I wanted to find a respectful way to say this but unfortunately there isn’t one.
You have an extremely mediocre and inefficient administration, aoe 3 is among the 15 most played rts games in the world, and one of the few games that has the theme of the contemporary era is a huge potencial, because there are almost no games with this theme, if you fool me, aoe 3 is the only rts with this theme with. You did a great job with the game, the game is very well done and polished with extremely unique and different mechanics… BUT when it comes time to publicize and include it in the franchise’s events, you deliberately, premeditatedly, make every effort in the world to exclude and neglect the game from everything that involves the games franchise.
You have a game, popular in the rts niche that basically only exists with this theme, extremely well done, that carries the name of the franchise which is an extremely strong and well-known name, BUT YOU ARE INTENDED ON LEAVING IT HIDDEN IN THE SHADOWS, LEAVING THE MOTHS.

This is extremely disrespectful towards all the employees who worked and still work with the game, but simply throwing all this work done in the trash.
It is extremely disrespectful towards the game community, which has always been an extremely loyal community, which in addition to Aoe 3 plays other games in the franchise and has never received anything other than contempt from you.

And why all this?

Why do you try so hard for the game not to show up?
What did AoE 3 do so seriously to deserve this treatment?
What do we not do in the community to be excluded from ALL EVENTS, WE DON’T EVEN PARTICIPATE IN THE FRANCHISE’S 25th ANNIVERSARY
This decision doesn’t make economic sense, it doesn’t make administrative sense… it doesn’t make any sense.
The scenario is so critical that Age of Empires III DE currently survives DESPITE you (administration/word of edge).


Just pure speculation but one of the reasons for me to think someone would try to “hide” Age of Empires III would be its focus on the colonial period, which can bring up topics such as imperialism, colonial exploitation, and the clash between European powers and Indigenous civilizations. These themes can be more controversial today than when the game was first released in 2005, as there’s more awareness and discussion about the historical harms caused by colonization. Especially in recent years, many gaming and media companies have become more cautious about how they portray sensitive historical periods. It’s possible that the game’s colonial themes could be seen as problematic for modern marketing efforts, particularly if the developers are concerned about potential backlash or being criticized for romanticizing or simplifying these aspects of history. Some people may feel uncomfortable with the portrayal of European colonization in the game, even if AoE III does include perspectives from Indigenous and non-European civilizations.

However, this doesn’t necessarily mean the game is being “hidden” solely due to fears of cancel culture. If this were the case, the game wouldn’t have been remastered and re-released as a “Definitive Edition” at all. The game’s inclusion of native civilizations also has been updated in some ways to reflect modern sensitivities, such as renaming some units and civilizations in a more respectful manner.

Another factor could simply be focus on promoting the games with the largest and most active communities which are AoE II and IV as of now. Large anniversary events tend to focus on the most popular and commercially successful titles in a franchise, which might be why AoE III was sidelined.

But if they promoted it better since release they would have a larger player base. Also not sure what you mean by active as the AoE 3 community it very active within the game and modding setting up small events and such.

Look for example at the player count of AoE III. It doesnt even come close to the one of AoE II and IV.
I’m not happy with them being neglegent of the AoE III community, I’m solely listing reasons why they could be left out.