Age of Empires IV: Content Editor Beta (error)

Hallo allerseits,

ich habe ein Problem mit dem online Editor. Leider startet dieser nicht.

Der Ablauf ist wie folgt.

1.Starte das Programm ‘‘Age of Empires IV: Content Editor Beta’’

  1. Anmeldung läuft, es wird nach Updates gesucht, Spiel wird gestartet… (4sek)

  2. Fehlermeldung: “Bridge failed load step [Interface], consult the logs for more information”

  • **Plattform: Microsoft Store
  • **Betriebssystem: Windows 10
  • **Gamertag: Mandos#8614

Hello everybody,

I have a problem with the online editor. Unfortunately this didn’t start.

The process is as follows.

1.Start the Age of Empires IV: Content Editor Beta program

  1. Registration is running, updates are being checked, the game is starting… (4sec)

  2. Error message: “Bridge load step [interface] failed, see logs for more information”

Moved to the aoe4 topic.

i have the same problem, somebody help

Potresti dare il link per alleviare un poco questa valle di lacrime per favore?

Sorry , but I’m not a developer. All I do is moderate forums and discord.

I wasn’t able to solve the problem, and the support team couldn’t help me either. In the end, I decided to repurchase the game on Steam, as the editor works fine there. Why it doesn’t work on Xbox, I have no idea, but apparently, this issue has been around for quite some time.