Adding Multiple Abilities/Creating Custom Abilities

I’m working on a campaign whose main hero will (hopefully) function like Kerrigan in SC Broodwar. I want to give them three or four activated abilities, some of which will be preexisting like Arkantos’s Warcry, but also one or two original ones along the lines of a frenzy or temporary damage resistance. I am an amateur modder whose been fumbling my way through the bar files all week.

I am slowly getting a handle on how to make a new unit mainly by using guides from past games, but I’m interested if anyone has any tips on how I can edit the abilities in the way they’ve been incorporated into AoM:Retold.

Really appreciate any help!

I too am looking for help/info on ability modding, as i’m trying to create a custom ability for a mummy hero that lets them use the ancestors god power (in the same way the guardian can use the bolt gp)

But the abilites files are filename.abilities.xmb and the xmb converter in resource manager can’t handle them.

The problem is not editing the abilities or tactics, but the XMB files in the “art” folder to add the animations for the other abilities (I think that is not working). I have created a new topic to see if anyone knows how to solve this problem. Once you can edit the art files, it will be easy to add abilities to mods.

well, shouldn’t be too hard, just convert the xmb to xml, the actual hard part will be custom animations, which won’t be possible until the plugin that is in development (I’ve been in contact with the guy who first created it the other day) can support the animation files.

I’ve tried converting the art file. I’ve also tried extracting the art file and changing the name (say “Arkantos.xml” to “random.xml” without modifying the file at all), but the game doesn’t detect it and the character disappears. Something is wrong with the art files folder.