A piece of inferior: the text input box in scenario edtior

It always makes me feel so bad when I am fightng agaist text input box in scenario edtior!

  1. If a word or sentance is toooooooo long (mostly typing full-width characters, in Chinese or other languages), it will not automatically wrap the text at times, but to squeeze in one row and be hiden by viewport edge.
  2. Still about the looooong word/sentance… The cursor’s real location often differs from it’s shown location, or just disappears(maybe at viewport edge). Specifically, when I [left-click on] / [move cursor by direction keys to] chars behind the 7th full-width char of the first line, the cursor will jump to the end of the looooooong word/sentance.
    Pic: This is a loooog word, and it auto wrapped(though the wrap point is at outside the viewport). I left-click at yellow arrow, though the cursor remains at the end, the real cursor is at yellow arrow.
  3. Still about the looooong word/sentance… Occasionally it does auto wrap, but the char’s real location doesn’t change with the wrapping.
    Pic: This is a loooog word, but the first “哈” auto wrapped. When I drag to select from “。”(line#2) to space on it’s right, it shows that I have select “哈哈哈哈” ---- So the real location of the 4th “哈” is at where the yellow arrow points to.
  4. “Ctrl+Z” can not undo, “Ctrl+Y” can not redo.

THANKS to these BUGs, we have to write text in an outside notepad and then paste into those input boxes ---- So what does these input boxes in editor make sense? Only to hold the text written in other input boxes?
Come on!! FE official, please optimize this piece of inferior!!

I really can’t understand why FE official did not choose the input box pattern that is even just simple as Windows notepad or that in AoK/AoC.