Age of Mythology Retold SteamDB player numbers over 19,000


Now it’s over 20k and therefor overtook AoE3DEs release peak and that despite many people already having the game for a week beforehand.

Still not surprised though. AoM(R) is awesome and it has almost none of the technical issues AoE3DE had at release.


I dont know, is this a good number ? Real question.

I was expecting more. But true, a lot of people had acess 1 week earlier.

This is good for a strategy game overall. This is extremly good for a AoM title.

Is it better than previous AoE titles? not sure.,933110,1466860,1934680

Higher then AoE3DE all time peak but below AoE2DE and especially AoE4s peaks at this moment.
But the numbers on release don’t say that much since AoE2DE has more active players then AoE4 but a much lower peak.

Also AoMR has been out for a week for many people already and we don’t have those numbers.
Plus the game is in GamePass since release and we don’t have those numbers either.


AOE4 was the first release of a main AOE TITLE After 16 years. So there was great excitement.


AoE 4 was a great disappointment to me. AoMR is good though.


Well, I expected more considering how the original AoM was only held back by Warcraft 3

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It still has many bugs !
There are pathing, campaign, visuals, sound and so!

I have more play time in AoMR then in AoE4 already.


Not that hard for me to do. :rofl:



I have almost 10x as much time in this game, which is still not much.
I got 100x in AoE2DE and 200x in AoE3DE.
I’m pretty confident that AoMR will overtake AoE2DE for me and eventually AoE3DE too if they keep adding new content.

New highs in player count now during the weekend which is of no surprise.


Age of Mythology Retold is currently the most play Age game and its max players in game keeps rising some.

That’s cos it’s the GOAT. Has been since 2002. :joy:

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Hope is the first step on the road to disappointment.

Another day another new heights with in game player totals.



My only concern is the rating.

It is nice that the player count is still increasing, but it also the first weekend for all versions of the game. We have to see how it does in a month, but I see a lot new people trying it out, so the future for AoM looks bright.