Ai question

Dumb question probably (and hopefully!) but I’m an AI noob so how to tell the AI to attack (if enemy) or defend (if ally) where the human player has a market? What is the coding line needed? Also since we’re here how to tell them to attack/defend where signaled?

This guide is exactly what you want. It targets a villager to a tree close to a lumbercamp. You want to target military units to a market, which I suppose it can be anywhere on the map .

If you don’t have much experience with AI scripting, try to follow some easy examples, like this one

Having made that tutorial, you can follow with the official AI AoE2 document, which is in the AoE2DE\Docs\All folder and it’s called ‘TC CP Strategy Builder.doc’

If you have any doubt, try asking at the UGC discord

or at the aiscripters discord

Unrelated, but I asked about adding food with triggers and XS to wolves and sheeps at the UGC discord and it seems it’s bugged

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Thank you very much, I’m gonna look at the guides you posted and see if I can work it out!

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