******** Defend plan engage range changed to: " + dist); return (dist - minRange); } //============================================================================== /* moveDefenseReflex Move the defend and reserve plans to the specified location Sets the gLandDefendPlan0 to a high pop count, so it steals units from the reserve plan, which will signal the AI to not start new attacks as no reserves are available. */ //============================================================================== void moveDefenseReflex(vector location = cInvalidVector, float radius = -1.0, int baseID = -1) { if (radius < 0.0) { radius = cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive; } if (location != cInvalidVector) { float desiredRadius = radius; radius = calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(location, radius, 15.0); if (baseID < 0 || radius < desiredRadius) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, location); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, radius); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModeBase); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, baseID); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, location); } aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, radius - 10.0); aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 200); // We should prioritize defending over gathering when under attack if ((gRevolutionType & cRevolutionFinland) == cRevolutionFinland) aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, gEconUnit, 0, 200, 200); if (baseID < 0) { radius = calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(location, radius, 15.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, location); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, radius); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModeBase); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, baseID); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, location); } aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, radius - 10.0); aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandReservePlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 1); gDefenseReflex = true; gDefenseReflexBaseID = baseID; gDefenseReflexLocation = location; gDefenseReflexTimeout = xsGetTime() + aiRandInt(300) * 1000; gDefenseReflexPaused = false; } debugMilitary("******** Defense reflex moved to base " + baseID + " with radius " + radius + " and location " + location); } //============================================================================== /* pauseDefenseReflex The base (gDefenseReflexBaseID) is still under attack, but we don't have enough forces to engage. Retreat to main base, set a small radius, and wait until we have enough troops to re-engage through a moveDefenseReflex() call. Sets gLandDefendPlan0 to high troop count to keep reserve plan empty. Leaves the base ID and location untouched, even though units will gather at home. */ //============================================================================== void pauseDefenseReflex(void) { vector loc = kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); if (gForwardBaseState != cForwardBaseStateNone && gForwardBaseShouldDefend == true) { loc = gForwardBaseLocation; } float radius = calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(loc, cvDefenseReflexRadiusPassive, 15.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, loc); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, radius); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, radius - 10.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, loc); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, radius); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, radius - 10.0); aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 200); // We should prioritize defending over gathering when under attack. if ((gRevolutionType & cRevolutionFinland) == cRevolutionFinland) { aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, gEconUnit, 0, 200, 200); } aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandReservePlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 1); gDefenseReflexPaused = true; debugMilitary("******** Defense reflex paused."); } //============================================================================== // endDefenseReflex // Move the defend and reserve plans to their default positions //============================================================================== void endDefenseReflex(void) { vector resLoc = kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); int defBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); vector defLoc = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, defBaseID); if (gForwardBaseState != cForwardBaseStateNone && gForwardBaseShouldDefend == true) { resLoc = gForwardBaseLocation; defLoc = gForwardBaseLocation; defBaseID = gForwardBaseID; } float radius = calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(defLoc, cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, 15.0); radius = calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(defLoc, radius, 15.0); if (radius < cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, defLoc); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, radius); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModeBase); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, defBaseID); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, defLoc); } // Defend plan will use 1 unit to defend against stray snipers, etc. aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 1); // Move units back to gathering when possible. if ((gRevolutionType & cRevolutionFinland) == cRevolutionFinland) { aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, gEconUnit, 0, 0, 1); } radius = calculateDefenseReflexEngageRange(resLoc, cvDefenseReflexRadiusPassive, 15.0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModePoint); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, resLoc); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, radius); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, radius - 10.0); aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandReservePlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 200); // All unused troops. debugMilitary("******** Defense reflex terminated for base " + gDefenseReflexBaseID + " at location " + gDefenseReflexLocation); debugMilitary("******** Returning to " + resLoc); debugMilitary(" Forward base ID is " + gForwardBaseID + ", location is " + gForwardBaseLocation); gDefenseReflex = false; gDefenseReflexPaused = false; gDefenseReflexBaseID = -1; gDefenseReflexLocation = cInvalidVector; gDefenseReflexTimeout = 0; } // Use this instead of calling endDefenseReflex in the createMainBase function, so that the new BaseID will be available. rule endDefenseReflexDelay inactive minInterval 1 { xsDisableSelf(); endDefenseReflex(); } //============================================================================== // Defend0 // Create a defend plan, protect the main base. //============================================================================== rule defend0 inactive minInterval 13 { if (gLandDefendPlan0 < 0) { int mainBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); vector mainBaseLocation = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID); vector targetPoint = kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(cMyID, mainBaseID); int targetMode = cCombatPlanTargetModeBase; gLandDefendPlan0 = aiPlanCreate("Primary Land Defend", cPlanCombat); aiPlanAddUnitType(gLandDefendPlan0, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 0, 1); // Small, until defense reflex. aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeDefend); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, targetMode); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, mainBaseID); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, targetPoint); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 20.0); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(gLandDefendPlan0, mainBaseLocation); if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 300); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanRetreatMode, 0, cCombatPlanRetreatModeOutnumbered); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandDefendPlan0, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 1000); } aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(gLandDefendPlan0, 10); // Very low priority, don't steal from attack plans. aiPlanSetActive(gLandDefendPlan0); debugMilitary("Creating primary land defend plan"); gLandReservePlan = aiPlanCreate("Land Reserve Units", cPlanCombat); // All mil units, high MAX value to suck up all excess. aiPlanAddUnitType( gLandReservePlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, 0, 5, 200); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeDefend); if (targetPoint == cInvalidVector) { int aiStartID = getUnit(cUnitTypeAIStart, cMyID); if (aiStartID >= 0) { targetPoint = kbUnitGetPosition(aiStartID); targetMode = cCombatPlanTargetModePoint; } } if (targetPoint == cInvalidVector) { targetPoint = mainBaseLocation; } aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, targetMode); if (targetMode == cCombatPlanTargetModeBase) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, mainBaseID); } else { aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetEngageRange, 0, 60.0); } aiPlanSetVariableVector(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, targetPoint); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 20.0); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(gLandReservePlan, mainBaseLocation); if (cDifficultyCurrent >= cDifficultyHard) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 300); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanRetreatMode, 0, cCombatPlanRetreatModeOutnumbered); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(gLandReservePlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 1000); } aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(gLandReservePlan, 5); // Very very low priority, gather unused units. aiPlanSetActive(gLandReservePlan); debugMilitary("Creating reserve plan"); xsEnableRule("endDefenseReflexDelay"); // Reset to relaxed stances after plans have a second to be created. xsDisableSelf(); } } //============================================================================== /* rule defenseReflex Monitor each VP site that we own, plus our main base. Move and reconfigure the defense and reserve plans as needed. At rest, the defend plan has only one unit, is centered on the main base, and is used to send one unit after trivial invasions, typically a scouting unit. The reserve plan has a much larger MAX number, so it gets all the remaining units. It is centered on the military gather point with a conservative radius, to avoid engaging units far in front of the main base. When defending a base in a defense reflex, the defend plan gets a high MAX number so that it takes units from the reserve plan. The low unit count in reserve acts as a signal to not launch new attacks, as troops aren't available. The defend plan and reserve plan are relocated to the endangered base, with an aggressive engage radius. The search, active engage and passive engage radii are set by global control variables, cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, cvDefenseReflexRadiusPassive, and cvDefenseReflexSearchRadius. Once in a defense reflex, the AI stays in it until that base is cleared, unless it's defending a non-main base, and the main base requires defense. In that case, the defense reflex moves back to the main base. pauseDefenseReflex() can only be used when already in a defense reflex. So valid state transitions are: none to defending // start reflex with moveDefenseReflex(), sets all the base/location globals. defending to paused // use pauseDefenseReflex(), takes no parms, uses vars set in prior moveDefenseReflex call. defending to end // use endDefenseReflex(), clears global vars. paused to end // use endDefenseReflex(), clears global vars. paused to defending // use moveDefenseReflex(), set global vars again. */ //============================================================================== rule defenseReflex inactive minInterval 10 { int armySize = aiPlanGetNumberUnits(gLandDefendPlan0, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) + aiPlanGetNumberUnits(gLandReservePlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); int enemyArmySize = -1; static int lastHelpTime = -60000; static int lastHelpBaseID = -1; int i = 0; int unitID = -1; int protoUnitID = -1; bool panic = false; // Indicates need for call for help. int planID = -1; int mainBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); int time = xsGetTime(); static int enemyArmyQuery = -1; if (enemyArmyQuery < 0) // First run. { enemyArmyQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("Enemy army query"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(enemyArmyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(enemyArmyQuery, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(enemyArmyQuery, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); kbUnitQuerySetState(enemyArmyQuery, cUnitStateAlive); kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(enemyArmyQuery, true); // Ignore units we think are under fog. } if ((gRevolutionType & cRevolutionFinland) == cRevolutionFinland) { int numberPlans = aiPlanGetActiveCount(); for (i = 0; < numberPlans) { planID = aiPlanGetIDByActiveIndex(i); if (aiPlanGetType(planID) != cPlanGather) { continue; } armySize = armySize + aiPlanGetNumberUnits(planID, gEconUnit); } } // Check main base first. kbUnitQuerySetPosition(enemyArmyQuery, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID)); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(enemyArmyQuery, cvDefenseReflexSearchRadius); kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(enemyArmyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetState(enemyArmyQuery, cUnitStateAlive); kbUnitQueryResetResults(enemyArmyQuery); enemyArmySize = kbUnitQueryExecute(enemyArmyQuery); // Bump up by 1 to just avoid running into this when the enemy explorer and its companion get in our base... if (enemyArmySize >= 3) { // Main base is under attack. debugMilitary("******** Main base (" + mainBaseID + ") under attack."); debugMilitary("******** Enemy count " + enemyArmySize + ", my army count " + armySize); if (gDefenseReflexBaseID == mainBaseID) { // We're already in a defense reflex for the main base. if (((armySize * 3.0) < enemyArmySize) && (enemyArmySize > 6.0)) // Army at least 3x my size and more than 6 units total. { // Too big to handle. if ((gDefenseReflexPaused == false) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeMinuteman, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypIrregular, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypPeasant, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypexpWarrior, cUnitStateAlive) < 2)) { // We weren't paused and don't have emergency soldiers with decaying health, do