So, there is an issue with the AI that I think should be improved. They rely too much on you slinging them. I have played in many different team setups with AI. I just played a few matches of 2v2v2v2. Me and 7 AI. And me. The one thing I noticed across all the games, was that the AI on my team did far worse than the other ones. It was just slower in every way, and the only difference, is that I didn’t sling it until imp when I had enough resources to spare.
In FFA, all the AIs do better, even if nobody is slinging them. Maybe because they don’t expect resources to get given to them?
And in games with teams where all have at least 2 AI, they seem to do a lot better too. So the only conclusion I have is that for the AI on my team to actually be able to start up for itself, I have to start slinging them early? That’s stupid. And it doesn’t seem to matter if I wait until imp to sling, because even if I do sling them massive amounts of resources, the AI is just mostly passive, even if I try to make them aggressive with command taunts.
Actually, another thing that can have something to do with it, is that they want trade more than mining gold, even on maps with a ■■■■-ton of gold everywhere on the map… Actually gonna test that by placing markets on the map and stuff from the start.