Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition — Hotfix 5025
Today’s hotfix has been pushed to Steam users as quickly as possible in an effort to patch a memory leak specific to the Steam version of the game. Steam users can download it now, while Windows Store users will have access to additional fixes in a larger update scheduled for next week.
Note that cross-play will be temporarily unavailable until the builds can be re-synced next week.
Remember that if you encounter any game issues, please head to
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So does this fix the game literally erasing all user data or no?
I would appreciate a short statement too. A single sentence to express confidence that this game is safe to play again woild be nice.
I wanted to play tonight but didn’t dare to take the gable.
Unfortuently the patch note is not very clear enough, so until further notice we must assume it could still erase my comquter files to stay prudent.
@GMEvangelos the last activity on your profile was 17 hours ago, yet you’ve let this thread (and the other in the bug reporting section) go on for 72 hours without reply. Based off your lack of communication, it’s easy to assume that you’re deliberately avoiding this topic for whatever reason.
Can you at least tell us if hotfix 5025 was intended to fix the c drive/system file deletion issue? No need to commit that it’s fixed; can you just clarify the intent of the hotfix?
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Hi, I am currently playing this game through windows store and so far i have been enjoying it. But i havent been able to play this game recently as all my other friends have the game on steam. I understand this new version was supposed to fix the memory leak in the steam client so it makes sense that it be fixed asap. But in doing so it breaks the version consistency between the the two storefronts and hence breaking cross-play. I haven’t been able to play this game since this change as most multiplayer lobbies are hosted by steam as it has the bigger player base. What i don’t understand is that how is there no way to just adjust the version on Microsoft store to bring it in parity with steam. I don’t believe the codebases and the repositories to run the game on steam client or windows store would be that different… right?