When your balancing your eco, it’s important to also know how many fishing ships you have working. They might not count the same as villager on farm/boar/sheep, but it’s probably a good rough approximation.
However you need to know the total number of vils without fishing ships, to know where you are in your build order (that’s how I do it at least, not total pop but number of vils).
You can already see the split by selecting another option for the score. You can exactly see how many vills are on which resources. It even splits fishing ships and trade cars as seperate groups.
Afaik build orders that include fishing ship include these numbers also in the population. And pop is used in most build orders.
I guess you got the answer by now: Fishing ships and trade carts inflate the counts per resource, but not the total because it is not the total number of resource-gathering units, it is the total number of villagers.
The idle villager hotkey will also works for idle fishing ships (and possible trade cars). If it is called idle villager hotkey, why does it also works for other resource gathering units?
The end statistics show the maximum vill count of each player. This does also include the non villager resource gathering units.
Everywhere were vill counts are mentioned, it includes also the non villager resource gathering units, except at this spot. As result i consider this counter bugged. It also needs to include the non villager resource gathering units to make it consistent through the game.
Ok, it’s up to you whether or not you accept the fact that the villager count has no relation to the other counts. The rest of us have accepted this fact. Just because sometimes the values add up doesn’t mean that they must every time, as they are fundamentally not really this related. Good luck.
In one of my last games i was surprised i had only 90 villagers, since i thougth i had a lot more. Then i looked at the numbers on each resources and i got to 140-150. The missing number was the number of trade cars again in the total. It is pretty confusing and fixing this should be really easy… It is already fine for each resource. So the devs already know how it should be. Only the total is wrong.
It’s only confusing because you got an idea about that number that is incorrect. It has never meant to be a “Total”. It is just “Villager Count”. That’s all. It has never been “Total Workers”. There’s nothing to fix. Nothing is broken.
The villagers icon is the total amount of those created from TC, and the amount shown in resources storage is counting all available units who can collect these resources, not a bug.
I think the devs just put the amount of created villagers except ships and trade units to significantly indicate how many villagers actually you still have while you are under harassing or attack, and how to plan your next actions with your refugees. I don’t think eco balancing in early time or booming period should be the only consideration for this amount, because you do not consider the different situations.
Villagers are the most important objects in game, the amount should not be combined with f ships and trades. But adding up icons for ships and trades can be good ideas as well.
Thank you for your interest, however this is by design. Villager count does not equal gatherer count, since not all gatherers can construct/repair buildings, switch tasks/resources and perform attacks.
Appreciate the input.
I do understand that there is a different between the sum of all vill for each resources and the total amount of vills if you have idles, builders, … That isnt the issue.
Trade cars and trade cogs are counted towards to number on gold if they are not idle. Non idle fishing ships also count to the number of vills on food. So trade cars/cogs and fishing ships are included in the number of villagers on a specific recourse.
The total number of vills should be equal to the sum of the vills on every specific resource. Then you should always add builders, repairers and idle. But this isnt the case. Trade cars/cogs and fishing ships are excluded from only this number. Everywhere else in the game (like in the end statistics) they are included in the number of vills.
Just to give a example with numbers:
You have the following units:
60 on food: 40 fishing ships and 20 vills.
40 on wood: 40 vills.
40 on gold: 40 trade cars
0 on stone
10 idles (no builders or repairs)
What is shows in the game:
60 on food
40 on wood
40 on gold
0 on stone
70 vills (20 from food, 40 from wood and 10 idles) of which 10 idles → The 40 fishing ships and 40 trade cars are not counted.
The end statistics show max vill high of 150, since fishing ships and trade cars do counted toward vills there.
What i do expect:
60 on food
40 on wood
40 on gold
0 on stone
150 vills (60 from food, 40 from wood, 40 from gold and 10 idles) of which 10 idles.
This will be in line with the end statistics where also a villager high of 150 will be shown in this case.
It would be fairly helpful if we had an addition number late game to represent gatherer count, just to get a better idea at a glance of how big our eco is and how much room we have left for military without having to add numbers up.