it. pauseDefenseReflex(); } // Consider a call for help. panic = true; if (((time - lastHelpTime) < 300000) && (lastHelpBaseID == gDefenseReflexBaseID)) // We called for help in the last five minutes, and it was this base. { panic = false; } if (((time - lastHelpTime) < 60000) && (lastHelpBaseID != gDefenseReflexBaseID)) // We called for help anywhere in the last minute. { panic = false; } if (panic == true) { sendStatement(cPlayerRelationAllyExcludingSelf, cAICommPromptToAllyINeedHelpMyBase, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID)); debugMilitary("I'm calling for help"); lastHelpTime = time; } // Call back our attack if any. planID = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanCombat, cCombatPlanCombatType, cCombatPlanCombatTypeAttack); if (planID >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(planID); } } else { // Size is OK to handle, shouldn't be in paused mode. if (gDefenseReflexPaused == true) // Need to turn it active. { moveDefenseReflex(kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID), cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, mainBaseID); } } } else // Defense reflex wasn't set to main base. { // Need to set the defense reflex to home base...doesn't matter if it was inactive or guarding another base, // home base trumps all. moveDefenseReflex(kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID), cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, mainBaseID); // This is a new defense reflex in the main base. Consider making a chat about it. int enemyPlayerID = kbUnitGetPlayerID(kbUnitQueryGetResult(enemyArmyQuery, 0)); if ((enemyPlayerID > 0) && (kbGetAge() > cAge1)) { // Consider sending a chat as long as we're out of age 1. int enemyPlayerUnitCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, enemyPlayerID, cUnitStateAlive, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID), 50.0); if ((enemyPlayerUnitCount > (2 * gGoodArmyPop)) && (enemyPlayerUnitCount > (3 * armySize))) { // Enemy army is big, and we're badly outnumbered. sendStatement(enemyPlayerID, cAICommPromptToEnemyISpotHisArmyMyBaseOverrun, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID)); debugMilitary("Sending OVERRUN prompt to player " + enemyPlayerID + ", he has " + enemyPlayerUnitCount + " units."); debugMilitary("I have " + armySize + " units, and " + gGoodArmyPop + " is a good army size."); return; } if (enemyPlayerUnitCount > (2 * gGoodArmyPop)) { // Big army, but I'm still in the fight. sendStatement(enemyPlayerID, cAICommPromptToEnemyISpotHisArmyMyBaseLarge, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID)); debugMilitary("Sending LARGE ARMY prompt to player " + enemyPlayerID + ", he has " + enemyPlayerUnitCount + " units."); debugMilitary("I have " + armySize + " units, and " + gGoodArmyPop + " is a good army size."); return; } if (enemyPlayerUnitCount > gGoodArmyPop) { // Moderate size. sendStatement(enemyPlayerID, cAICommPromptToEnemyISpotHisArmyMyBaseMedium, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID)); debugMilitary("Sending MEDIUM ARMY prompt to player " + enemyPlayerID + ", he has " + enemyPlayerUnitCount + " units."); debugMilitary("I have " + armySize + " units, and " + gGoodArmyPop + " is a good army size."); return; } if ((enemyPlayerUnitCount < gGoodArmyPop) && (enemyPlayerUnitCount < armySize)) { // Small, and under control. sendStatement(enemyPlayerID, cAICommPromptToEnemyISpotHisArmyMyBaseSmall, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID)); debugMilitary("Sending SMALL ARMY prompt to player " + enemyPlayerID + ", he has " + enemyPlayerUnitCount + " units."); debugMilitary("I have " + armySize + " units, and " + gGoodArmyPop + " is a good army size."); return; } } } return; // Do not check other bases. } // If we're this far, the main base is OK. If we're in a defense reflex, see if we should stay in it, or change from // passive to active. if (gDefenseReflex == true) // Currently in a defense mode, let's see if it should remain { kbUnitQuerySetPosition(enemyArmyQuery, gDefenseReflexLocation); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(enemyArmyQuery, cvDefenseReflexSearchRadius); kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(enemyArmyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetState(enemyArmyQuery, cUnitStateAlive); kbUnitQueryResetResults(enemyArmyQuery); enemyArmySize = kbUnitQueryExecute(enemyArmyQuery); debugMilitary("******** Defense reflex in base " + gDefenseReflexBaseID + " at " + gDefenseReflexLocation); debugMilitary("******** Enemy unit count: " + enemyArmySize + ", my unit count (defend+reserve) = " + armySize); for (i = 0; < enemyArmySize) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(enemyArmyQuery, i); protoUnitID = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); if (i < 2) { debugMilitary(" " + unitID + " " + kbGetProtoUnitName(protoUnitID) + " " + kbUnitGetPosition(unitID)); } } if (enemyArmySize < 2) { // Abort, no enemies, or just one scouting unit. if (time >= gDefenseReflexTimeout || armySize >= gGoodArmyPop || (gRevolutionType & cRevolutionFinland) == cRevolutionFinland) { // Wait for a random period before moving to the forward base. debugMilitary("******** Ending defense reflex, no enemies remain."); endDefenseReflex(); } return; } if (baseBuildingCount(gDefenseReflexBaseID, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive) <= 0) { // Abort, no alive ally buildings. debugMilitary("******** Ending defense reflex, base " + gDefenseReflexBaseID + " has no buildings."); endDefenseReflex(); return; } if (kbBaseGetOwner(gDefenseReflexBaseID) <= 0) { // Abort, base doesn't exist. debugMilitary("******** Ending defense reflex, base " + gDefenseReflexBaseID + " doesn't exist."); endDefenseReflex(); return; } // The defense reflex for this base should remain in effect. // Check whether to start/end paused mode. int unitsNeeded = gGoodArmyPop; // At least a credible army to fight them if (unitsNeeded > (enemyArmySize / 2)) // Or half their force, whichever is less. { unitsNeeded = enemyArmySize / 2; } bool shouldPause = false; if (((armySize < unitsNeeded) && ((armySize * 3.0) < enemyArmySize)) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeMinuteman, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypIrregular, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypPeasant, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) && (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypexpWarrior, cUnitStateAlive) < 2)) { shouldPause = true; // We should pause if not paused, or stay paused if we are. } if (gDefenseReflexPaused == false) { // Not currently paused, do it. if (shouldPause == true) { pauseDefenseReflex(); debugMilitary("******** Enemy count " + enemyArmySize + ", my army count " + armySize); } } else { // Currently paused...should we remain paused, or go active? if (shouldPause == false) { moveDefenseReflex(gDefenseReflexLocation, cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, gDefenseReflexBaseID); // Activate it debugMilitary("******** Enemy count " + enemyArmySize + ", my army count " + armySize); } } if (shouldPause == true) { // Consider a call for help. panic = true; if (((time - lastHelpTime) < 300000) && (lastHelpBaseID == gDefenseReflexBaseID)) // We called for help in the last five minutes, and it was this base. { panic = false; } if (((time - lastHelpTime) < 60000) && (lastHelpBaseID != gDefenseReflexBaseID)) // We called for help anywhere in the last minute. { panic = false; } if (panic == true) { sendStatement(cPlayerRelationAlly, cAICommPromptToAllyINeedHelpMyBase, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, gDefenseReflexBaseID)); debugMilitary(" I'm calling for help."); lastHelpTime = xsGetTime(); } // Call back our attack if any. // TODO: Not main base, maybe not always worth defending? planID = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanCombat, cCombatPlanCombatType, cCombatPlanCombatTypeAttack); if (planID >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(planID); } } return; // Done...we're staying in defense mode for this base, and have paused or gone active as needed. } // Not in a defense reflex, see if one is needed. // Check other bases int baseCount = -1; int baseIndex = -1; int baseID = -1; vector baseLoc = cInvalidVector; baseCount = kbBaseGetNumber(cMyID); unitsNeeded = gGoodArmyPop / 2; if (baseCount > 0) { for (baseIndex = 0; < baseCount) { baseID = kbBaseGetIDByIndex(cMyID, baseIndex); if (baseID == kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)) { continue; // Already checked main at top of function. } if (baseBuildingCount(baseID, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive) <= 0) { debugMilitary("Base " + baseID + " has no alive buildings."); continue; // Skip bases that have no buildings. } // Check for overrun base. baseLoc = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, baseID); kbUnitQuerySetPosition(enemyArmyQuery, baseLoc); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(enemyArmyQuery, cvDefenseReflexSearchRadius); kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(enemyArmyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetState(enemyArmyQuery, cUnitStateAlive); kbUnitQueryResetResults(enemyArmyQuery); enemyArmySize = kbUnitQueryExecute(enemyArmyQuery); // Do I need to call for help? if ((enemyArmySize >= 2)) { // More than just a scout...set defense reflex for this base. moveDefenseReflex(baseLoc, cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, baseID); debugMilitary("******** Enemy count is " + enemyArmySize + ", my army size is " + armySize); if ((enemyArmySize > (armySize * 2.0)) && (enemyArmySize > 6)) // Double my size, get help... { panic = true; if (((time - lastHelpTime) < 300000) && (lastHelpBaseID == baseID)) // We called for help in the last five minutes, and it was this base. { panic = false; } if (((time - lastHelpTime) < 60000) && (lastHelpBaseID != baseID)) // We called for help anywhere in the last minute. { panic = false; } if (panic == true) { // Don't kill other missions, this isn't the main base. Just call for help. sendStatement(cPlayerRelationAllyExcludingSelf, cAICommPromptToAllyINeedHelpMyBase, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, baseID)); debugMilitary("I'm calling for help."); lastHelpTime = time; } } else { moveDefenseReflex(baseLoc, cvDefenseReflexRadiusActive, baseID); } return; // If we're in trouble in any base, ignore the others. } } // For baseIndex... } } //============================================================================== // useLevy // We can defend up to a maximum of 3 Town Centers with this logic. // We never make more than 2 anyway so this number should be enough. //============================================================================== rule useLevy inactive minInterval 10 { static int arrayID = -1; if (arrayID == -1) // First run. { arrayID = xsArrayCreateInt(3, -1, "Levy Plans"); } else { for (i = 0; < 3) // Reset array. { xsArraySetInt(arrayID, i, -1); } } int tcQueryID = createSimpleUnitQuery(cUnitTypeAgeUpBuilding, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); int numberResults = kbUnitQueryExecute(tcQueryID); int townCenterID = -1; int techID = -1; if (cMyCiv != cCivDEAmericans) { techID = cTechLevy; } else { techID = cTechDEUSLevy; } vector tcLocation = cInvalidVector; int allyCount = -1; int enemyCount = -1; int levyPlan = -1; int numberLevyPlans = aiPlanGetNumberByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanTechID, techID); for (i = 0; < numberLevyPlans) { levyPlan = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanTechID, techID, true, i); for (j = 0; < numberResults) { townCenterID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(tcQueryID, j); if (townCenterID == aiPlanGetVariableInt(levyPlan, cResearchPlanBuildingID, 0)) { xsArraySetInt(arrayID, j, levyPlan); } } } for (i = 0; < numberResults) { townCenterID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(tcQueryID, i); levyPlan = xsArrayGetInt(arrayID, i); if (kbBuildingTechGetStatus(techID, townCenterID) == cTechStatusObtainable) // TC can still use Levy. { tcLocation = kbUnitGetPosition(townCenterID); enemyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, tcLocation, 40.0); allyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive, tcLocation, 40.0); if (enemyCount >= allyCount + 5) // We're behind by 5 or more. { if ((levyPlan < 0) && ((cMyCiv != cCivDEAmericans) || (numberLevyPlans < 1))) { debugMilitary("Starting a levy plan, there are " + enemyCount + " enemy units in my base against " + allyCount + " friendlies"); createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(techID, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99, 99); if (cMyCiv == cCivDEAmericans) { return; // We made one plan and shouldn't make more. } } } else // No need to call levy. { if (levyPlan >= 0) // We have a plan we must maybe destroy. { if (townCenterID == aiPlanGetVariableInt(levyPlan, cResearchPlanBuildingID, 0)) { debugMilitary("Destroying levy plan because we're not outnumbered anymore"); aiPlanDestroy(levyPlan); } } } } } } //============================================================================== // useAsianLevy // TODO this can't handle multiple Town Centers yet. //============================================================================== rule useAsianLevy inactive minInterval 10 { static int levyPlan = -1; vector mainBaseVec = cInvalidVector; mainBaseVec = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); int towncenterID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAgeUpBuilding, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int levy1 = cTechypAssemble; int levy2 = cTechypMuster; if ((cMyCiv == cCivIndians) || (cMyCiv == cCivSPCIndians)) { levy1 = cTechypAssembleIndians; levy2 = cTechypMusterIndians; } if ((towncenterID < 0) || ((kbBuildingTechGetStatus(levy1, towncenterID) != cTechStatusObtainable) && (kbBuildingTechGetStatus(levy2, towncenterID) != cTechStatusObtainable))) { if (levyPlan >= 0) { debugMilitary("Destroying levy plan"); aiPlanDestroy(levyPlan); levyPlan = -1; } return; } int enemyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int enemyCavalryCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0) + getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractCoyoteMan, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int allyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); if (levyPlan < 0) { // Create a new plan. if (enemyCount >= (allyCount + 5)) { // We're behind by 5 or more. if (kbBuildingTechGetStatus(levy1, towncenterID) == cTechStatusObtainable && (enemyCavalryCount * 2 >= enemyCount)) { levyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(levy1, towncenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); // Extreme priority } else if (kbBuildingTechGetStatus(levy2, towncenterID) == cTechStatusObtainable) { levyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(levy2, towncenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); // Extreme priority } if (levyPlan >= 0) { debugMilitary("Starting a levy plan, there