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GAME BUILD #: 101.102.48944.0
Achievement “Age Of Empires - win a game with each civilization” never triggered.
I have thousands of games played, dozens with each civ (including random and full random). I’ve completed every campaign too and only 2 achievements remain, but one strangely enough is an achievement I should’ve had a long time ago:
How often does the issue occur? CHOSE ONE; DELETE THE REST!
100% of the time / matches I play (ALWAYS)
List CLEAR and DETAILED STEPS we can take to reproduce the issue ourselves… Be descriptive!
Here’s the steps to reproduce the issue:
Play AoE2 for 24 years
Win with every civilization, many times.
Don’t profit
I even tried to do it the lame way after it failed to trigger just playing the game: by quickly playing the AI in a fixed scenario I set up where I won virtually immediately, playing as every civ, but this didn’t work either…
I also won with every AoE1 civ, of course. Completing all other achievements is proof of that.
What was SUPPOSED to happen if the bug you encountered were not present?
Getting the achievement “Age Of Empires - win a game with each civilization”.
ALWAYS attach a PICTURE (.jpg, .png, .gif) or VIDEO (.mp4, YouTube link) that highlights the problem.
See above.
Attach a SAVE GAME (.aoe2spgame) or GAME RECORDING (.aoe2record) of the match where you encountered the issue. Link it below if using an external file service.
Seconding this - I’m in the same situation, having every DE Steam achievement but “Masterpiece” (which should still be locked for me for now) and “Age of Empires” (which should not be, as far as I can tell). I also have all of the civ victory achievements and a number of Random, Full Random, and Mirror wins.
I can see you both were able to unlock the achievements for each one of the civs, but the “Age of Empires” didn’t unlock yet. I’m letting the team know about this issue with this achievement.
I’m also having this issue. On another forum (I’m avoiding posting external links) I saw users suggest you also needed to win as “Random” and “Full Random”. However, I’ve done so; and for good measure I played a really fast standard game with a custom scenario as every civ… including the AOE1 civs in Return of Rome but still no dice
I recently purchased Return of Rome DLC hoping it will solve the issue as I thought Romans victory is required for the achievement. I tried Deathmatch skirmish tactic with every civ at least 2 times already (random, full random, mirror included) however I am still unable to get it. Please fix it finally.
I managed to unlock the achievement. I played several games with the Georgians, reading in various forums I understood that they were the problem and I succeeded
I am having the same issue, although I have obtained the ‘victory’ achievement for every civilisation, including all the DLC ones.
I did have to win more than once with certain civilisations in order to get their corresponding achievement, though, and I only got [Armenian Victory] and [Roman Victory] (the base game one; not the Return of Rome one) when I played with the Armenians/Romans against the Armenians/Romans… I am not sure if this is a coincidence or not. (For some reason, Georgians/Armenians/Romans seem to be associated with bugged achievements more often than the rest.)
I don’t know whether the [Age of Empires] achievement is currently completely bugged and unobtainable or it is obtainable (albeit bugged), but you need to win (sometimes more than once) with every civilisation on the same version of the game, i.e. if you won with the Georgians and the Romans a few versions/patches ago, you have to win with them (and all other civilisations) again on the current patch. That would be quite annoying, of course, as the achievement is clearly not supposed to work that way.
The above theory could be tested, of course, but keep in mind that some civilisations (e.g. the Armenians, at least in my case) behave a bit ‘odd’, and not every victory with them counts towards the achievement (e.g. you can ‘cheese’ the achievement by playing a post-imperial death match with a win condition of collecting 4k resources, and you will automatically win every single time, but winning like that with certain civilisations did not give me the achievement, so if you want to test winning a game with every single civilisation on the current patch, you would need to play actual games, and even then you can’t be completely sure that your win has counted towards the achievement…).
In summary, the achievement is definitely bugged, but I cannot state with certainty whether it is completely unobtainable or not.
Since I obtained most of the ‘victory’ achievements on the current version of the game, today I decided to test the above theory and won a skirmish with every single civilisation that I had previously won (the corresponding achievement) with, including random and full random. Unsurprisingly, I did not get the [Age of Empires] achievement.
In light of the above, whilst I of course cannot be certain that my wins counted towards the achievement(s), I consider that I have sufficient evidence to conclude that the achievement is currently not just bugged (as has been established), but also unobtainable, even if you achieve all your wins on the same version of the game. Nevertheless, I would be happy to be proven wrong, so if anyone has obtained the [Age of Empires] achievement recently, please reply to this topic. (As far as I know, there is no way to verify when a specific Steam achievement was obtained by anyone anywhere in the world; if there is, please let me know.)