Alarm sound removed

This mod removes the “you are being attacked” sound:

Thanks I was searching here for so long in this directory…
C:\XboxGames\Age of Empires Definitive Edition\Content\Assets\Sounds

and apparently it is the

C:\XboxGames\Age of Empires Definitive Edition\Content\Data\DRS\sounds.drs

Thanks for removing the sound now I can play in peace… but If I would like to add another sound what would I have to do ?
I am not sure how to edit or open .drs files

I commend your efforts. I’m not sure what caused you to want to remove the sound I assume completely, but wouldn’t you want ‘some’ sound to play when you’re being attacked? If not, how do you know when you’re being attacked? Or did you remove it completely to be like a really hardcore way of playing, which might be pretty cool.

I find the AoE"2" alarm sound annoying and there doesn’t seem to be an easy way to change all the files to different (better) sounds. (I don’t play AoE"1" DE and can’t remember how it sounds, but I think it was equally jarring to me)

Hmm, not sure what .drs files are. I think I knew at one point, but AoE"2" DE audio modding got the best of me and I’ve lost track.

For AoE"2" DE, a lot of the audio files you need to make/use are “.wem” files. If AoE1 DE has WEMs for sounds, you might be able to edit/make them with Audiokinetic’s Wwise (free download/install, but have to register your email to use it), and jump through a bunch of hoops to edit the sounds. Fairly easy hoops when you have it all laid out for you or do it once, but definitely not as easy as the good old days (pre-DE) of simple MP3 drops into folders for audio. (Wwise’s website → Audiokinetic)

The YouTube video at the bottom of the following Steam page explains some step-by-step stuff for modding AoE"2" DE audio. Might help for AoE1 DE, not sure? I’m sure there are some AoE1 DE-specific modding resources out there on the internet somewhere, if this isn’t helpful:

Good luck. I definitely wish they hadn’t switch to WEMs for AoE"2"DE. I’ve gone like 4 years listening to the annoying battle alarm attack sounds. After finally spending hours one day trying to finally mod all the attack sounds I wanted to change, there are still some attack sound files hiding somewhere and I have no clue where. So my games are still flooded with the annoying sound.