are " + enemyCount + " enemy units in my base against " + allyCount + " friendlies"); aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(levyPlan, 85); } } } else // Plan exists, make sure it's still needed. { if ((enemyCount > (allyCount + 2)) && (aiPlanGetState(levyPlan) >= 0)) { // Do nothing debugMilitary("Still waiting for levy."); } else { debugMilitary("Destroying levy plan."); aiPlanDestroy(levyPlan); levyPlan = -1; } } } //============================================================================== // consulateLevy // We assume our Consulate is in our main base and we can only defend that base with this logic. //============================================================================== rule consulateLevy inactive minInterval 10 { // Disable this rule whenever we've used the Levy or we've changed relations. int techStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechypConsulateOttomansSettlerCombat); if ((techStatus == cTechStatusActive) || (techStatus != cTechStatusObtainable)) { xsDisableSelf(); return; } int consulateID = getUnit(cUnitTypeypConsulate, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); if (consulateID < 0) { return; } vector mainBaseVec = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); int enemyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int allyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int levyPlan = aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanTechID, cTechypConsulateOttomansSettlerCombat); if (levyPlan < 0) // No plan, see if we need one. { if (enemyCount >= allyCount + 5) { // We're behind by 5 or more. debugMilitary("Starting Consulate levy plan, there are " + enemyCount + " enemy units in my base against " + allyCount + " allies"); createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechypConsulateOttomansSettlerCombat, consulateID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99, 99); } } else // Plan exists, make sure it's still needed. { if ((enemyCount > allyCount + 2) && (aiPlanGetState(levyPlan) >= 0)) { // Do nothing debugMilitary("Still waiting for Consulate levy"); } else { debugMilitary("Destroying Consulate levy plan"); aiPlanDestroy(levyPlan); } } } //============================================================================== // useAfricanLevy // We can only defend our main base with this logic. //============================================================================== rule useAfricanLevy inactive minInterval 10 { static int levyMaintainPlan = -1; static float spearmanCost = -1.0; static float bowmanCost = -1.0; static float gunnerCost = -1.0; if (spearmanCost == -1.0) // First run. { spearmanCost = kbUnitCostPerResource(cUnitTypedeSpearmanLevy, cResourceInfluence); bowmanCost = kbUnitCostPerResource(cUnitTypedeBowmanLevy, cResourceInfluence); gunnerCost = kbUnitCostPerResource(cUnitTypedeGunnerLevy, cResourceInfluence); } int tcID = -1; vector mainBaseVec = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); int palaceID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypedePalace, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int houseID = getUnitByLocation(gHouseUnit, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); float currentInfluenceAmount = kbResourceGet(cResourceInfluence); if (cMyCiv == cCivDEHausa) { if (xsArrayGetBool(gAfricanAlliancesAgedUpWith, cAllianceSonghaiIndex) == true) { // We've aged up with Songhai so we can use the Songhai Raid ability to defend ourselves. tcID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAgeUpBuilding, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); } } if ((mainBaseVec == cInvalidVector) || ((houseID < 0) && (tcID < 0) && (palaceID < 0)) || (currentInfluenceAmount < spearmanCost)) { if (levyMaintainPlan >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(levyMaintainPlan); levyMaintainPlan = -1; } return; } int enemyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int enemyCavalryCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractCavalry, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0) + getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeAbstractCoyoteMan, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int allyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); if (enemyCount > allyCount + 5) { // We're behind by 5 or more thus we need to get some levies. if (cMyCiv == cCivDEHausa) { if ((currentInfluenceAmount > 1000.0) && (tcID >= 0)) { createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechDEAllegianceSonghaiLevyRaiders, tcID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); currentInfluenceAmount -= kbTechCostPerResource(cTechDEAllegianceSonghaiLevyRaiders, cResourceInfluence); } } int levyPUID = -1; int numberToMaintain = 0; if (enemyCavalryCount * 2 >= enemyCount) { // Counter a force consisting of mainly Cavalry with Spearman. levyPUID = cUnitTypedeSpearmanLevy; numberToMaintain = currentInfluenceAmount / spearmanCost; } else if (palaceID >= 0) { levyPUID = cUnitTypedeGunnerLevy; numberToMaintain = currentInfluenceAmount / gunnerCost; } else { levyPUID = cUnitTypedeBowmanLevy; numberToMaintain = currentInfluenceAmount / bowmanCost; } // Don't overtrain when we have a lot of Influence. if (numberToMaintain > 6) { numberToMaintain = 6; } debugMilitary("We have to use levies and decided we should make " + numberToMaintain + " " + kbGetProtoUnitName(levyPUID)); // If we don't have a plan make one otherwise adjust how many to maintain for the existing plan. if (levyMaintainPlan < 0) { levyMaintainPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(levyPUID, numberToMaintain, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(levyMaintainPlan, 99); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(levyMaintainPlan, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0, levyPUID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(levyMaintainPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); } } else if (levyMaintainPlan >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(levyMaintainPlan); levyMaintainPlan = -1; } } //============================================================================== // useWarParties //============================================================================== rule useWarParties inactive minInterval 10 { static int partyPlan = -1; // Save the ID of the plan so we can potentially cancel it. int scoutingPartyStatus = -1; int raidingPartyStatus = -1; int warPartyStatus = -1; if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { scoutingPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechBigAztecScoutingParty); raidingPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechBigAztecRaidingParty); warPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechBigAztecWarParty); } else if (cMyCiv == cCivXPIroquois) { scoutingPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechBigIroquoisScoutingParty); raidingPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechBigIroquoisRaidingParty); warPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechBigIroquoisWarParty); } else if (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca) { scoutingPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechdeBigIncaScoutingParty); raidingPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechdeBigIncaRaidingParty); warPartyStatus = kbTechGetStatus(cTechdeBigIncaWarParty); } if ((scoutingPartyStatus == cTechStatusActive) && (raidingPartyStatus == cTechStatusActive) && (warPartyStatus == cTechStatusActive)) { xsDisableSelf(); } vector mainBaseVec = kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); int townCenterID = getClosestUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeAgeUpBuilding, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); if (townCenterID < 0) { return; // Can't use war parties if no Town Center alive in the area we're scanning for enemies. } int enemyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); int allyCount = getUnitCountByLocation(cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary, cPlayerRelationAlly, cUnitStateAlive, mainBaseVec, 40.0); if (partyPlan < 0) // No plan, see if we need one. { if (enemyCount >= allyCount + 5) // We're behind by 5 or more. { debugMilitary("Starting a WarParty plan, there are: " + enemyCount + " enemies in my base against: " + allyCount + " friendlies"); if (cMyCiv == cCivXPAztec) { if (scoutingPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechBigAztecScoutingParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } else if (raidingPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechBigAztecRaidingParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } else if (warPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechBigAztecWarParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } } else if (cMyCiv == cCivXPIroquois) { if (scoutingPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechBigIroquoisScoutingParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } else if (raidingPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechBigIroquoisRaidingParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } else if (warPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechBigIroquoisWarParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } } else if (cMyCiv == cCivDEInca) { if (scoutingPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechdeBigIncaScoutingParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } else if (raidingPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechdeBigIncaRaidingParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } else if (warPartyStatus == cTechStatusObtainable) { partyPlan = createSimpleResearchPlanSpecificBuilding(cTechdeBigIncaWarParty, townCenterID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 99); } } } } else // Plan exists, make sure it's still needed. { if ((enemyCount >= allyCount + 2) && (aiPlanGetState(partyPlan) >= 0)) { // Do nothing. debugMilitary("We're still under attack and waiting for WarParty"); } else { debugMilitary("Cancelling WarParty"); aiPlanDestroy(partyPlan); partyPlan = -1; } } } //============================================================================== /* useWarPartiesLakota Get the maximum amount of soldiers which is after 30 minutes. I'm going to assume we reach the second age after a maximum of 5 minutes and only then does this minInterval counter start. */ //============================================================================== rule useWarPartiesLakota inactive minInterval 1500 { xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(60); // Keep this rule up to date more frequently now. if (xsGetTime() < 30 * 60 * 1000) // We haven't passed 30 minutes in game yet. { return; } bool canDisableSelf = researchSimpleTech(cTechBigSiouxDogSoldiers, -1, getUnit(cUnitTypeAgeUpBuilding, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive), 50); if (canDisableSelf == true) { xsDisableSelf(); } } //============================================================================== // healerMonitor //============================================================================== rule healerMonitor inactive minInterval 30 { int priestCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypePriest, cUnitStateAlive); int priestessCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypedePriestess, cUnitStateAlive); int missionaryCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeMissionary, cUnitStateAlive); int surgeonCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeSurgeon, cUnitStateAlive); int imamCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeImam, cUnitStateAlive); int natMedicineManCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeNatMedicineMan, cUnitStateAlive); int xpMedicineManCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypexpMedicineMan, cUnitStateAlive); int xpMedicineManAztecCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypexpMedicineManAztec, cUnitStateAlive); int griotCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypedeGriot, cUnitStateAlive); int abunCount = kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypedeAbun, cUnitStateAlive); int mainBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); if (gHealerPlan < 0) { gHealerPlan = aiPlanCreate("Healer Control Plan", cPlanCombat); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanCombatType, 0, cCombatPlanCombatTypeDefend); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanTargetMode, 0, cCombatPlanTargetModeBase); aiPlanSetVariableVector(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPoint, 0, kbBaseGetMilitaryGatherPoint(cMyID, mainBaseID)); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanTargetPlayerID, 0, cMyID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanTargetBaseID, 0, mainBaseID); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanGatherDistance, 0, 10.0); aiPlanSetInitialPosition(gHealerPlan, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, mainBaseID)); aiPlanSetUnitStance(gHealerPlan, cUnitStanceDefensive); aiPlanSetVariableInt(gHealerPlan, cCombatPlanRefreshFrequency, 0, 1000); // Just higher priority than attack and defend plans, but lower than native research and gather plans. aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(gHealerPlan, 51); aiPlanSetActive(gHealerPlan); debugMilitary("Creating healer plan"); } // Set units required to 0 to allow gather plans to steal from us. aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypePriest, 0, priestCount, priestCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypeMissionary, 0, missionaryCount, missionaryCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypeSurgeon, 0, surgeonCount, surgeonCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypeImam, 0, imamCount, imamCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypeNatMedicineMan, 0, natMedicineManCount, natMedicineManCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypexpMedicineMan, 0, xpMedicineManCount, xpMedicineManCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypexpMedicineManAztec, 0, xpMedicineManAztecCount, xpMedicineManAztecCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypedePriestess, 0, priestessCount, priestessCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypedeGriot, 0, griotCount, griotCount); aiPlanAddUnitType(gHealerPlan, cUnitTypedeAbun, 0, abunCount, abunCount); } //============================================================================== // rescueExplorer //============================================================================== rule rescueExplorer inactive minInterval 120 { static int rescuePlan = -1; // Destroy old rescue plan (if any). if (rescuePlan >= 0) { aiPlanDestroy(rescuePlan); rescuePlan = -1; } int fallenExplorerID = aiGetFallenExplorerID(); // We need a fallen Explorer for all of this to make sense right. if (fallenExplorerID < 0) { return; } // Let the ransom rule take care of this if we have enough coin. if (kbResourceGet(cResourceGold) >= 1300) { debugMilitary("Ransom explorer instead of attempting to rescue"); return; } // Only try to