Achievement bugs

:arrow_forward: GAME INFORMATION

:point_down: These details are CRITICAL; DO NOT skip them or your issue may not be reviewed.

  • GAME BUILD #: #109739
  • GAME PLATFORM: Microsoft Store

:arrow_forward: ISSUE EXPERIENCED


I know there was a patch to fix a lot of the achievement issues, but I wanted to point out some of the issues that I’m still experiencing.

The following achievements are still not unlocking even though I have met the criteria for them to unlock

Armenian Victory - Win a game playing as the Armenians.
Georgian Victory - Win a game playing as the Georgians.
Age of Empires - You won a game with every civilization.
Unexpected - You converted 100 units using Spanish Missionaries.

The following achievemennt can’t be completed because the final mission of the Sargon campaign is bugged with 0/0 megalith control issue that’s already been posted about.

Hoping we can get a fix for these achievments too.

:arrow_forward: FREQUENCY OF ISSUE

:point_down: How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!

  • 100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)

:arrow_forward: REPRODUCTION STEPS

:point_down: List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!

Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Do what the achievments state (Win as Georgians/Armenians/Every civilization/Convert 100 units as Spanish Missionaries/Do the last Sargon Campaign mission.3.

:arrow_forward: EXPECTED RESULT

:point_down: What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?

Achievments should unlock but aren’t.

:arrow_forward: IMAGE

:point_down: ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.

:arrow_forward: GAME FILES (SAVE / RECORDING)

:point_down: Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.


You can add the ‘Can I be Frank with You’? achievement to the list of nonfunctional ones - I tried to earn this with a friend in co-op mode and it did not complete when we won.

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On my game MP Replay v101.102.44203.0@2024.04.06 on recorded date 4/7/2024 12:11:57 AM I did masterpiece with my friends and it didn’t work. Any way that achievement can be credited to my account? I don’t want to beat up on my friends again for this achievement.

Also I did it previously but I did it 1v4, it would be nice if that also gave the achievement

I don’t think that masterpiece is an issue. I just unlocked it myself. Are you sure you are playing on one team and the other 3 people are playing on a different team? Like you by yourself on team 1 and the other 3 accounts on team 2?

The only achievments that I have seen as an issue are the ones that I stated in my original post.

I already had this one, but I think you’re right. Based on TrueAchievements it looks like this stopped unlocking around the same time as the others

Hey, long time lurker first time poster :wave:

I came here to see if anyone else mentioned this. I have had the same issues with achievements unlocking, specifically civ wins as is written in the OP. I’d also add that this affects the overall profile stats too, where the Games Played counter won’t budge, but optimistically you can achieve wins higher than those that you’ve played!

So I’ve noticed the exact same symptoms as described in OP since the last update. I did some research and found that this was a similar issue Steam users had in 2018/19 where the game wasn’t fully connecting to their Xbox profile properly. As a fellow Xbox user I tested switching account via the in game prompt (effectively logging in and out again) as soon as the game started, and I haven’t had any issues since - so hopefully this temporary fix helps you too!

I may be wrong about this, but having thought about it I do recall that prior to the last update the game required you to login or choose your account after clicking the start button on the startup screen. This doesn’t happen anymore, but like I said I could be wrong.

I’d also add to this bug report that it seems to blank your save game files unless you repeat the same step I described. The cloud % in the save game screen will say that you have games saved, but nothing will show.

On a second account I tried this method and the achievment didn’t unlock. However when I played as the armenians it gave me the achievement for winning as the celts… so maybe there is something that is going on where the civilization isn’t matching up.

So I was able to get Age of Empires by going through and getting victories with everyone again. So that one is still obtainable but maybe not tracking everything correctly the first time through. I was also able to complete the God of War even with teh x/0 glitch. I just made everyone my enemy and completely cleared the map of all enemies. Still can’t get Unexpected, Armenian Victory, or Georgian Victory.

I can also confirm that these two are currently broken. Not a big pain as they’re easy to do later once they are fixed.

I also can confirm that the armenian and georgian win a game achievements are not working. Tried with random map and wonder race in skirmish but it stays locked…

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It looks like the update that came out today fixed all the achievements I had issues with