Achievements... how come so few people have them?

Have you noticed how few people seem to be actually playing the game? I’ve gotten awards like ‘played for 40 hours’ and it will say ‘20% of players have this’. Or ‘You won a game as the Abassids, 18% of players have this’. Really? That’s all?

It seems like crazy few people are actually getting any achievements. Do people buy the game and then not play it? I know I’ve got lots of games I bought but never played. But this game is so popular I’m surprised to see these messages.

Next time you get something check the ‘how many people got this’ message.

Many people buy the game and then barely play it, happens with almost every game.

Some of the achievements are very difficult now though due to balance changes such as the ottoman gold art of war achievement.

This is the case for steam achievements in like every game ever.

AoE 4’s achievements on Steam tend to break on a regular base whenever you switch to a PUP build. Achievements you already had become locked again and you sometimes get awarded random achievements.

For a good case study, look at the % of “win a game as a specific leader” in Civilisation 6. You’ll find they’re very low.

Does that game have a lot of leaders? Yes. But it also boasts a massive concurrent playerbase and has been out since late 2016.