rescue an Explorer that can actually be revived. if (kbUnitGetHealth(fallenExplorerID) < 0.3) { debugMilitary("Explorer too weak to be rescued"); return; } // Decide on which unit type to use for rescue attempt. int scoutType = findBestScoutType(); // Get position of fallen explorer and send scout unit there. vector fallenExplorerLocation = kbUnitGetPosition(fallenExplorerID); rescuePlan = aiPlanCreate("Rescue Explorer", cPlanExplore); if (rescuePlan >= 0) { aiPlanAddUnitType(rescuePlan, scoutType, 1, 1, 1); aiPlanAddWaypoint(rescuePlan, fallenExplorerLocation); aiPlanSetVariableBool(rescuePlan, cExplorePlanDoLoops, 0, false); aiPlanSetVariableBool(rescuePlan, cExplorePlanAvoidingAttackedAreas, 0, false); aiPlanSetVariableInt(rescuePlan, cExplorePlanNumberOfLoops, 0, -1); aiPlanSetRequiresAllNeedUnits(rescuePlan, true); aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(rescuePlan, 42); aiPlanSetActive(rescuePlan); debugMilitary("Trying to rescue explorer"); } } //============================================================================== // ransomExplorer //============================================================================== rule ransomExplorer inactive minInterval 120 { int fallenExplorerID = aiGetFallenExplorerID(); // Use only when we have enough coin in the bank. if ((fallenExplorerID < 0) || (kbResourceGet(cResourceGold) < 1300)) { return; } if (aiPlanGetIDByTypeAndVariableType(cPlanResearch, cResearchPlanProtoUnitCommandID, cProtoUnitCommandRansomExplorer) >= 0) { return; } int tcID = getUnit(cUnitTypeTownCenter, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive); if (tcID < 0) { return; } createProtoUnitCommandResearchPlan(cProtoUnitCommandRansomExplorer, tcID, cMilitaryEscrowID, 50, 50); debugMilitary("Creating ransom explorer plan"); } //============================================================================== // monopolyManager // Check if we can start a monopoly victory. //============================================================================== rule monopolyManager minInterval 21 inactive { if (aiTreatyActive() == true) { debugMilitary("Monopoly unavailable because treaty is active still"); return; } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeTradingPost, cUnitStateAlive) < 1) { return; } // Check if we have enough Trading Posts to activate the Monopoly. if (aiReadyForTradeMonopoly() == true) { debugMilitary("We have enough Trading Posts to start a monopoly"); if (kbResourceGet(cResourceGold) >= kbTechCostPerResource(cTechTradeMonopoly, cResourceGold) && kbResourceGet(cResourceFood) >= kbTechCostPerResource(cTechTradeMonopoly, cResourceFood) && kbResourceGet(cResourceWood) >= kbTechCostPerResource(cTechTradeMonopoly, cResourceWood)) { debugMilitary("We have enough resources to activate the monopoly, so attempt it"); if (aiDoTradeMonopoly() == true) { debugMilitary("We've started a trade monopoly"); } else { debugMilitary("We've tried to start a monopoly but it somehow failed"); } } else { debugMilitary("But we don't have the resources to activate it"); } } } void KOTHVictoryStartHandler(int teamID = -1) { // Sanity check, idk if needed at all. if (teamID < 0) { return; } debugMilitary("King of the Hill timer started by team: " + teamID); gIsKOTHRunning = true; gKOTHTeam = teamID; } void KOTHVictoryEndHandler(int teamID = -1) { gIsKOTHRunning = false; gKOTHTeam = -1; debugMilitary("Team: " + teamID + " have not completed the King of the Hill timer"); } //============================================================================== // summerPalaceTacticMonitor // Train the same army as our regular unitPicker decided we should train. //============================================================================== rule summerPalaceTacticMonitor inactive mininterval 1 { // Check for the Summer Palace, if we don't find one we've lost it and we can disable this Rule. int summerPalaceID = getUnit(gSummerPalacePUID); if (summerPalaceID < 0) { xsDisableSelf(); return; } for (i = 0; < 3) { int armyPUID = kbUnitPickGetResult(gLandUnitPicker, i); switch (armyPUID) { case cUnitTypeypTerritorialArmy: { aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticTerritorialArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(196); return; } case cUnitTypeypForbiddenArmy: { aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticForbiddenArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(295); return; } case cUnitTypeypImperialArmy: { aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticImperialArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(256); return; } case cUnitTypeypOldHanArmy: { aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticOldHanArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(154); return; } case cUnitTypeypStandardArmy: { aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticStandardArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(152); return; } case cUnitTypeypMingArmy: { aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticMingArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(159); return; } } } // We didn't find any suitable armies in our unit picker, default to Standard Army. aiUnitSetTactic(summerPalaceID, cTacticStandardArmy); xsSetRuleMinIntervalSelf(152); } //============================================================================== // mansabdarMonitor // If we have enough units that a Mansabar can buff we train one. //============================================================================== rule mansabdarMonitor inactive minInterval 30 { static int mansabdarRajputPlan = -1; static int mansabdarSepoyPlan = -1; static int mansabdarGurkhaPlan = -1; static int mansabdarSowarPlan = -1; static int mansabdarZamburakPlan = -1; static int mansabdarFlailElephantPlan = -1; static int mansabdarMahoutPlan = -1; static int mansabdarHowdahPlan = -1; static int mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan = -1; // Check for the Charminar Gate, if we don't find one we've lost it and we can disable this Rule. int charminarGateID = getUnit(gCharminarGatePUID); if (charminarGateID < 0) { aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarRajputPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarSepoyPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarGurkhaPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarSowarPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarZamburakPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarFlailElephantPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarMahoutPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarHowdahPlan); aiPlanDestroy(mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan); xsDisableSelf(); return; } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypRajput, cUnitStateAlive) >= 10) { if (mansabdarRajputPlan < 0) { mansabdarRajputPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypRajputMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarRajputPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarRajputPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarRajputPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypSepoy, cUnitStateAlive) >= 10) { if (mansabdarSepoyPlan < 0) { mansabdarSepoyPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypSepoyMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarSepoyPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarSepoyPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarSepoyPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypNatMercGurkha, cUnitStateAlive) >= 10) { if (mansabdarGurkhaPlan < 0) { mansabdarGurkhaPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypNatMercGurkhaJemadar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarGurkhaPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarGurkhaPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarGurkhaPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypSowar, cUnitStateAlive) >= 7) { if (mansabdarSowarPlan < 0) { mansabdarSowarPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypSowarMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarSowarPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarSowarPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarSowarPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypZamburak, cUnitStateAlive) >= 10) { if (mansabdarZamburakPlan < 0) { mansabdarZamburakPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypZamburakMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarZamburakPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarZamburakPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarZamburakPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypMercFlailiphant, cUnitStateAlive) >= 6) { if (mansabdarFlailElephantPlan < 0) { mansabdarFlailElephantPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypMercFlailiphantMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarFlailElephantPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarFlailElephantPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarFlailElephantPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypMahout, cUnitStateAlive) >= 3) { if (mansabdarMahoutPlan < 0) { mansabdarMahoutPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypMahoutMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarMahoutPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarMahoutPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarMahoutPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypHowdah, cUnitStateAlive) >= 3) { if (mansabdarHowdahPlan < 0) { mansabdarHowdahPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypHowdahMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarHowdahPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarHowdahPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarHowdahPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (kbUnitCount(cMyID, cUnitTypeypSiegeElephant, cUnitStateAlive) >= 3) { if (mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan < 0) { mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypSiegeElephantMansabdar, 1, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 1); } } else { if (mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(mansabdarSiegeElephantPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } } //============================================================================== // daimyoMonitor // If we have a Shogunate we maintain 1 Daimyos and 1 Shogun. //============================================================================== rule daimyoMonitor inactive minInterval 30 { static int daimyo1Plan = -1; static int daimyo2Plan = -1; static int daimyo3Plan = -1; static int shogunPlan = -1; int theShogunateID = getUnit(gTheShogunatePUID); // Check for The Shogunate, if we don't find one we've lost it and we can disable this Rule. if (theShogunateID < 0) { aiPlanDestroy(daimyo1Plan); aiPlanDestroy(daimyo2Plan); aiPlanDestroy(daimyo3Plan); aiPlanDestroy(shogunPlan); xsDisableSelf(); return; } int mainBaseID = kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID); int numberToMaintain = 0; if ((daimyo1Plan < 0) && (kbTechGetStatus(cTechYPHCShipDaimyoAizu) == cTechStatusActive)) { daimyo1Plan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypDaimyoKiyomasa, 1, false, mainBaseID, 1); } if (daimyo2Plan < 0) { daimyo2Plan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypDaimyoMasamune, 1, false, mainBaseID, 1); } if ((daimyo3Plan < 0) && (kbTechGetStatus(cTechYPHCShipDaimyoSatsuma) == cTechStatusActive)) { daimyo3Plan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypDaimyoMototada, 1, false, mainBaseID, 1); } if ((shogunPlan < 0) && (kbTechGetStatus(cTechYPHCShipShogunate) == cTechStatusActive)) { shogunPlan = createSimpleMaintainPlan(cUnitTypeypShogunTokugawa, 1, false, mainBaseID, 1); } if (aiGetMilitaryPop() >= 15) { numberToMaintain = 1; } // 1 Daimyo and 1 Shogun. if (daimyo1Plan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(daimyo1Plan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); } if (daimyo2Plan >= 0) { if (daimyo1Plan < 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(daimyo2Plan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(daimyo2Plan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (daimyo3Plan >= 0) { if ((daimyo1Plan < 0) && (daimyo2Plan < 0)) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(daimyo3Plan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(daimyo3Plan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, 0); } } if (shogunPlan >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(shogunPlan, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); } } //============================================================================== // influenceManager // Train units and research techs with influence resource. //============================================================================== rule influenceManager inactive minInterval 45 { // Maintain plans. static int influenceUPID = -1; static int influenceMaintainPlans = -1; researchSimpleTech(cTechDEImportedCannons, cUnitTypedePalace); if (influenceUPID < 0) // First run. { influenceUPID = kbUnitPickCreate("Influence military units"); if (influenceUPID < 0) { return; } influenceMaintainPlans = xsArrayCreateInt(3, -1, "Influence maintain plans"); } int trainUnitID = -1; int planID = -1; int numberToMaintain = 0; int popCount = 0; int buildLimit = 0; float totalFactor = 0.0; float unitCost = 0.0; // Default init. kbUnitPickResetAll(influenceUPID); // Desired number units types, buildings. kbUnitPickSetDesiredNumberUnitTypes(influenceUPID, 2, 1, true); setUnitPickerCommon(influenceUPID); kbUnitPickSetMinimumCounterModePop(influenceUPID, 15); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeMercenary, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeAbstractNativeWarrior, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypedeMaigadi, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypedeSebastopolMortar, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeFalconet, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeOrganGun, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeCulverin, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeMortar, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeypMahout, 1.0); kbUnitPickSetPreferenceFactor(influenceUPID, cUnitTypeypHowdah, 1.0); kbUnitPickRun(influenceUPID); for (i = 0; < 2) { totalFactor = totalFactor + kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(influenceUPID, i); } float influenceAmount = kbResourceGet(cResourceInfluence); for (i = 0; < 2) { trainUnitID = kbUnitPickGetResult(influenceUPID, i); planID = xsArrayGetInt(influenceMaintainPlans, i); if (planID >= 0) { if (trainUnitID != aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanUnitType, 0)) { aiPlanDestroy(planID); planID = -1; } } if (trainUnitID < 0) { continue; } // If we do not have enough influence for this unit, don't plan training anymore. if (influenceAmount > 0.0) { popCount = kbGetProtoUnitPopCount(trainUnitID); unitCost = kbUnitCostPerResource(trainUnitID, cResourceInfluence); // Hardcoded