Age up Politician "The Inventor" buff

The developers in general have done a good job of making the age up politicians to have their appeal, except The Inventor to age 2. Virtually no one uses it because the other options are better. A simple way to make it attractive to the player is to include some volumes of books for XP. How much it should be, will depend on the civilization, but it would make choosing the Inventor a viable option. What do you think?
Captura de pantalla 2023-12-07 142718


Or give a trickle of XP.


I think i’ve literally suggested this exact change before. Hot air balloons are actually surprisingly very good. It’s just that when you pass up resources or units to get one then you end up behind. Just a small amount of xp crates would be enough to see some occasional picks I think. Makes sense for a smart guy to give you books too. Maybe he’s the one writing them.


There could be many options, in general I think some advisors are “Bland” to say the least, for example I been playing with Russians and prefer the guy that gives 15pop cap to barracks, instead of the balloon. As a plus the ballons can be acquired by cards for most Euro.

But, I think this problem is not only for the Invetor, some are bland too as the naturalist that gives only animals or the guys that only give troops or age up fast. Some may argue that they are ###############

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Hopefully The Naturalist can provide a Livestock Pen Wagon as well.


I propose that one of the following options be adopted. :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Maintains its current effect and also sends a two-box with 200 experience each.
  2. Allows you to research the Mill, Plantations, Corals and Market technologies for free.
  3. Reduce the cost of all arsenal technologies and advanced arsenal by 50%
  4. Increase the arrival speed of first and second age shipments by 50%
  5. It makes urban centers trickle down with experience.

In addition to the above, the inventor could have an extra effect for the revolutions. for example, making foundries and factories produce cannons faster and reducing the cost in coins by 50%


Very nice idea!
Great addition to the game!

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Inventor to advance to age II: They cost 700 food, gives you a hot air balloon and a drawer of experience books.

Inventor to advance to age V: Gives you a couple of exclusive improvements to your civilization.

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Honestly, at 700 food it wouldn’t need to come with more than the balloon ability. Aging that much sooner is huge

Maybe he could slow down a little compared to other politicians.

I don’t know, doesn’t seem necessary. If you age with 800 food you can get 400 wood or 500 food so while the faster age up seems good it doesn’t seem insane when all you get is a hot air balloon ability.

My only real concern would if the Ottomans have it. Faster aging ottomans isn’t something the game needs imo.