Discuss Additional Consulate Allies
This Mod incudes five new consulate options giving two additional options to each civilization. It also includes a slight rework to consulate allies that already exist such as giving each consulate option access to at least 4 techs now. There’s also some consulate related card reworks and bug fixes.
Table of Contents:
– New Consulate Options:
- American Allies
- Swedish Allies
- Italian Allies
- Mexican Allies
- Ethiopian Allies
– Current Consulate Allies Changes
– Card Changes
– Bug Fixes
New Consulate Options
American Allies: Available to the Japanese
Bonus: Buildings, including trading posts, generate 15% more resources.
- American Expeditionary Company: 7 Volunteers (State Militia that start out with 13 range in age 2 and get 17 range in age 3.)
- American Expeditionary Force: 7 Volunteers 5 Pennsylvania Cavalry (Carbine Cavalry that have 14 range)
- American Expeditionary Army: 10 Pennsylvania Cavalry and 4 Gatling Guns (Gatling Guns have Coffee Mill Guns enabled)
- American Brigade: 21 Marines and 5 Gatling Guns
- American Intervention: ships 5 Pennsylvania Cavalry (American Intervention ships Carbine Cavalry instead of State Militia to make it more district from the Portuguese Intervention.)
Shipment Theme: Building enhancements
- 2 Trading Posts: costs 250 export age 1 – Ships 2 trading posts and increases their HP by 20%.
- 8 cows: costs 250 export age 2 – Ships 8 cows to be tasked on shrines.
- 2 Field Hospitals: costs 300 export age 2 – Ships 2 field hospitals and enables the hero to rebuild them. (Fun fact American Surgeons do not have a voice line for attacking units so when you tell them to attack sometimes they will say “I’ll heal the wounded”)
- 2 Rice Paddy Wagons: costs 500 export age 4 – Ships 2 rice paddy wagons and increases their line of sight by 8.
Swedish Allies: Available to the Chinese
Bonus: Natural Resources have +15% more gather yield
- Swedish Expeditionary Company: 8 Dalkarl Pikemen
- Swedish Expeditionary Force: 8 Dalkarl Pikemen 4 Drabants (Hakkapelits)
- Swedish Expeditionary Army: 8 Drabants and 4 Leather Cannon (leather cannons have their maximum speed and range as well as Case Shot in age 4)
- Swedish Brigade: 18 Gustavian Guards (Halberdiers) and 6 leather cannons
- Swedish Intervention: 5 Drabants (Swedish Intervention ships Hakkapelits instead of pikemen to make it more distinct from German Intervention)
Shipment Theme: Natural Resources
- Crates of Surströmming: costs 125 export age 1 – Ships 2 crates of Surströmming.
- Elk: costs 400 export age 2 – Ships 15 elk.
- Copper Mines: costs 450 export age 3 – Ships 2 copper mines.
- Spruce Trees: costs 500 export age 4 – Villages spawn 4 trees.
Italian Allies: Available to the Japanese and Indians
Bonus: 0.4 food trickle, 0.25 wood trickle, 0.25 coin trickle
- Italian Expeditionary Company: 6 Redshirts (Revolutionaries with stats scaled down to age 2 and a +1x multiplier vs heros)
- Italian Expeditionary Force: 9 Redshirts + 1 Spingarde (Culverin with +0.05% ranged resist)
- Italian Expeditionary Army: 12 Alpini (Bersaglieri) and 3 Spingardes
- Italian Brigade: 21 Redshirts and 21 Alpini
- Italian Intervention: 9 Redshirts
Shipment Theme: Papal Units
- Papal Guard: costs 450 export age 2 – ships 7 Papal Guard
- Schiavone: costs 500 export age 3 – ships 7 Schiavone (the reason they are in age 3 instead of age 2 is because they would complement India’s and Japan’s age 2 army excessively well)
- Papal Lancer: costs 600 export age 3 – ships 3 Papal Lancers (Good Faith Agreements only impacts this by 20% instead of 40%)
- Papal Zouave: costs 650 export age 4 – ships 4 Papal Zouave (Good Faith Agreements only impacts this by 20% instead of 40%)
(Note: The reason the cost gets increasingly more expensive is to prevent researching them all at once in age 4 too easily)
Mexican Allies: Available to the Chinese
Bonus: Infantry is 5% faster, Cavalry and shock infantry is 3% faster
- Mexican Expeditionary Company: 5 Vigilantes (Salteadors who start with 18 range and get 20 range in age 3)
- Mexican Expeditionary Force: 5 Vigilantes and 4 Charros (Chinacos)
- Mexican Expeditionary Army: 8 Charros and 3 Mortars
- Mexican Brigade: 33 Yucateco Insurgentes (Insurgentes with a Lasso Charged attack) and 5 Mortars
- Mexican Intervention: 8 Vigilantes
Shipment Thems: Unit Enhancements
- Pesos: costs 125 export age 1 – Villagers gather from mines 10% faster, Market buy factor is 10% lower.