to at most half of our military pop. if (popCount > 0) { numberToMaintain = 0.5 * (kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(influenceUPID, i) / totalFactor) * aiGetMilitaryPop() / popCount; } else { numberToMaintain = 0.5 * (kbUnitPickGetResultFactor(influenceUPID, i) / totalFactor) * aiGetMilitaryPop() / (unitCost * 0.01); } buildLimit = kbGetBuildLimit(cMyID, trainUnitID); if (buildLimit > 0 && numberToMaintain > buildLimit) { numberToMaintain = buildLimit; } influenceAmount = influenceAmount - ((numberToMaintain - kbUnitCount(cMyID, trainUnitID, cUnitStateABQ)) * unitCost); } else { numberToMaintain = 0; } if (planID >= 0) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cTrainPlanNumberToMaintain, 0, numberToMaintain); } else { planID = createSimpleMaintainPlan(trainUnitID, numberToMaintain, false, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID), 1); aiPlanSetDesiredResourcePriority(planID, 45 - i); // Below research plans. xsArraySetInt(influenceMaintainPlans, i, planID); } } } /* !!!!!THIS BLOCK COMMENT HAS ALL THE CODE BELONGING TO THE DEPRECATED MISSION/OPPORTUNITY SYSTEMS!!!!! extern int gMostRecentAllyOpportunityID = -1; // Which opportunity (if any) was created by an ally? (Only one at a time allowed.) extern int gMostRecentTriggerOpportunityID = -1; // Which opportunity (if any) was created by a trigger? (Only one at a time allowed.) extern int gLastClaimMissionTime = -1; extern int gClaimMissionInterval = 600000; // 10 minutes. This variable indicates how long it takes for claim opportunities to // score their maximum. Typically, a new one will launch before this time. //============================================================================== createOpportunity(type, targetType, targetID, targetPlayerID, source) A wrapper function for aiCreateOpportunity(), to permit centralized tracking of the most recently created ally-generated and trigger-generated opportunities. This info is needed so that a cancel command can efficiently deactivate the previous (and possibly current) opportunity before creating the new one. //============================================================================== int createOpportunity(int type = -1, int targetType = -1, int targetID = -1, int targetPlayerID = -1, int source = -1) { int oppID = aiCreateOpportunity(type, targetType, targetID, targetPlayerID, source); if (source == cOpportunitySourceAllyRequest) gMostRecentAllyOpportunityID = oppID; // Remember which ally opp we're doing else if (source == cOpportunitySourceTrigger) gMostRecentTriggerOpportunityID = oppID; return (oppID); } //============================================================================== // createSimpleAttackGoal //============================================================================== int createSimpleAttackGoal( string name = "BUG", int attackPlayerID = -1, int unitPickerID = -1, int repeat = -1, int minAge = -1, int maxAge = -1, int baseID = -1, bool allowRetreat = false) { debugMilitary("CreateSimpleAttackGoal: Name=" + name + ", AttackPlayerID=" + attackPlayerID + "."); debugMilitary(" UnitPickerID=" + unitPickerID + ", Repeat=" + repeat + ", baseID=" + baseID + "."); debugMilitary(" MinAge=" + minAge + ", maxAge=" + maxAge + ", allowRetreat=" + allowRetreat + "."); // Create the goal. int goalID = aiPlanCreate(name, cPlanGoal); if (goalID < 0) return (-1); // Priority. aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(goalID, 90); // Attack player ID. if (attackPlayerID >= 0) aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanAttackPlayerID, 0, attackPlayerID); else aiPlanSetVariableBool(goalID, cGoalPlanAutoUpdateAttackPlayerID, 0, true); // Base. if (baseID >= 0) aiPlanSetBaseID(goalID, baseID); else aiPlanSetVariableBool(goalID, cGoalPlanAutoUpdateBase, 0, true); // Attack. aiPlanSetAttack(goalID, true); aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanGoalType, 0, cGoalPlanGoalTypeAttack); aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanAttackStartFrequency, 0, 5); // Military. aiPlanSetMilitary(goalID, true); aiPlanSetEscrowID(goalID, cMilitaryEscrowID); // Ages. aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanMinAge, 0, minAge); aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanMaxAge, 0, maxAge); // Repeat. aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanRepeat, 0, repeat); // Unit Picker. aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanUnitPickerID, 0, unitPickerID); // Retreat. aiPlanSetVariableBool(goalID, cGoalPlanAllowRetreat, 0, allowRetreat); // Handle maps where the enemy player is usually on a diff island. if (gStartOnDifferentIslands == true) { aiPlanSetVariableBool(goalID, cGoalPlanSetAreaGroups, 0, true); aiPlanSetVariableInt(goalID, cGoalPlanAttackRoutePatternType, 0, cAttackPlanAttackRoutePatternRandom); } // Done. return (goalID); } //============================================================================== // initGatherGoal() //============================================================================== int initGatherGoal() { /* Create the gather goal, return its handle. The gather goal stores the key data for controlling gatherer distribution. int planID = aiPlanCreate("GatherGoals", cPlanGatherGoal); if (planID >= 0) { // Overall percentages. aiPlanSetDesiredPriority(planID, 90); // Set the RGP weights. Script in charge. aiSetResourceGathererPercentageWeight(cRGPScript, 0.5); // Portion driven by forecast aiSetResourceGathererPercentageWeight(cRGPCost, 0.5); // Portion driven by exchange rates // Set the gather goal to reflect those settings (Gather goal values are informational only to simplify // debugging.) Set the gather goal to reflect those settings (Gather goal values are informational only to // simplify debugging.) aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanScriptRPGPct, 0, 1.0); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanCostRPGPct, 0, 1.0); aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(planID, cGatherGoalPlanGathererPct, cNumResourceTypes, true); // Set initial gatherer assignments. aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanGathererPct, cResourceGold, 0.0); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanGathererPct, cResourceWood, 0.2); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanGathererPct, cResourceFood, 0.8); /* if (cMyCiv == cCivFrench) { aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanGathererPct, cResourceWood, 0.6); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanGathererPct, cResourceFood, 0.4); } // Standard resource breakdown setup, all easy at the start. aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, 5, true); if ((cMyCiv != cCivJapanese) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCJapanese) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCJapaneseEnemy)) { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHunt, 1); } else { aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, 1); } aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHerdable, 0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHunt, 0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHuntAggressive, 0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeFarm, 0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeFish, 0); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumWoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, 1); aiPlanSetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumGoldPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, 1); // Cost weights...set the convenience copies in the gather goal first, then the real ones next. aiPlanSetNumberVariableValues(planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cNumResourceTypes, true); aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cResourceGold, 1.0); // Gold is the standard aiPlanSetVariableFloat( planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cResourceWood, 1.2); // Start at 1.2, since wood is harder to collect aiPlanSetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cResourceFood, 1.0); // Premium for food, or 1.0? // Setup AI Cost weights. This makes it actually work, the calls above just set the convenience copy in the // gather goal. kbSetAICostWeight(cResourceFood, aiPlanGetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cResourceFood)); kbSetAICostWeight(cResourceWood, aiPlanGetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cResourceWood)); kbSetAICostWeight(cResourceGold, aiPlanGetVariableFloat(planID, cGatherGoalPlanResourceCostWeight, cResourceGold)); // Set initial gatherer percentages. aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceFood, false, 1.0); aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceWood, false, 0.0); aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceGold, false, 0.0); if (cMyCiv == cCivDutch) { aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceFood, false, 0.0); aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceGold, false, 1.0); } else if (cMyCiv == cCivIndians) { aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceFood, false, 0.0); aiSetResourcePercentage(cResourceWood, false, 1.0); } // Set up the initial resource breakdowns. int numFoodEasyPlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy); int numFoodHuntPlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHunt); int numFoodHerdablePlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHerdable); int numFoodHuntAggressivePlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt( planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeHuntAggressive); int numFishPlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeFish); int numFarmPlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumFoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeFarm); int numWoodPlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumWoodPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy); int numGoldPlans = aiPlanGetVariableInt(planID, cGatherGoalPlanNumGoldPlans, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy); if ((kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID) >= 0)) // Don't bother if we don't have a main base { if (cvOkToGatherFood == true) { if ((cMyCiv != cCivJapanese) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCJapanese) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCJapaneseEnemy)) { aiSetResourceBreakdown( cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, 0, 49, 1.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); // All on easy hunting food at start aiSetResourceBreakdown( cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeHunt, numFoodHuntPlans, 49, 1.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); // All on easy hunting food at start } else { aiSetResourceBreakdown( cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, numFoodEasyPlans, 49, 1.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); // All on easy food at start } /*if ((cMyCiv != cCivIndians) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCIndians) && (cMyCiv != cCivJapanese) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCJapanese) && (cMyCiv != cCivSPCJapaneseEnemy)) { aiSetResourceBreakdown(cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeHerdable, numFoodHerdablePlans, 24, 1.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); } aiSetResourceBreakdown( cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeHerdable, numFoodHerdablePlans, 24, 0.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); aiSetResourceBreakdown( cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeHuntAggressive, numFoodHuntAggressivePlans, 49, 0.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); aiSetResourceBreakdown(cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeFish, numFishPlans, 49, 0.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); aiSetResourceBreakdown(cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeFarm, numFarmPlans, 51, 0.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); // if ((cMyCiv == cCivJapanese) || (cMyCiv == cCivSPCJapanese) || (cMyCiv == cCivSPCJapaneseEnemy)) //{ // aiSetResourceBreakdown(cResourceFood, cAIResourceSubTypeFarm, numFarmPlans, 51, 1.0, // kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); //} } if (cvOkToGatherWood == true) aiSetResourceBreakdown(cResourceWood, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, numWoodPlans, 50, 1.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); if (cvOkToGatherGold == true) aiSetResourceBreakdown(cResourceGold, cAIResourceSubTypeEasy, numGoldPlans, 55, 1.0, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)); } } return (planID); } //============================================================================== /* selectCaptain Updates the global gIAmCaptain bool. Also sets the gCaptainPlayerNumber int. Algorithm is brain-dead simple. I am captain if I am the lowest-numbered AI player on a team with no human players. Otherwise, I am not captain. //============================================================================== rule selectCaptain inactive minInterval 30 { int player = -1; bool amCaptain = false; // Unless proven otherwise bool humanTeammate = false; // Set true if/when a human teammate is found int captainsNumber = -1; // Set when we find a captain for (player = 1; < cNumberPlayers) { if (kbHasPlayerLost(player) == false) { if (kbIsPlayerAlly(player) == true) { // if this player is human, that's the captainsNumber if ((kbIsPlayerHuman(player) == true) && (kbHasPlayerLost(player) == false) && (humanTeammate == false)) { amCaptain = false; // AI player is definitely not human captainsNumber = player; humanTeammate = true; } else { // This is an AI player or a human player other than the first. If it's not me and has a lower number and // there's no human yet, he's captain. if ((kbIsPlayerHuman(player) == false) && (kbHasPlayerLost(player) == false) && (humanTeammate == false)) { if ((player <= cMyID) && (captainsNumber < 0)) // He's <= me and there's no captain yet { captainsNumber = player; if (player == cMyID) amCaptain = true; // I'm the captain...unless human player is found later. } } } } } } // End for(player) loop. if ((captainsNumber != gCaptainPlayerNumber) || (gIAmCaptain != amCaptain)) { // Something changed debugMilitary("*** Old captain was " + gCaptainPlayerNumber + ", new captain is " + captainsNumber); gCaptainPlayerNumber = captainsNumber; gIAmCaptain = amCaptain; } } extern int gMissionToCancel = -1; // Function returns # of units available, sets global var so commhandler can kill the mission if needed. int unitCountFromCancelledMission(int oppSource = cOpportunitySourceAllyRequest) { int retVal = 0; // Number of military units available gMissionToCancel = -1; if (oppSource == cOpportunitySourceTrigger) return (0); // DO NOT mess with scenario triggers int planCount = aiPlanGetNumber(cPlanMission, cPlanStateWorking, true); int plan = -1; int childPlan = -1; int oppID = -1; int pri = -1; debugMilitary(planCount + " missions found"); for (i = 0; < planCount) { plan = aiPlanGetIDByIndex(cPlanMission, cPlanStateWorking, true, i); if (plan < 0) continue; childPlan = aiPlanGetVariableInt(plan, cMissionPlanPlanID, 0); oppID = aiPlanGetVariableInt(plan, cMissionPlanOpportunityID, 0); debugMilitary(" Examining mission " + plan); debugMilitary(" Child plan is " + childPlan); debugMilitary(" Opp ID is " + oppID); pri = aiGetOpportunitySourceType(oppID); debugMilitary(" Opp priority is " + pri + ", incoming command is " + oppSource); if ((pri > cOpportunitySourceAutoGenerated) && (pri <= oppSource)) // This isn't an auto-generated opp, and the incoming command has sufficient rank. { debugMilitary(" This is valid to cancel."); gMissionToCancel = plan; // Store this so commHandler can kill it. debugMilitary(" Child plan has " + aiPlanGetNumberUnits(childPlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) + " units."); retVal = aiPlanGetNumberUnits(childPlan, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); } else { debugMilitary("Cannot cancel mission " + plan); retVal = 0; } } return (retVal); } //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //============================================================================== // Opportunities and Missions //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //============================================================================== //============================================================================== void missionStartHandler(int missionID = -1) { // Track times for mission starts, so we can tell how long its been since // we had a mission of a given type. if (missionID < 0) return; int oppID = aiPlanGetVariableInt(missionID, cMissionPlanOpportunityID, 0); int oppType = aiGetOpportunityType(oppID); aiPlanSetVariableInt(missionID, cMissionPlanStartTime, 0, xsGetTime()); // Set the start time in ms. switch (oppType) { case cOpportunityTypeDestroy: { gLastAttackMissionTime = xsGetTime(); debugMilitary("-------- ATTACK MISSION ACTIVATION: Mission " + missionID + ", Opp " + oppID); break; } case cOpportunityTypeDefend: { gLastDefendMissionTime = xsGetTime(); debugMilitary("-------- DEFEND MISSION ACTIVATION: Mission " + missionID + ", Opp " + oppID); break; } case cOpportunityTypeClaim: { gLastClaimMissionTime = xsGetTime(); debugMilitary("-------- CLAIM MISSION ACTIVATION: Mission " + missionID + ", Opp " + oppID); break; } default: { debugMilitary("-------- UNKNOWN MISSION ACTIVATION: Mission " + missionID + ", Opp " + oppID); break; } } } // Handlers for mission start/end aiSetHandler("missionStartHandler", cXSMissionStartHandler); aiSetHandler("missionEndHandler", cXSMissionEndHandler); void missionEndHandler(int missionID = -1) { debugMilitary( "-------- MISSION TERMINATION: Mission " + missionID + ", Opp " + aiGetOpportunityType(aiPlanGetVariableInt(missionID, cMissionPlanOpportunityID, 0))); } // Get a class rating, 0.0 to 1.0, for this type of opportunity. // Scores zero when an opportunity of this type was just launched. // Scores 1.0 when it has been 'gXXXMissionInterval' time since the last one. float getClassRating(int oppType = -1, int target = -1) { float retVal = 1.0; float timeElapsed = 0.0; int targetType = -1; switch (oppType) { case cOpportunityTypeDestroy: { timeElapsed = xsGetTime() - gLastAttackMissionTime; retVal = 1.0 * (timeElapsed / gAttackMissionInterval); break; } case cOpportunityTypeDefend: { timeElapsed = xsGetTime() - gLastDefendMissionTime; retVal = 1.0 * (timeElapsed / gDefendMissionInterval); break; } case cOpportunityTypeClaim: { timeElapsed = xsGetTime() - gLastClaimMissionTime; if (kbVPSiteGetType(target) == cVPTrade) { if (btBiasTrade > 0.0) { timeElapsed = timeElapsed * (1.0 + btBiasTrade); // Multiply by at least one, up to 2, i.e. btBiasTrade of 1.0 will double elapsed time. } else timeElapsed = timeElapsed / ((-1.0 * btBiasTrade) + 1.0); // Divide by 1.00 up to 2.00, i.e. cut it in half if btBiasTrade = -1.0 retVal = 1.0 * (timeElapsed / gClaimMissionInterval); } else // VPNative { if (btBiasNative > 0.0) timeElapsed = timeElapsed * (1.0 + btBiasNative); // Multiply by at least one, up to 2, i.e. btBiasNative of 1.0 will double elapsed time. else timeElapsed = timeElapsed / ((-1.0 * btBiasNative) + 1.0); // Divide by 1.00 up to 2.00, i.e. cut it in half if btBiasNative = -1.0 retVal = 1.0 * (timeElapsed / gClaimMissionInterval); } break; } } if (retVal > 1.0) retVal = 1.0; if (retVal < 0.0) retVal = 0.0; return (retVal); } //============================================================================== /* getActiveMissionCount(int missionType) Returns the number of active missions that match the optional type. If no types is given, returns the total number of missions. //============================================================================== /*int getActiveMissionCount(int missionType=-1) { int retVal = 0; int missionCount = 0; int missionIndex = 0; int missionID = -1; for (missionIndex = 0; < aiPlanGetNumber(cPlanMission, -1, true)) // Step through all mission plans. -1 means any state is OK. { missionID = aiPlanGetIDByIndex(cPlanMission, -1, true, missionIndex); if ( (missionType == -1) || (aiPlanGetVariableInt(missionID, cMissionPlanType, 0) == missionType) ) // No type specified, or type matches retVal = retVal + 1; } return(retVal); } // Calculate an approximate rating for enemy strength in/near this base. float getBaseEnemyStrength(int baseID = -1) { float retVal = 0.0; int owner = kbBaseGetOwner(baseID); static int allyBaseQuery = -1; if (allyBaseQuery < 0) { allyBaseQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("Ally Base query"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(allyBaseQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(allyBaseQuery, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia); kbUnitQuerySetState(allyBaseQuery, cUnitStateABQ); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(allyBaseQuery, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); } if (baseID < 0) return (-1.0); if (owner <= 0) return (-1.0); int numberFound = 0; int unitID = -1; int puid = -1; if (kbIsPlayerEnemy(owner) == true) { // Enemy base, add up military factors normally int baseQuery = createSimpleUnitQuery( cUnitTypeHasBountyValue, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia, cUnitStateAlive, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, baseID), kbBaseGetDistance(cMyID, baseID)); numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(baseQuery); for (i = 0; < numberFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(baseQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); switch (puid) { case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: { retVal = retVal + 10.0; break; } case cUnitTypeTownCenter: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeOutpost: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypCastle: { retVal = retVal + 4.0; break; } case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } default: { if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) retVal = retVal + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); break; } } } } else { // Ally base, we're considering defending. Count enemy units present kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(allyBaseQuery, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); kbUnitQuerySetPosition(allyBaseQuery, kbBaseGetLocation(owner, baseID)); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(allyBaseQuery, 50.0); kbUnitQueryResetResults(allyBaseQuery); numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(allyBaseQuery); for (i = 0; < numberFound) { unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(allyBaseQuery, i); puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) retVal = retVal + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); } } if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; // Return at least 1. return (retVal); } // Calculate an approximate strength rating for the enemy units/buildings near this point. float getPointEnemyStrength(vector loc = cInvalidVector) { float retVal = 0.0; static int enemyPointQuery = -1; if (enemyPointQuery < 0) { enemyPointQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("Enemy Point query"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(enemyPointQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(enemyPointQuery, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia); kbUnitQuerySetState(enemyPointQuery, cUnitStateABQ); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(enemyPointQuery, cUnitTypeHasBountyValue); } kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(enemyPointQuery, cUnitTypeHasBountyValue); kbUnitQuerySetPosition(enemyPointQuery, loc); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(enemyPointQuery, 50.0); kbUnitQueryResetResults(enemyPointQuery); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(enemyPointQuery); for (i = 0; < numberFound) { int unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(enemyPointQuery, i); int puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); switch (puid) { case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: { retVal = retVal + 10.0; break; } case cUnitTypeTownCenter: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeOutpost: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypCastle: { retVal = retVal + 4.0; break; } case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } default: { if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) retVal = retVal + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); break; } } } if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; // Return at least 1. return (retVal); } // Calculate an approximate strength rating for the allied units/buildings near this point. float getPointAllyStrength(vector loc = cInvalidVector) { float retVal = 0.0; static int allyPointQuery = -1; if (allyPointQuery < 0) { allyPointQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("Ally Point query 2"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(allyPointQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(allyPointQuery, cPlayerRelationAlly); kbUnitQuerySetState(allyPointQuery, cUnitStateABQ); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(allyPointQuery, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); } kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(allyPointQuery, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary); kbUnitQuerySetPosition(allyPointQuery, loc); kbUnitQuerySetMaximumDistance(allyPointQuery, 50.0); kbUnitQueryResetResults(allyPointQuery); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(allyPointQuery); for (i = 0; < numberFound) { int unitID = kbUnitQueryGetResult(allyPointQuery, i); int puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); switch (puid) { case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: { retVal = retVal + 10.0; break; } case cUnitTypeTownCenter: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeOutpost: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypCastle: { retVal = retVal + 4.0; break; } case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } default: { if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) retVal = retVal + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); break; } } } if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; // Return at least 1. return (retVal); } // Calculate an approximate value for this base. float getBaseValue(int baseID = -1) { float retVal = 0.0; int owner = kbBaseGetOwner(baseID); int relation = -1; if (baseID < 0) return (-1.0); if (owner <= 0) return (-1.0); if (kbIsPlayerAlly(owner) == true) relation = cPlayerRelationAlly; else relation = cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia; retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls)); retVal = retVal + (1000.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeTownCenter)); // 1000 points extra per TC retVal = retVal + (600.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypePlantation)); // 600 points extra per plantation retVal = retVal + (2000.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeFortFrontier)); // 2000 points extra per fort retVal = retVal + (150.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary)); // 150 points per soldier retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeSettler)); // 200 points per settler retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeCoureur)); // 200 points per coureur retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeCoureurCree)); // 200 points per cree coureur retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeSettlerNative)); // 200 points per native settler retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeypSettlerAsian)); // 200 points per Asian settler retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeypSettlerIndian)); // 200 points per Indian settler retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeypSettlerJapanese)); // 200 points per Japanese settler retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeSettlerWagon)); // 300 points per settler wagon retVal = retVal + (1000.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeTradingPost)); // 1000 points per trading post retVal = retVal + (800.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeFactory)); // 800 points extra per factory retVal = retVal + (300.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeBank)); // 300 points extra per bank retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeMill)); // 200 points extra per mill retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits(owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeFarm)); // 200 points extra per farm retVal = retVal + (200.0 * kbBaseGetNumberUnits( owner, baseID, relation, cUnitTypeypRicePaddy)); // 200 points extra per rice paddy if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; // Return at least 1. return (retVal); } // Calculate an approximate value for the playerRelation units/buildings near this point. // I.e. if playerRelation is enemy, calculate strength of enemy units and buildings. float getPointValue(vector loc = cInvalidVector, int relation = cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia) { float retVal = 0.0; static int allyQuery = -1; static int enemyQuery = -1; int queryID = -1; // Use either enemy or ally query as needed. if (allyQuery < 0) { allyQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("Ally point value query"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(allyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(allyQuery, cPlayerRelationAlly); kbUnitQuerySetState(allyQuery, cUnitStateABQ); } if (enemyQuery < 0) { enemyQuery = kbUnitQueryCreate("Enemy point value query"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(enemyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(enemyQuery, cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia); kbUnitQuerySetSeeableOnly(enemyQuery, true); kbUnitQuerySetState(enemyQuery, cUnitStateAlive); } if ((relation == cPlayerRelationEnemy) || (relation == cPlayerRelationEnemyNotGaia)) queryID = enemyQuery; else queryID = allyQuery; kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = 200.