The ground tileset should disappear after the building is destroyed (plus smoke effect)
AI player should not use God Power (Vision) on same enemy settlement at the same time.
Enemy AI market,again ?
I hate this !
Please add some destroying smoke effect for this (like in old version) and fix destroying sound effect delay !
Finish constructing the other building…
This should apply to a large area around the main settlement
This stupid things is killing me !
This happens once in every 5 games, it doesn’t effect the game…
Unit sound set,selection sound is 1.You should add at least 2 or 3 random sounds for this unit/wolf (NOT IMPORTANT)
This is not very visible on this small icon (training new villager), it needs to have lighter shades added so it can be seen better.(maybe a little bit yellow color)
Is there option to enable footprints,and do footprints even exist in this version -.-?