Initializing Time System Initializing Command Line Constant Logging is OFF Verbose Logging is OFF Startup is being logged Age of Empires II DE start at 2021-08-21T12:32:46.922Z Build version: 101.101.51737.0 Build config: Final Logging Steam D3D11, built on WE-BuildBox-01, at 2021-08-06T14:08:34 DirectX Setup is being logged Initializing Performance Profiler Gathering System Information Processor architecture: x64 (AMD or Intel) type 86/x64 Processor level 6, revision 40457 Number of processors = 8 Multi core processor #0, efficiency class 0, 1 groups Processor group 0, affinity 0x3 L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0 L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0 L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x3, group=0 L3 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=8388608 bytes, affinity=0xff, group=0 Multi core processor #1, efficiency class 0, 1 groups Processor group 0, affinity 0xc L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0 L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0 L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc, group=0 Multi core processor #2, efficiency class 0, 1 groups Processor group 0, affinity 0x30 L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0 L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0 L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0x30, group=0 Multi core processor #3, efficiency class 0, 1 groups Processor group 0, affinity 0xc0 L1 data cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0 L1 instruction cache: line size=64 bytes, size=32768 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0 L2 unified cache: line size=64 bytes, size=262144 bytes, affinity=0xc0, group=0 NUMA Node #0 Group max: 1, active groups: 1 Group #0, 8/8 active processors, affinity mask:0xff Total physical memory is 16.000 GB Maximum system memory: 15.959 GB currently available:10.166 GB Page file size: 18.334 GB currently available:8.524 GB Maximum virtual memory: 16383.999 GB currently available:16383.999 GB extended currently available:0.000 GB Primary display resolution is 1600x900, desktop size is 1620x920 Graphics Adapter Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB Adapter LUID: 00000000:0000a495 Vendor: 4318 device ID:7171 subsys ID:2358514786 rev:161 Dedicated VRAM: 6052.00 MB Dedicated system RAM: 0.00 MB Shared RAM: 8171.06 MB System has no battery Battery saver is OFF Benchmark quad write: 3.228133 milliseconds == 7434.64 MB/s Benchmark fast write: 2.243933 milliseconds == 10695.50 MB/s Benchmark slow write: 2.706933 milliseconds == 8866.12 MB/s CPU rating: 14695.5, GPU rating: 6052.0 Checking graphics driver version Found graphics driver info: Driver for:NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB by: NVIDIA Internal driver version: User driver version: 466.77 Driver date: 6-8-2021 [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.113 (UTC) NetworkManager::Create - creating network manager [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.115 (UTC) WinTransport - Unable to bind to favored port 6112 - 10048:WSAEADDRINUSE: address already in use [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.115 (UTC) WinTransport - CreateSocket broadcast port previously in use, trying for a shared port [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.116 (UTC) WinTransport - Unable to bind to favored port 6112 - 10013:WSAEACCES: An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.116 (UTC) WinTransport - CreateSocket failed broadcast socket, broadcasts unavailable [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.122 (UTC) WinTransport - Host Name: DESKTOP-OSN9VL9, aliases: (null), type=AF_INET, len=4 [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) WinTransport - Host IP Address #0: [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) WinTransport - Interface #0: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_LOOPBACK IFF_MULTICAST [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) WinTransport - Interface #1: ip:, broadcast:, flags=IFF_UP IFF_BROADCAST IFF_MULTICAST [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) WinTransport - running game traffic over random port 60787 [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) SessionManager - Peer Header Size = 15 bytes [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) SessionManager - Game Data overhead = 4 bytes [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) SessionManager - Proxy overhead = 7 bytes [rlink - info] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.123 (UTC) WorldwideLoginService::WorldwideLoginService - initializing [rlink - info] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.125 (UTC) Opened the CA system store. [rlink - info] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) 47 certificates loaded [rlink - info] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) AutomatchInternal: Instantiating [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffe [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffb [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) MessageInternal::CreateChannel: Created channel fffffffd [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) Socks::Bind: handle 992 to UDP [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) Socks::SetBroadcast: socket 0/992 SO_BROADCAST set to TRUE [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.127 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::HttpThreadFunction - Entering thread function... [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.128 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::LongPollThreadFunction - Entering network thread function... [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:47.128 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::SessionThreadFunction - Entering network thread function... Initializing Telemetry Manager Initializing Time System Setting Up Systems Initializing Registry Options Setting Program Defaults Setting up main window Initializing Reflect Register Classes Initializing Speech Synthesis Initializing Achievement Manager Initializing UI Widget Manager Initializing Campaign File Type Initializing SP Savegame File Type Initializing MP Savegame File Type Initializing Random Map File Type Initializing Random Map Group Manager Initializing Scenario File Type Initializing Wwise Manager Initializing Civilization Initializing Error Handler Initializing File System Initializing DLC Manager Initializing Steam System SteamAPI_RestartAppIfNecessary() has been triggered. Aborting startup. Terminating UI Widget Manager Terminating DLC Manager Terminating File System Terminating Error Handler Terminating Scenario File Type Terminating Random Map Group Manager Terminating Random Map File Type Terminating MP Savegame File Type Terminating SP Savegame File Type Terminating Campaign File Type Terminating Civilization Terminating Wwise Manager Terminating Speech Synthesis Terminating Achievement Manager Terminating Command Line Terminating Reflect Engine init failed Terminating Registry Options [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.302 (UTC) NetworkManager::Destroy - exit allocation counts Network (cur/max) = 34 / 34, Session = 3 / 4 [rlink - warning] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.302 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal waited 0 ms for async jobs to complete successfully [rlink - warning] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.302 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::FlushJobs - flushing remaining (1) dynamic jobs: [rlink - warning] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.302 (UTC) Dynamic job LogoutAsync still running [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.308 (UTC) CallContext::SetComplete - ExtendedError -9 for LogoutAsync. Exception ID . [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.308 (UTC) LogoutAsync - response was failure: -9 We are not connected [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.308 (UTC) WorldwideItemService failed to load offline profile info because signedInventory profileID is invalid or defaultProfileInfo is invalid [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.308 (UTC) WorldwideAccountService failed to load offline profile info after logging out [rlink - warning] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.308 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal waited 6 ms for async jobs to complete successfully [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.314 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::SessionThreadFunction - Returning from the network thread function... [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.316 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::HttpThreadFunction - Returning from thread function... [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) NetworkManagerInternal::LongPollThreadFunction - Returning from thread function... [rlink - error] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) SockClose: socket 0/992 failed to set linger (on,0); errno=10042 errstr='WSAENOPROTOOPT: The option is unknown or unsupported for the specified provider or socket (see SO_GROUP_PRIORITY limitations).' [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) SockClose: socket 0/992 close complete. [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) MessageInternal::DestroyChannel: Destroyed channel fffffffd [rlink - info] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) Automatch2Internal: Fade to black [rlink - info] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) AutomatchInternal: Fade to black [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) SessionManager::~SessionManager - uninitializing [rlink - debug] 2021/08/21 12:32:59.346 (UTC) Transport::~Transport - shutting down transport Exception type 0xc0000005 occurred at 00007ff61b11ff0b Writing crash record file. Writing out log