Age2DE Clan Page Suggestions

Here are some suggestions for clan page in Age2DE

Feel free to add more!

Also we need an API for ratings etc in order community / clan sites to keep track of their members



I don’t know what role the clan system plays on the game aside from invite crossplatform players from your matches. Really bugs me out to try to figure what were devs intention with this.

Good suggestions thank you

I don’t know what role the clan system plays on the game aside from invite crossplatform players from your matches.

I strongly disagree, communities and clans are vital component of Age of Empires system!
Via clans players can easily improve their game play, participate in in clan tournaments, create teams for larger scale tournaments etc
of course you can play as lonely wolf but playing with teammates is always more fun - at least for me and my teammates.
Finally via Age Of Empires Global Federation Of Clans, we have a continuous non expert events which promotes community / clan role and many clans already participate!
This is why developers did a great job including clan system in Age2DE system but a few additions are missing and this is what this post serves
Sorry for my bad english :slight_smile:

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All that you said above that is right and agreedable, but none of it is valid for the ingame clan system. They did no good job at all with the clan thing. All you can do with it is list some player names and avatars and have a quick way to invite others to matches.

This is the meaning of post, adding new stuff in clan page in order to have a more functional clan system.
The good job part is that they understand the value of clans and add them in game.
But i agree with you, a lot of stuff are missing, so add them here :slight_smile: