8 players worth of villagers find themselves in the middle of a barren desert, surrounded by 3250 camels. 3251 if you count the one drawn on the ground in the center of the map. Kill or delete 4 different types of animal for resources. Camels (6 of them are found around your TC) give a boar sized carcass when killed or deleted, wild camels (found everywhere) spawn a baobab tree, bactrian camels (there are 3 near your TC) turn into a stone mine and wild bactrian camels (found everywhere, but they seem to be attracted to TC's and a little to the center of the map) turn into solid gold. For extra fun all camel units have +1 attack, +1/+1 armor and +1 LOS. This map is best enjoyed with a camel civ. Join the madness! Beware! Ones you build a lumber camp or mining camp your vilagers will start preferring dropping the related resources off there rather than at the TC. It appears to be a bug caused by the off-grid resources. Don't worry, all your opponents are having the same issue. This mod was created by Pan Calvus, with support from the more camels platform.