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // 200 points per building kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeTownCenter); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 1000.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 1000 per TC kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeTradingPost); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 1000.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 1000 per trading post kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeFactory); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 800.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 800 per factory kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypePlantation); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 600.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 600 per plantation kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeBank); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 300.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 300 per bank kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeMill); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 200.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 200 per mill kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeFarm); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 200.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 200 per farm kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeypRicePaddy); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 200.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 200 per rice paddy kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeSPCXPMiningCamp); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 1000.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // Extra 1000 per SPC mining camp for XPack scenario kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(queryID, cUnitTypeUnit); kbUnitQueryResetResults(queryID); retVal = retVal + 200.0 * kbUnitQueryExecute(queryID); // 200 per unit. if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; return (retVal); } float getPlanStrength(int planID = -1) { float retVal = 0.0; int numberUnits = aiPlanGetNumberUnits(planID); for (i = 0; < numberUnits) { int unitID = aiPlanGetUnitByIndex(planID, i); int puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); switch (puid) { case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: { retVal = retVal + 10.0; break; } case cUnitTypeTownCenter: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeOutpost: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypCastle: { retVal = retVal + 4.0; break; } case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } default: { if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) retVal = retVal + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); break; } } } if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; // Return at least 1. return (retVal); } float getUnitListStrength(int unitList = -1) { float retVal = 0.0; int numberUnits = xsArrayGetSize(unitList); for (i = 0; < numberUnits) { int unitID = xsArrayGetInt(unitList, i); switch (kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID)) { case cUnitTypeFortFrontier: { retVal = retVal + 10.0; break; } case cUnitTypeTownCenter: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeOutpost: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeBlockhouse: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypeNoblesHut: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort2: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort3: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort4: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypWIAgraFort5: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypCastle: { retVal = retVal + 4.0; break; } case cUnitTypeYPOutpostAsian: { retVal = retVal + 3.0; break; } case cUnitTypedeIncaStronghold: { retVal = retVal + 5.0; break; } default: { int puid = kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID); if (kbProtoUnitIsType(cMyID, puid, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeLandMilitary) == true) retVal = retVal + getMilitaryUnitStrength(puid); break; } } } if (retVal < 1.0) retVal = 1.0; // Return at least 1. return (retVal); } float getUnitListValue(int unitList = -1) { float retVal = 0.0; int numberUnits = xsArrayGetSize(unitList); for (i = 0; < numberUnits) { int unitID = xsArrayGetInt(unitList, i); switch (kbUnitGetProtoUnitID(unitID)) { case cUnitTypeTownCenter: { retVal = retVal + 1200.0; break; } case cUnitTypeTradingPost: { retVal = retVal + 1200.0; break; } case cUnitTypeFactory: { retVal = retVal + 1000.0; break; } case cUnitTypePlantation: { retVal = retVal + 800.0; break; } case cUnitTypeBank: { retVal = retVal + 500.0; break; } case cUnitTypeMill: { retVal = retVal + 400.0; break; } case cUnitTypeypRicePaddy: { retVal = retVal + 400.0; break; } case cUnitTypeSPCXPMiningCamp: { retVal = retVal + 1200.0; break; } default: { if (kbUnitIsType(unitID, cUnitTypeLogicalTypeBuildingsNotWalls) == true) retVal = retVal + 200.0; else if (kbUnitIsType(unitID, cUnitTypeUnit) == true) retVal = retVal + 200.0; break; } } } return (retVal); } // Set the ScoreOppHandler // aiSetHandler("scoreOpportunity", cXSScoreOppHandler); //============================================================================== // Called for each opportunity that needs to be scored. //============================================================================== void scoreOpportunity(int oppID = -1) { /* Sets all the scoring components for the opportunity, and a final score. The scoring components and their meanings are: int PERMISSION What level of permission is needed to do this? cOpportunitySourceAutoGenerated is the lowest...go ahead and do it. cOpportunitySourceAllyRequest...the AI may not do it on its own, i.e. it may be against the rules for this difficulty. cOpportunitySourceTrigger...even ally requests are denied, as when prevented by control variables, but a trigger (gaia request) may do it. cOpportunitySourceTrigger+1...not allowed at all. float AFFORDABLE Do I have what it takes to do this? This includes appropriate army sizes, resources to pay for things (like trading posts) and required units like explorers. 0.80 indicates a neutral, good-to-go position. 1.0 means overstock, i.e. an army of 20 would be good, and I have 35 units available. 0.5 means extreme shortfall, like the minimum you could possibly imagine. 0.0 means you simply can't do it, like no units at all. Budget issues like amount of wood should never score below 0.5, scores below 0.5 mean deep, profound problems. int SOURCE Who asked for this mission? Uses the cOpportunitySource... constants above. float CLASS How much do we want to do this type of mission? Based on personality, how long it's been since the last mission of this type, etc. 0.8 is a neutral, "this is a good mission" rating. 1.0 is extremely good, I really, really want to do this next. 0.5 is a poor score. 0.0 means I just flat can't do it. This class score will creep up over time for most classes, to make sure they get done once in a while. float INSTANCE How good is this particular target? Includes asset value (is it important to attack or defend this?) and distance. Defense values are incorporated in the AFFORDABLE calculation above. 0.0 is no value, this target can't be attacked. 0.8 is a good solid target. 1.0 is a dream target. float TOTAL Incorporates AFFORDABLE, CLASS and INSTANCE by multiplying them together, so a zero in any one sets total to zero. Source is added as an int IF AND ONLY IF SOURCE >= PERMISSION. If SOURCE < PERMISSION, the total is set to -1. Otherwise, all ally source opportunities will outrank all self generated opportunities, and all trigger-generated opportunities will outrank both of those. Since AFFORDABLE, CLASS and INSTANCE all aim for 0.8 as a good, solid par value, a total score of .5 is rougly "pretty good". A score of 1.0 is nearly impossible and should be quite rare...a high-value target, weakly defended, while I have a huge army and the target is close to me and we haven't done one of those for a long, long time. Total of 0.0 is an opportunity that should not be serviced. >0 up to 1 indicates a self-generated opportunity, with 0.5 being decent, 1.0 a dream, and 0.2 kind of marginal. Ally commands are in the range 1.0 to 2.0 (unless illegal), and triggers score 2.0 to 3.0. // Interim values for the scoring components: int permission = 0; float instance = 0.0; float classRating = 0.0; float total = 0.0; float affordable = 0.0; float score = 0.0; // Info about this opportunity int source = aiGetOpportunitySourceType(oppID); if (source < 0) source = cOpportunitySourceAutoGenerated; if (source > cOpportunitySourceTrigger) source = cOpportunitySourceTrigger; int target = aiGetOpportunityTargetID(oppID); int targetType = aiGetOpportunityTargetType(oppID); int oppType = aiGetOpportunityType(oppID); int targetPlayer = aiGetOpportunityTargetPlayerID(oppID); vector location = aiGetOpportunityLocation(oppID); float radius = aiGetOpportunityRadius(oppID); if (radius < 40.0) radius = 40.0; int baseOwner = -1; float baseEnemyPower = 0.0; // Used to measure troop and building strength. Units roughly equal to unit count of army. float baseAllyPower = 0.0; // Strength of allied buildings and units, roughly equal to unit count. float netEnemyPower = 0.0; // Basically enemy minus ally, but the ally effect can, at most, cut 80% of enemy strength float baseAssets = 0.0; // Rough estimate of base value, in aiCost. float affordRatio = 0.0; bool errorFound = false; // Set true if we can't do a good score. Ends up setting score to -1. // Variables for available number of units and plan to kill if any float armySizeAuto = 0.0; // For source cOpportunitySourceAutoGenerated float armySizeAlly = 0.0; // For ally-generated commands, how many units could we scrounge up? int missionToKillAlly = -1; // Mission to cancel in order to provide the armySizeAlly number of units. float armySizeTrigger = 0.0; // For trigger-generated commands, how many units could we scrounge up? int missionToKillTrigger = -1; // Mission to cancel in order to provide the armySizeTrigger number of units. float armySize = 0.0; // The actual army size we'll use for calcs, depending on how big the target is. float missionToKill = -1; // The actual mission to kill based on the army size we've selected. float oppDistance = 0.0; // Distance to target location or base. bool sameAreaGroup = true; // Set false if opp is on another areagroup. bool defendingMonopoly = false; bool attackingMonopoly = false; int tradePostID = -1; // Set to trade post ID if this is a base target, and a trade post is nearby. bool defendingKOTH = false; bool attackingKOTH = false; int KOTHID = -1; // Set to the hill ID if this is a base target, and the hill is nearby. if (gIsMonopolyRunning == true) { if (gMonopolyTeam == kbGetPlayerTeam(cMyID)) defendingMonopoly = true; // We're defending, let's not go launching any attacks else attackingMonopoly = true; // We're attacking, focus on trade posts } if (gIsKOTHRunning == true) { if (gKOTHTeam == kbGetPlayerTeam(cMyID)) defendingKOTH = true; // We're defending, let's not go launching any attacks else attackingKOTH = true; // We're attacking, focus on the hill } //-- get the total strength of units in our reserve. armySizeAuto = getPlanStrength(gLandReservePlan); armySizeAlly = armySizeAuto; armySizeTrigger = armySizeAlly; // debugMilitary(" "); // debugMilitary("Scoring opportunity "+oppID+", targetID "+target+", location "+location); // Get target info switch (targetType) { case cOpportunityTargetTypeBase: { location = kbBaseGetLocation(kbBaseGetOwner(target), target); tradePostID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeTradingPost, kbBaseGetOwner(target), cUnitStateAlive, location, 40.0); KOTHID = getUnitByLocation(cUnitTypeypKingsHill, kbBaseGetOwner(target), cUnitStateAlive, location, 40.0); radius = 50.0; baseOwner = kbBaseGetOwner(target); baseEnemyPower = getBaseEnemyStrength(target); // Calculate "defenses" as enemy units present baseAllyPower = getPointAllyStrength(kbBaseGetLocation(kbBaseGetOwner(target), target)); if ((baseEnemyPower * 0.8) > baseAllyPower) netEnemyPower = baseEnemyPower - baseAllyPower; // Ally power is less than 80% of enemy else netEnemyPower = baseEnemyPower * 0.2; // Ally power is more then 80%, but leave a token enemy rating anyway. baseAssets = getBaseValue(target); // Rough value of target if ((gIsMonopolyRunning == true) && (tradePostID >= 0)) baseAssets = baseAssets + 10000; // Huge bump if this is a trade post (enemy or ally) and a monopoly is running if ((gIsKOTHRunning == true) && (KOTHID >= 0)) baseAssets = baseAssets + 10000; // Huge bump if this is the hill (enemy or ally) and a timer is running break; } case cOpportunityTargetTypePointRadius: { baseEnemyPower = getPointEnemyStrength(location); baseAllyPower = getPointAllyStrength(location); if ((baseEnemyPower * 0.8) > baseAllyPower) netEnemyPower = baseEnemyPower - baseAllyPower; // Ally power is less than 80% of enemy else netEnemyPower = baseEnemyPower * 0.2; // Ally power is more then 80%, but leave a token enemy rating anyway. baseAssets = getPointValue(location); // Rough value of target break; } case cOpportunityTargetTypeVPSite: // This is only for CLAIM missions. A VP site that is owned will be a // defend or destroy opportunity. { location = kbVPSiteGetLocation(target); radius = 50.0; baseEnemyPower = getPointEnemyStrength(location); baseAllyPower = getPointAllyStrength(location); if ((baseEnemyPower * 0.8) > baseAllyPower) netEnemyPower = baseEnemyPower - baseAllyPower; // Ally power is less than 80% of enemy else netEnemyPower = baseEnemyPower * 0.2; // Ally power is more then 80%, but leave a token enemy rating anyway. baseAssets = 1000.0; // Arbitrary...consider a claimable VP Site as worth 1000 resources. break; } } if (netEnemyPower < 1.0) netEnemyPower = 1.0; // Avoid div 0 oppDistance = distance(location, kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID))); if (oppDistance <= 0.0) oppDistance = 1.0; if (kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(location) != kbAreaGroupGetIDByPosition(kbBaseGetLocation(cMyID, kbBaseGetMainID(cMyID)))) sameAreaGroup = false; // Figure which armySize to use. This currently is a placeholder, we may not need to mess with it. armySize = armySizeAuto; // Default // debugMilitary(" EnemyPower "+baseEnemyPower+", AllyPower "+baseAllyPower+", NetEnemyPower "+netEnemyPower); // debugMilitary(" BaseAssets "+baseAssets+", myArmySize "+armySize); switch (oppType) { case cOpportunityTypeDestroy: { // Check permissions required. if (cvOkToAttack == false) permission = cOpportunitySourceTrigger; // Only triggers can make us attack. if (gDelayAttacks == true) permission = cOpportunitySourceTrigger; // Only triggers can override this difficulty setting. // Check affordability if (netEnemyPower < 0.0) { errorFound = true; affordable = 0.0; } else { // Set affordability. Roughly armySize / baseEnemyPower, but broken into ranges. // 0.0 is no-can-do, i.e. no troops. 