- To Arms: costs 200 export age 2 – Units and Buildings get +4 Line of Sight, Villagers get a +0.35x multiplier vs Cavalry at range and a +0.1x multiplier vs Shock Infantry at range.
- Plunder: costs 250 export age 2 – Kill bounty for buildings is now split equally between food, wood, coin, and xp.
- Stealth Tactics: costs 300 export age 3 – Chu Ko Nu, Arquebusiers, and Disciples can now use stealth.
Ethiopian Allies: Available to the Indians
Bonus: Infantry, Shock infantry, Cavalry, and Pets have 5% faster Rate of Fire
- Ethiopian Expeditionary Company: 6 Chewa Warriors (Shotel Warriors)
- Ethiopian Expeditionary Force: 6 Chewa Warriors and 6 Zebenyas (Neftenyas)
- Ethiopian Expeditionary Army: 8 Zebenyas and 2 Sebastopol Mortars
- Ethiopian Brigade: 13 Shewa Riders (Javelin Riders) and 3 Sebastopol Mortars
- Ethiopian Intervention: 9 Chewa Warriors
Shipment Theme: Auxiliary Unit Enhancements
- Lion Tamers: costs 200 export age 1 – Ships a lion and ships a lion with all future shipments.
- Divine Blessing: costs 300 export age 2 – Units heal 0.25 hp per second (half of what a mountain monastery heals)
- Hefty Influence: costs 450 export age 3 – Natives, Mercenaries, and Outlaws are 15% cheaper.
- Steadfast Allies: costs 1200 export age 4 – Ships a large number of upgraded Natives from all allied Native Sites. (Good Faith Agreements only impacts this by 20% instead of 40%)
Current Consulate Allies Changes
British Allies:
- Redcoats now receive +5% attack and -5% hp in age 3 instead of age 4.
- Added Advanced Arsenal: costs 500 export age 3 – ships an arsenal and enable advanced arsenal techs. Neither civ has access to Counter Infantry Rifling and India does not have access to trunion. (The civs are pretty busted with the techs but I know some people were curious how the civs play with arsenal techs so I decided to include it. Personally, I wanted to try 14 range keshiks)
- 4 Spies – Cost buffed 300->275 export to account for the 12% cost buff of spies.
Dutch Allies:
- Carabiner now gets +1 range in age 3 instead of age 4.
- Dutch Expeditionary Army now gives one extra Mortar to bring the value up to 3030 resources.
- Church now has access to a custom Mission Fervor tech that only increases the hp and train time of the Japanese monks by 20% instead of the full 50%. (I suspect the reason they don’t have Mission Fervor by default is because it gives the Japanese monk more hp. It seems disappointing that the Japanese monk can unlock a tech to heal but there is no way to increase the amount it heals so I made this custom tech.)
- Arsenal now has access to Counter Infantry Rifling
- Livestock Pen cost decreased 900->250 export (This tech has lived rent free in my head for the last 3 years. I assume they didn’t want to buff Japan in 1v1 Supremacy when they added the tech however, it takes ~15 minutes for one goat to generate 100 resources which seems like a long time for an economic shipment to pay off in a 1v1 Supremacy game. In team games you will probably just ask your teammate for livestock instead of wasting 900 export. It seems the only place this is potentially useful is in 1v1 NR 40+. Once you spend 3000 food to get all the goats, it is only a 3.3 resource trickle. And of course you don’t even get all the goats at once!)
