Add or replace units

I’ve been researching the Protox and have only been able to replace one unit with this command

< protomods>
< Unit mergeMode=‘replace’ name=‘Hoplite’>

However I have not been able to add a drive with this command, it does not work for me

< protomods>
< Unit mergeMode=‘add’ name=‘Hoplite1’>

I have decided to follow the same concept of the old Protox and use the original data of the unit and only change its name

< /unit>
< unit name=“Hoplite1”>

I wanted to leave this post for people who want to create their mods and the same problem happens to them

Mods manager directory

Users/Yournameuser)\Games\Age of Mythology Retold(Yournumber)\mods\local(Yournamemod)\Game\Data\gameplay

Sample Download proto_mods

Can you mod? Is it possible for me to request one from you? I’ve been trying to make one but it doesn’t seem to be working and I have no idea how! I’m new to modding! It shouldn’t be too strenuous a mod I don’t think, just changing some unit stats.

@ PadtheLad12 simply write what you want (only then anyone reading it can decide if it is easy/hard and so on), no one wants to ask back several times, especially not on a forum :smiley:

Apologies friend, the old British politeness of not wanting to be too presumptuous kicking in.

It was just a mod to restore the one shot kill abilities of the cyclops, kraken and Medusa basically by upping the damage of their special attacks to ensure they actually kill their unit. For example the cyclops throw now does 65 damage, upping that to say 500 ensures the one shot kill. I’ve modified those stats in the proto.xml, converted back to xmb and saved but it doesn’t seem to be working.

It’s not an essential mod but I’m sure would be quite popular considering the one shot kill abilities of those three was a contentious change as previous polls indicated

I just tested it and it seems there is only one damage number for both: the unit that gets thrown and the areadamage it does when landing on other units. So the units hit by it would also instantly die =/

Really? Could’ve sworn it was two damage numbers but I’m newbie to modding so most likely missed it/didn’t understand.

Oh well…ballistic humans inbound :sweat_smile:

Appreciate you trying

my test code in proto_mods.xml:


  <unit name="Cyclops">
      <damage type="Hack">650.000000</damage>

Is that the only “file” you need to modify unit stats?
So I’ve been in to that one to tinker around with stats (I.e Medusa petrification as an example), and have saved the proto.xml in the user - mods/local directory. Converted it to .xmb too. However, nothing seems to happen?

no need to convert the file and it must be named exactly like I writte above “proto_mods.xml” and in the xml “protomod”

here is a bit more explained (but for Aoe3DE game, which is a little bit different): , but the explanation about “mergeMode” is the same. I don’t use it in my code above, so it automatically checks if such an entry already exists and if it does, it modifies it. This info is eg. especially important in the techtree file. if you want to add a new tech, then you should use mergeMode=“add”, otherwise you might replace a tech instead