Age of Empires IV Civs

Hello. I would like to know which civilizations will be in AoE IV for 100 % and why only 8?

Hi @Kryspinek20, Only four civilizations have been announced for Age of Empires IV and they are English, Mongols, Delhi Sultanate and Chinese. Over time I’m sure new civilizations will be added to the game.


There are “only” 8 civilisations because each additional civilisation has to be balanced against all existing civilisations so each time you add a new civilisation it gets harder to balance.

Also the 8 civilisations in AoE4 have completely unique visuals unlike AoE2/3 where most units were shared and multiple civilisations have the same building set.
AoE3 lunched with 8 civilisations that had mostly the same units (only 2-3 unique units) and only 3 architecture sets shared between them.

Also the AoE4 civilisations are more unique than AoE2 ones (similar to AoE3 on release) so more than 8 would be hard to learn when picking up the game. AoE2 also only started with 12.


“There are “only” 8 civilisations because each additional civilisation has to be balanced against all existing civilisations so each time you add a new civilisation it gets harder to balance.”

Nha, man…lets keep it real, they just want excuses to add overpriced DLC’s

Aoe 3 also had 8 civs only at beginning.
I can’t see any problem with 8 civs starting.


Ă´verpriced, huh?

where does overpriced start?

Balancing is hard, so 8 is a nice point of beginning.
Keep in mind the yhave no clue if the game will be a success and already invested a LOT in it. So the reason for 8 civs is quite logical.

21 posts were merged into an existing topic: Game civilitzations

Closing this topic because the question has been answered and there is already a topic on discussion of new civ ideas.