Hello! I am currently using The Great War Mod from Stark22e, and I would like to change some models for some of the WoL The Great War from AoE III Legacy. I understood that the author of this fantastic mod is taking a break from modding, and won’t improve it soon.
2 building have my interest :
Field Barracks (Aoe3 DE - TGW Mod) --With the model from-> Field Barracks (WoL TGW)
Factory (AoE3 DE) --With the model from-> Assembly Line (WoL TGW) ((In a perfect world, the Assembly Line skin would be the transformation of the factory original design at age V))
I aim to improve the flavor of Age VI of The Great War Mod, and I have no problem if there is no animations for these building, if that is the most complex part.
If someone can make a mod only for these two buildingd, or give me a process to do so, it would be amazing!