French allies:
- Grenadiers get a mortar attack in age 3
Techs: I created 2 tiers of crate shipments. When you research the first tier, the second becomes available.
- 400 Food Crates age 1 costs 150 export (This was unchanged as to not remove Chinese Tea Export Strategies)
- 600 Food Crates age 3 costs 500 export
- 500 Wood Crates age 2 costs 300 export (unchanged)
- 600 Wood Crates age 3 costs 500 export
- 500 Coin Crates age 2 costs 300 export (Reverted to before the French Consulate Rework)
- 600 Coin Crates age 3 costs 500 export
(The reason the second tier of crates is so expensive is to make it cost prohibitive to get without using good faith agreements and to incentivize getting a different type of resource before getting the same resource twice)
German Allies
- Needle gunners now receive +10% attack in age 3 (down from +20%) and +30% attack in age 4 (up from +20%) The unit already had faster Rate of Fire in age 3.
- German Expeditionary Army now gives an extra skirmisher to bring the value up to 2,985 resources.
- Added Experience Trickle costs 250 export age 3 – provides 1.5 experience per second.
Japanese Isolation:
- Clan offerings cost increased to 400->500 export and moved to age 3. It now researches Disciplined Samurai and spawns Samurai from future castles built.
Portuguese Allies
- Portuguese Expeditionary Company: Now gives 8 Crossbowmen
- Portuguese Expeditionary Force: Now gives 12 Ordinance Riflemen and 1 culverin
- Added Portuguese Scouting Party: costs 300 export age 2 – gives one rowboat filled with 4 Ordinance Riflemen. (The Range was nerfed from 25 to 18 and LOS from 35 to 26. The turn speed nerfed from 11 to 5. I also had to nerf the rowboat stealth ability from 40 seconds to 5 seconds. If you attack when the ability is active, you can automatically go back to stealth if you stop attacking. You can abuse this to kill certain ships without taking any damage. Other units that have this ability behave in the same way (Chinaco, Salteador, Sloops with Mexican Revolt card ect.) however, it is not as broken as with the rowboat.)
I made a video showcasing how broken the ability is in the campaign just for fun.
Here is the Portuguese rowboat:
Ottoman Allies:
- Ottoman Expeditionary Company: Now gives an extra Janissary to bring the value up to 3010 resources.
- Ottoman Brigade: Now ships Nizam Fusiliers instead of Janissaries
- Added 1 Muhbir: Costs 75 export age 2
Russian Allies:
- Added Town Center Wagon: costs 500 export age 3 – Ships a Town Center Wagon and increases the Build limit of Town Centers
Spanish Allies:
- Lancers now receive +0.25 speed in age 3 instead of age 4.
- Added Missions: costs 200 export age 2 – Ships a Missionary and ships 1 missionary with all future shipments.
- Merchant Marine now arrives in 15 seconds instead of 30 seconds.
- Surgeons trained from field hospitals now cost 225 coin instead of 180 export.
- Sumptuary laws changed to 1 export/second, added to India
- Foreign Trading company buffed to 1.5 export/second
- Komo trade is free
- Intervention buffed to give 5 Deli, 5 Lancers, 7 Cossacks, 12 Crossbowmen, 6 Grenadiers, 11 Yamabushi, (I always thought 4 lancers was a very underwhelming shipment. I almost think more people would have used Spanish Intervention if it was still 11 pikemen (though the lancers are cool) While I was buffing the Spanish Intervention, I decided to be consistent and buff all the Intervention shipments to the original civilizations’ age 3 shipment counterpart.)
Bug Fixes:
– Fixed bug where Allying with The Portuguese would prevent the Dutch Blue Guard and the British Redcoats from having the correct skin.
– Fixed the tooltip that said Ottoman Expeditionary Army only sends 12 Janissaries.
– Fixed a bug where shipping Good Faith Agreements as India made the 4 Petard shipment 40% cheaper instead of 30% cheaper to be consistent with China.
– Fixed various bugs where the population of training the consulate armies did not match with the actual population of the armies:
- British Expeditionary Force changed to 14 pop instead of 13.
- British Expeditionary Army changed to 29 pop instead of 27.
- Dutch Expeditionary Force changed to 14 pop instead of 13.
- Dutch Expeditionary Army should be 24 pop instead of 17 (in the mod’s case it is 28)
- French Expeditionary Force changed to 15 pop instead of 18.
- French Expeditionary Army changed to 30 pop instead of 27.
- German Expeditionary Force changed to 13 pop instead of 12.
- Ottoman Expeditionary Force changed to 13 pop instead of 12.
- Ottoman Expeditionary Army should be 27 pop instead of 25. (in the mod’s case it is 28)
- Russian Expeditionary Army changed to 30 pop instead of 26.
- Spanish Expeditionary Force changed to 14 pop instead of 15.
- Spanish Expeditionary Army changed to 29 pop instead of 28.
- Portuguese Expeditionary Force should be 15 pop instead of 14. (In the mod’s case it is 16 pop)
- Portuguese Expeditionary Army changed to 27 pop instead of 25.
Thank you for checking out my mod
What a great not so little mod. Downloading this one right now. I suspect it’ll be a mainstay.
Great job!
YES to everything. Im in 100%
Small update today:
- Added some basic support for all languages supported by the game. Sorry for not including it earlier. I did not realize everything would show up as an empty string. Also sorry if the translations aren’t very good.
- Improved the strings of the campaign specific consulate allies so that it would match the normal consulate allies. Previously the consulate bonus was listed in the title of the ally instead of the description.
- Removed access to CIR from Japan in the campaign since to my knowledge Japan can’t train Rifle infantry in the campaign.
I Have been playing with this and I can say it is really good. Just, any chance some Soldados can be added to mexico? Is it just…I like soldados! haha.
Seriously now, I like it, just… maybe it is just me but the icons/buttons do not have enough contrast. I can help with that if you want (I’m a graphic designer), can do makeup and If you like them, I can do the rest. Let my know, love the mod.
I’m glad you are enjoying the mod
Initially I considered using soldados for the Mexican consulate however I decided that they don’t match the design of the other consulate armies. Most consulate units are either royal guard units, church card units, or artillery. The only exceptions are Janissaries, which were church card units before DE created Nizams, and Cossacks. I tried to follow this design pattern as much as possible. I was also concerned that China would have too many anti-cav options from the consulate so I wanted to give them a light infantry option.
While I don’t want to change it for the mod, I think it would be fun to play a version that uses soldados. Therefore I created an add-on mod that replaces the saltedors with 4 soldados for both the age 2 and age 3 army as well as replaces Mexican intervention with 6 soldados.
The one thing to note about the add-on mod is that it needs to be a higher priority than the base mod otherwise neither mod will work.
I agree many of the army icons lack contrast. I tried extracting the unit icons from the existing consulate army icons but since I am not skilled with graphical tools, I lost some of the contrast. If you are willing to improve the icons I would greatly appreciate it. I used EmpAhmadK’s flag maker tool pack for the background flags of the icons. The background flags are in the data\wpfg\resources\images\icons\flagicons folder of my mod and the army icons are in the data\wpfg\resources\art\units\asians\consulate folder if that helps.
Great! I have experience in AoE3 UI icons, flags and other. Will create a mockup for you.
It looks very good! The one criticism I have is that the guns on the brigade icon overlap with the artillery a bit. I think maybe the brigade shipments would be good with only one artillery icon. I thought most brigade shipments had 2 icons but it seems like it was just the Ottoman brigade to make it distinct from the age 4 army. Since all the other brigades I made are distinct, I think one artillery icon would be good for the other brigades as well. Other than that it looks amazing! Thank you
No problem, I have the edit files.
I’m using the vanilla icons as reference for size and space distribution. but will do a batch with your icons proposal and ley my now if you need me to rearrange them or something.
cand I found you in discord? i can send the files though there