The game has been completely ruined by the poor design of siege weapons.
AOE4 is very similar to AOE2 in terms of data, compared to AOE2. Units cost about twice as much as AOE2, and the villagers in AOE4 are nearly twice as efficient at collecting all resource.
You can see that before the Springald price was adjusted, the Springald, mangonel, and counterweight trebuchet all cost similar to AOE2, and even had similar damage results.
The mangonel damage in AOE4 is lower than in AOE2, but since there is no friendly damage in AOE4, this adjustment is reasonable.
Damage prices are similar, but survivability is vastly different. The siege weapon with the lowest health - based Springald in AOE4 200 HP, considering the different AOE4/2, 2 can be reduced to the empire of the Springald is 40 HP, knight 10 attacks, for example, four damage can kill a Springald, and AOE4 Springald 200 HP, even the imperial age the torch also needs to 7 times, 30 * 7. For comparison, the AOE3 culverin (280HP) has 0.75 ranged defense and can be killed by ranged damage, while the light cavalry with 30 melee damage needs 9 kills. In this comparison, we will find that culverin and springald are similar in price and quantity.
AOE2 160 wood 135 gold (multiplied by 2=320,270) 50HP, castle age , 5 melee damage (10), 50 ranged damage (7-6=2)
AOE4 is 400 wood, 200 gold, 240HP, 7 imperial torch (30 damage), 120 ranged damage (10-8=2)
AOE3 falconet resources total 500,200 HP, 7 melee attacks (30 damage), 50 ranged damage (16*0.25=4)
Aoe 4/2 is more similar in price,
3.Counterweight trebuchet
AOE2 (200 wood, 200 gold)*2 150HP 15 melee damage (12-2=10 damage), 150 melee damage (7-6=1 damage)
AOE4 500 wood 250 gold 400Hp, 14 imperial torches (30 damage), 200 ranged damage (10-8=2)
AOE3 mortar 100 wood 350 gold 300HP
Aoe4/2 is more similar in price and destroys castles at roughly the same speed as AOE4 destroys Keep
**4.**Now we come to the most fearsome bombard
Armor: 2, Pierce Armor: 5, 8 melee attacks (12-2 damage), 40 (7-6 damage)
AOE4 400 Wood 600 Gold 480HP Attack: 170, Pierce Armor: 12, 16 Imperial Torches (30 damage), 48 Ranged damage (22-12)
??????? I haven’t calculated the tech of AOE4 siege weapons yet, using the imperial torches!
It looks like AOE2’s bombard have more range, but everyone knows its accuracy and damage.
AOE4 has been almost destroyed by completely irrational siege weapon numbers. Now, as long as the defenders have more springald , the attackers can’t take them down. To destroy the defensive structures, you need more springald to keep your RAMS from being destroyed, or more springald to protect your artillery from being destroyed.
The Chinese bombard, not to mention, is an upgraded version of the super springald. The age of the springald, the age of the bombard! Age of siege weapons!

Lengthy and expensive upgrades
Siege weapons are units that demolish buildings, even the mangonel, which has a long tech line in AOE 2/3, and not staying ahead of the tech will greatly hinder its ability, which AOE4 does not require. And even in AOE3, same Age ranged infantry units were able to kill siege weapons from ranged with some efficiency. There shouldn’t be more than 6 siege weapons on a team, both AOE2 and AOE3 are well balanced, but AOE4 weirdly increases the survivability of siege weapons, resulting in the destruction of the entire game mechanic, just increasing population is not enough, siege health must be reduced!
From my point of view, sieges (excluding RAMS) should directly reduce HP by 50%