Age of empires 4 Archers+Rams allways has been a problem

Hello you are in age of empires 4 and you only have 1 playstyle, because its dominant since forever:

Open with archers, a few, move it forward to enemy base, keep making them forever
Then a few spear not much of these, they are just to absorb damage from horse, horse in a few mins cant even enter in your archers zone
At this point you have around 20 or 25 archers and 5 spear your base its safe because if opponent try to raid you, he will loose more
If opponent saw your archers before he need horse witch cost triple and double craft time

So since your archers killed a few workers and he cant get out of his base and doesnt have more food (remember horse food cost) you can start making rams and finish the game. At around min 10 you should have 50% more workers and the game its pretty much done, if you failed you still have a huge advantage

Rush your opponent or you not play the game, 10 min matches …

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Light cav do not cost three times as much as archers, it is the heavy ones.

In this game rush has not been metagame beyond the lowest levels (Plat or below) or at launch.

It is quite important to learn how to scout, defend and make a correct composition.

30 food 50 wood vs 100food 20wood

triple or more craft time my friend

And yes most players are below plat, you also balance the game for us its not only for beasty red bull leagues

So a horseman costs 50% more than an archer.

English player likely speaking and yes!! Before the abbey king thing, what you described is the standard English meta. But if you look, covs kike delhi and french have alwaus had a winning rate vs this playstyle across all the rankings.

This also explains why he said cav has triple to train time 7s council hall lb queues vs 23s horseman queues. And he’s ignoring wood cost because he’s likely mostly on wood spamming farms so only the food portion sticks out to him and indeed 100f is triple 30 food?

Even if i scout my counter part cost double or triple with double or triple craft time

The total cost, food and wood is not double.

Horseman 100Food 20Wood vs archer 30Food 50Wood. That’s a 50% more cost for a Horseman vs an archer. Stop saying triple??? You have to include the WOOD part too.

Also 15s archer training time vs 23s (22.5s actually)Horseman time that too is 50% more training time for Horseman.

The real issue is the archer mass suffers no DPS efficiencies as it grows meanwhile melee gain diminishing returns the larger and larger the mass gets and the more obstacles that cone into play.


It’s only 50% more resources and training time, so both Archery Range and stables produce army at the same resources per second.
Anyway, going Archers + RAMs is definetily NOT a good strategy. Unless you are abassid or ayubbyd, you have to spend 150 W on the Blacksmith, like 50W and 125 Gold on the Siege Engineering + both times, and then you need 200W for each ram. This means that the player that goes this strategy will have less army than you if you start creating archers or horseman at the same time, so there is no way he can beat you
If you are losing against this strategy is because you are not scouting, neither creating soldiers soon enought.
This should be only be a problem if you play 2 TC or FC, so you spent resources in something else and you are behing in army count, but if you know how to play feudal there is no way your enemy can do this, there is not a single way.