Add Advanced Captured Mortars card for Aztecs

I am not going to comment more on this topic, it cannot be that they tell me that a unit is weak because without micromanagement it is useless. The AK are excellent units, if you don’t know how to use it, it’s your problem, again, sorry for the tone of the comments.

Ok no te preocupes, pero quiero que quede claro que el insinuó que la unidad era útil solo con micro gestión fuiste vos. :sweat_smile:

¿Puede que te entendiera mal? :thinking:

Ok don’t worry, but I want to make it clear that the one who hinted that the unit was useful only with micromanagement was you. :sweat_smile:

Could I have misunderstood you? :thinking:

yo me base en esta oración, me disculpo si te pareció irrespetuoso, pero es lo que yo entendí. :sweat_smile:

I base myself on this sentence, I apologize if it seemed disrespectful to you, but it is what I understood. :sweat_smile: