AI attacks walls after breaching doors

I was playing Da Gamma’s Expedition and I noticed that both AI’s, ally and enemy, managed to destroy a door and then, kept destroying the walls besides the door, instead of pushing forward. Why is that?

Bonus for the same scenario: at one point there was a huge Ally army over a plateau. only one unit was attacking a wall, which I asume it was the only unit that had the wall in range. After the unit destroyed the wall, the huge army stayed there for the rest of the game.

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This scenario is a nightmare on hard. My game bugged out and ended up with the entire army stuck in a narrow checkpoint on the right side of the map. Took me ages to do it myself.

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Maybe walls should be owned by another player, so AI’s don’t attack them. Alternatively, maybe devs could take a look at the AI, I don’t know

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