Advanced Modding: Why did they decide that techs are automatically activated when you age up?

This is something that bothers me a lot. When you jump to the next age, techs of the previous age are automatically activated. For example, I would like to create a mod for a tech that is enabled in the archaic age, and that remains “enabled” (not activated) until the end of the game regardless of whether I age up. However, I can’t figure out how to achieve this since techs are automatically activated when you advance to the next age.

Is there a way to prevent techs from being automatically activated when you age up?

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I don’t understand what you mean by techs being automatically activated.

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What I mean is that if you set your starting age to classical age in the scenario editor, for example, then all archaic technologies will be researched automatically.
The same goes for advancing in age. As you advance, archaic technologies are researched automatically in classical age, classical age tech are automatically researched when advanced to heroic, and so on.

Is Freyrs gift also automatically researched?
Maybe you can make it not researched by making it unobtainable and then obtainable again via triggers.

I’m not seeing this when Aging Up.

Are you talking about the “Starting Age” setting in Player Data? If so, use the Player: Set Tech Status trigger instead of the Starting Age settings if you don’t want automatic techs. For example, use the “ClassicalAgeAres” tech instead of setting Starting Age to Classical Ares. And then add additional gods from there if you want Heroic or Mythic age starts.

No, it’s not.

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I just checked and they seem to have fix the age up in-game.
The thing is that in the main campain the scenarios have preset starting ages.
what I wanted to do is to add a mod tech (available in archaic age) and you would be able to research it whenever you want along the play in any level of the campain… that cant be do as things are…

Should be possible since it works for Freyrs gift.
Also Thor doesn’t auto research all Blacksmith upgrades with Classical Age start.

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You are right, in tech there is an option NeverAutoResearch. That should do.
(I still make the tech obteinable in all ages, but that worked for me.

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