0.8 is "good", i.e.0 armySize is double baseEnemyPower. // Above a 2.0 ratio, to 5.0, scale this into the 0.8 to 1.0 range. // Above 5.0, score it 1.0 affordRatio = armySize / netEnemyPower; if (kbGetAge() < cAge3) { if (affordRatio < 2.0) affordable = affordRatio / 2.5; // 0 -> 0.0, 2.0 -> 0.8 else affordable = 0.8 + ((affordRatio - 2.0) / 15.0); // 1.0 -> 0.8 and 5.0 -> 1.0 } else if (kbGetAge() == cAge3) { if (affordRatio < 1.5) affordable = affordRatio / 1.875; // 0 -> 0.0, 1.5 -> 0.8 else affordable = 0.8 + ((affordRatio - 1.5) / 7.5); // 1.0 -> 0.8 and 3.0 -> 1.0 } else { if (affordRatio < 1.0) affordable = affordRatio / 1.25; // 0 -> 0.0, 1.0 -> 0.8 else affordable = 0.8 + ((affordRatio - 1.0) / 5.0); // 1.0 -> 0.8 and 2.0 -> 1.0 } // Also consider other factors than military ratio if (affordable < 1.0) { // we maxed out our military pop if (armySize >= aiGetMilitaryPop() && (xsGetTime() - gLastAttackMissionTime) >= gAttackMissionInterval) affordable = 1.0; } // if (affordable > 1.0) // affordable = 1.0; } // Affordability is done // Check target value, calculate INSTANCE score. if (baseAssets < 0.0) { errorFound = true; } // Clip base value to range of 100 to 10K for scoring if (baseAssets < 100.0) baseAssets = 100.0; if (baseAssets > 10000.0) baseAssets = 10000.0; // Start with an "instance" score of 0 to .8 for bases under 2K value. instance = (0.8 * baseAssets) / 2000.0; // Over 2000, adjust so 2K = 0.8, 30K = 1.0 if (baseAssets > 2000.0) instance = 0.8 + ((0.2 * (baseAssets - 2000.0)) / 8000.0); // Instance is now 0..1, adjust for distance. If < 100m, leave as is. Over 100m to 400m, penalize 10% per 100m. float penalty = 0.0; if (oppDistance > 100.0) penalty = (0.1 * (oppDistance - 100.0)) / 100.0; if (penalty > 0.6) penalty = 0.6; if ((attackingKOTH == false) || (KOTHID < 0)) // We're not trying to take the hill. instance = instance * (1.0 - penalty); // Apply distance penalty, INSTANCE score is done. if (sameAreaGroup == false) instance = instance / 2.0; if (targetType == cOpportunityTargetTypeBase) if (kbHasPlayerLost(baseOwner) == true) instance = -1.0; // Illegal if it's over water, i.e. a lone dock if (kbAreaGetType(kbAreaGetIDByPosition(location)) == cAreaTypeWater) instance = -1.0; // Check for weak target blocks, which means the content designer is telling us that this target needs its // instance score bumped up int weakBlockCount = 0; int strongBlockCount = 0; if (targetType == cOpportunityTargetTypeBase) { weakBlockCount = getUnitCountByLocation( cUnitTypeAITargetBlockWeak, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, kbBaseGetLocation(baseOwner, target), 40.0); strongBlockCount = getUnitCountByLocation( cUnitTypeAITargetBlockStrong, cMyID, cUnitStateAlive, kbBaseGetLocation(baseOwner, target), 40.0); } if ((targetType == cOpportunityTargetTypeBase) && (weakBlockCount > 0) && (instance >= 0.0)) { // We have a valid instance score, and there is at least one weak block in the area. For each weak block, move // the instance score halfway to 1.0. while (weakBlockCount > 0) { instance = instance + ((1.0 - instance) / 2.0); // halfway up to 1.0 weakBlockCount--; } } classRating = getClassRating(cOpportunityTypeDestroy); // 0 to 1.0 depending on how long it's been. if ((gIsMonopolyRunning == true) && (tradePostID < 0)) // Monopoly, and this is not a trade post site classRating = 0.0; if (defendingMonopoly == true) classRating = 0.0; // If defending, don't attack other targets if ((attackingMonopoly == true) && (tradePostID >= 0)) // We're attacking, and this is an enemy trade post...go get it classRating = 1.0; if ((gIsKOTHRunning == true) && (KOTHID < 0)) // KOTH, and this is the hill classRating = 0.0; if (defendingKOTH == true) classRating = 0.0; // If defending, don't attack other targets if ((attackingKOTH == true) && (KOTHID >= 0)) // We're attacking, and this is an enemy hill...go get it classRating = 1.0; if ((gRevolutionType & cRevolutionMilitary) == cRevolutionMilitary) // We just revolted, launch an attack classRating = 1.0; if ((targetType == cOpportunityTargetTypeBase) && (strongBlockCount > 0) && (classRating >= 0.0)) { // We have a valid instance score, and there is at least one strong block in the area. For each weak block, // move the classRating score halfway to 1.0. while (strongBlockCount > 0) { classRating = classRating + ((1.0 - classRating) / 2.0); // halfway up to 1.0 strongBlockCount--; } } if (aiTreatyActive() == true) classRating = 0.0; // Do not attack anything if under treaty if ((classRating >= 0.8) && (affordable < 0.5) && (armySize > 0.0) && (((cvMaxAge > -1) && (kbGetAge() >= cvMaxAge)) || (kbGetAge() >= cAge5))) { // Adjust affordability if we're maxed out on army/resources or need to go for the hill. float totalResources = kbResourceGet(cResourceFood) + kbResourceGet(cResourceWood) + kbResourceGet(cResourceGold); if (((attackingKOTH == true) && (KOTHID >= 0)) || (totalResources >= 10000.0) || ((kbGetPopCap() - kbGetPop()) < 10) || (armySize >= aiGetMilitaryPop())) if (armySize < 30.0) affordable = 0.5; else affordable = 0.8; } break; } case cOpportunityTypeClaim: { // Check permissions required. if ((cvOkToClaimTrade == false) && (kbVPSiteGetType(target) == cVPTrade)) permission = cOpportunitySourceTrigger; // Only triggers can let us override this. if ((cvOkToAllyNatives == false) && (kbVPSiteGetType(target) == cVPNative)) permission = cOpportunitySourceTrigger; // Only triggers can let us override this. if (gDelayAttacks == true) // Taking trade sites and natives is sort of aggressive, turn it off on easy/sandbox. permission = cOpportunitySourceTrigger; // Only triggers can override this difficulty setting. // Check affordability. 50-50 weight on military affordability and econ affordability float milAfford = 0.0; float econAfford = 0.0; affordRatio = armySize / netEnemyPower; if (kbGetAge() < cAge3) { if (affordRatio < 2.0) milAfford = affordRatio / 2.5; // 0 -> 0.0, 2.0 -> 0.8 else milAfford = 0.8 + ((affordRatio - 2.0) / 15.0); // 1.0 -> 0.8 and 5.0 -> 1.0 } else if (kbGetAge() == cAge3) { if (affordRatio < 1.5) milAfford = affordRatio / 1.875; // 0 -> 0.0, 1.5 -> 0.8 else milAfford = 0.8 + ((affordRatio - 1.5) / 7.5); // 1.0 -> 0.8 and 3.0 -> 1.0 } else { if (affordRatio < 1.0) milAfford = affordRatio / 1.25; // 0 -> 0.0, 1.0 -> 0.8 else milAfford = 0.8 + ((affordRatio - 1.0) / 5.0); // 1.0 -> 0.8 and 2.0 -> 1.0 } if (milAfford > 1.0) milAfford = 1.0; affordRatio = kbResourceGet(cResourceWood) / (1.0 + kbUnitCostPerResource(cUnitTypeTradingPost, cResourceWood)); if (affordRatio < 1.0) econAfford = affordRatio; else econAfford = 1.0; if (econAfford > 1.0) econAfford = 1.0; if (econAfford < 0.0) econAfford = 0.0; affordable = (econAfford + milAfford) / 2.0; // Simple average // Instance instance = 0.8; // Same for all, unless I prefer to do one type over other (personality) penalty = 0.0; if (oppDistance > 100.0) penalty = (0.1 * (oppDistance - 100.0)) / 100.0; if (penalty > 0.6) penalty = 0.6; instance = instance * (1.0 - penalty); // Apply distance penalty, INSTANCE score is done. if (sameAreaGroup == false) instance = instance / 2.0; classRating = getClassRating(cOpportunityTypeClaim, target); // 0 to 1.0 depending on how long it's been. break; } case cOpportunityTypeRaid: { break; } case cOpportunityTypeDefend: { // Check affordability if (netEnemyPower < 0.0) { errorFound = true; affordable = 0.0; } else { // Set affordability. Roughly armySize / netEnemyPower, but broken into ranges. // Very different than attack calculations. Score high affordability if the ally is really // in trouble, especially if my army is large. Basically...does he need help? Can I help? if (baseAllyPower < 1.0) baseAllyPower = 1.0; float enemyRatio = baseEnemyPower / baseAllyPower; float enemySurplus = baseEnemyPower - baseAllyPower; if (enemyRatio < 0.5) // Enemy very weak, not a good opp. { affordRatio = enemyRatio; // Low score, 0 to .5 if (enemyRatio < 0.2) affordRatio = 0.0; } else affordRatio = 0.5 + ((enemyRatio - 0.5) / 5.0); // ratio 0.5 scores 0.5, ratio 3.0 scores 1.0 if ((affordRatio * 10.0) > enemySurplus) affordRatio = enemySurplus / 10.0; // Cap the afford ratio at 1/10 the enemy surplus, i.e. don't respond if // he's just outnumbered 6:5 or something trivial. if (enemySurplus < 0) affordRatio = 0.0; if (affordRatio > 1.0) affordRatio = 1.0; // AffordRatio now represents how badly I'm needed...now, can I make a difference if (armySize < enemySurplus) // I'm gonna get my butt handed to me affordRatio = affordRatio * (armySize / enemySurplus); // If I'm outnumbered 3:1, divide by 3. // otherwise, leave it alone. affordable = affordRatio; } // Affordability is done // Check target value, calculate INSTANCE score. if (baseAssets < 0.0) { errorFound = true; } // Clip base value to range of 100 to 30K for scoring if (baseAssets < 100.0) baseAssets = 100.0; if (baseAssets > 30000.0) baseAssets = 30000.0; // Start with an "instance" score of 0 to .8 for bases under 2K value. instance = (0.8 * baseAssets) / 1000.0; // Over 1000, adjust so 1K = 0.8, 30K = 1.0 if (baseAssets > 1000.0) instance = 0.8 + ((0.2 * (baseAssets - 1000.0)) / 29000.0); // Instance is now 0..1, adjust for distance. If < 200m, leave as is. Over 200m to 400m, penalize 10% per 100m. penalty = 0.0; if (oppDistance > 200.0) penalty = (0.1 * (oppDistance - 200.0)) / 100.0; if (penalty > 0.6) penalty = 0.6; instance = instance * (1.0 - penalty); // Apply distance penalty, INSTANCE score is done. if (sameAreaGroup == false) instance = 0.0; if (targetType == cOpportunityTargetTypeBase) if (kbHasPlayerLost(baseOwner) == true) instance = -1.0; if ((defendingMonopoly == true) && (tradePostID >= 0) && (instance > 0.0)) instance = instance + ((1.0 - instance) / 1.2); // Bump it almost up to 1.0 if we're defending monopoly and this is a trade site. if ((defendingKOTH == true) && (KOTHID >= 0) && (instance > 0.0)) instance = instance + ((1.0 - instance) / 1.2); // Bump it almost up to 1.0 if we're defending the hill classRating = getClassRating(cOpportunityTypeDefend); // 0 to 1.0 depending on how long it's been. if ((defendingMonopoly == true) && (tradePostID >= 0)) classRating = 1.0; // No time delay for 2nd defend mission if we're defending trading posts during monopoly. if (attackingMonopoly == true) classRating = 0.0; // Don't defend anything if we should be attacking a monopoly! if ((defendingKOTH == true) && (KOTHID >= 0)) classRating = 1.0; // No time delay for 2nd defend mission if we're defending the hill. if (attackingKOTH == true) classRating = 0.0; // Don't defend anything if we should be attacking the hill! break; } case cOpportunityTypeRescueExplorer { break; } default: { debugMilitary("ERROR ERROR ERROR ERROR"); debugMilitary("scoreOpportunity() failed on opportunity " + oppID); debugMilitary("Opportunity Type is " + oppType + " (invalid)"); break; } } score = classRating * instance * affordable; // debugMilitary(" Class "+classRating+", Instance "+instance+", affordable "+affordable); // debugMilitary(" Final Score: "+score); if (score > 1.0) score = 1.0; if (score < 0.0) score = 0.0; score = score + source; // Add 1 if from ally, 2 if from trigger. if (permission > source) score = -1.0; if (errorFound == true) score = -1.0; if (cvOkToSelectMissions == false) score = -1.0; aiSetOpportunityScore(oppID, permission, affordable, classRating, instance, score); } If we ever put back the Dojos for the AI the rule below should be completely remade. rule dojoTacticMonitor inactive minInterval 10 { int randomizer = -1; static int dojoTactic1 = -1; static int dojoTactic2 = -1; switch (kbUnitPickGetResult(gLandUnitPicker, 0)) { case cUnitTypeypYumi: { randomizer = aiRandInt(3); if (randomizer < 2) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticSamurai; } else { dojoTactic1 = cTacticAshigaru; } break; } case cUnitTypeypAshigaru: { randomizer = aiRandInt(10); if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic1 = cTacticYumi; } break; } case cUnitTypeypKensei: { randomizer = aiRandInt(10); if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic1 = cTacticYumi; } break; } case cUnitTypeypNaginataRider: { randomizer = aiRandInt(3); if (randomizer < 2) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticSamurai; } else { dojoTactic1 = cTacticAshigaru; } break; } case cUnitTypeypYabusame: { randomizer = aiRandInt(10); if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic1 = cTacticYumi; } break; } default: { // Mercenary units? Go for randomize unit generation randomizer = aiRandInt(20); if (randomizer < 3) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticYumi; } else if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticAshigaru; } else if (randomizer < 14) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticSamurai; } else if (randomizer < 19) { dojoTactic1 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic1 = cTacticYabusame; } break; } } // Randomize unit generation option for second dojo switch (kbUnitPickGetResult(gLandUnitPicker, 1)) { case cUnitTypeypYumi: { randomizer = aiRandInt(3); if (randomizer < 2) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticSamurai; } else { dojoTactic2 = cTacticAshigaru; } break; } case cUnitTypeypAshigaru: { randomizer = aiRandInt(10); if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic2 = cTacticYumi; } break; } case cUnitTypeypKensei: { randomizer = aiRandInt(10); if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic2 = cTacticYumi; } break; } case cUnitTypeypNaginataRider: { randomizer = aiRandInt(3); if (randomizer < 2) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticSamurai; } else { dojoTactic2 = cTacticAshigaru; } break; } case cUnitTypeypYabusame: { randomizer = aiRandInt(10); if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic2 = cTacticYumi; } break; } default: { // Mercenary units? Go for randomize unit generation randomizer = aiRandInt(20); if (randomizer < 3) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticYumi; } else if (randomizer < 7) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticAshigaru; } else if (randomizer < 14) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticSamurai; } else if (randomizer < 19) { dojoTactic2 = cTacticNaginataRider; } else { dojoTactic2 = cTacticYabusame; } break; } } // Define a query to get all matching units int dojoQueryID = -1; dojoQueryID = kbUnitQueryCreate("dojoGetUnitQuery"); kbUnitQuerySetIgnoreKnockedOutUnits(dojoQueryID, true); if (dojoQueryID != -1) { kbUnitQuerySetPlayerRelation(dojoQueryID, -1); kbUnitQuerySetPlayerID(dojoQueryID, cMyID); kbUnitQuerySetUnitType(dojoQueryID, cUnitTypeypDojo); kbUnitQuerySetState(dojoQueryID, cUnitStateAlive); kbUnitQueryResetResults(dojoQueryID); int numberFound = kbUnitQueryExecute(dojoQueryID); if (numberFound == 1) { aiUnitSetTactic(kbUnitQueryGetResult(dojoQueryID, 0), dojoTactic1); } else if (numberFound == 2) { aiUnitSetTactic(kbUnitQueryGetResult(dojoQueryID, 0), dojoTactic1); aiUnitSetTactic(kbUnitQueryGetResult(dojoQueryID, 1), dojoTactic2); xsDisableSelf(); } } } */