About Civ name changes, Exploration and Commerce Age

First of all cultures, people and countries should be respected thats totally understandable and I m totally cool with it.Although in general DE its an upgrade on previous version on historical accuarry imo but what bothers me is that its kind of half done and lacks consistency.

Discovery age and exploration age is basicly means same thing and there is no such thing as “commerce age” in history not to mention this is a game where you build colonies.No people and culture should be disrespected but also game needs tell correct history with proper correct naming on other stuff too. Also I think history’s dark parts for some people and cultures like colonialism shouldnt be hidden because whole purpose of it learn lessons from the past for the better future but if the facts hidden with non-facts like oommerce than how would that be possible.

Samurai Revolution recently made video about this as well and I agree for the most part with him.One of the first reasons I liked age of empires series was I m a history fan too now this is just a game after all at the day’s end and of course there will be some inaccuracies which is fine imo but there is quite a lot of difference between some inaccuracies and outright false facts like commerce age

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2 posts were merged into an existing topic: The removal of the term ‘colonial’ from the game. Why?