I’ve returned to AoE II after about two decades. I’ve beaten the AI up to modest and can easily beat it every time. However, on hard, I get overwhelmed mainly in castle age but also sometimes in feudal age too as it just spams units at me and I can’t keep up yet.
I’ve thinking, for my sanity, that I’ll just play online until my ELO gets low enough where I can start to win some matches and then improve from there.
But I was curious, is there information on what representative ELO the different versions of AI play at?
There is no official information on the AIs’ ELO (if anyone can find it pls post!). There are plenty of estimates from players posting on reddit. I would say extreme is around 1000-1100 if you don’t “cheese” it with strategies specifically designed to take advantage of it (early tower rush I read is one of them, but I never play it that way). If you play it as if you didn’t know it was the AI–especially if you let it boom–then maybe 1200. It’s hard to say exactly since the AI plays very differently from humans. I haven’t played the other difficulty levels in a long time but I would guess Hard 850, Moderate 650. There’s a big jump in difficulty from moderate to hard.