ALL Lists of Fully Remapable Hotkey Issues

Hey dev, I make list of the issues so you can fix it all at once, not one by one.
These issues is already occur since last year and yet you havent fix it until now.

Here is the lists :

Universal :
Stone Wall delete hotkey : Default to “,” , no option to change
Man the Sails > Springald Ships Ability : Default to position Q, no option to change
Chemistry Upgrade > University/Madrasa : Hotkey bounded to College of Artillery French, potentially Greased Axles and Siege Works also (haven’t test)

English :
King : Default to position Q
Arrow Volley > Longbow : Default to position W

Malians :
Warrior Scout on Town Center after upgraded : Hotkey default to position W
Battering Ram > Siege Workshop : Hoptkey default to position R (only on several Civ and building)

Sofa Production Hotkey should be separated with horseman hotkey

Mongol :
Eco Upgrade Food Wood Gold > Ger & Steppe Redoubt : Bounded to other Civ Mill Eco Upgrade hotkey
Improved Wheelbarrow > Ger & Steppe Redoubt : Hotkey default to position S
Pax Mongolica > Ovoo : Hotkey bounded to Fortify Outpost Hotkey
Battering Ram > Siege Workshop : Hoptkey default to position R (only on several Civ and building)

Mongol’s Siege Workshop should have separate space within regular and improved upgrade

Ottoman :
Battering Ram > Siege Workshop : Hotkey default to position R (only on several Civ and building)
Chemistry Upgrade > University & Instanbul Obs : Hotkey bounded to French’ College of Artillery’s Chemistry
Patch Job > Jannisary Skill > Default to Position Q

Rus :
Kremlin Militia Hotkey : Default to position Q and A, cant be changed
Convert Boats Hotkey cannot be changed

Knight Poleaxe Upgrade still named Knight Sabers on Hotkey Option

Delhi :
Age Up Hotkey : Default to Q and W, can’t be change (only Delhi)
Toggle Handcannon Elephant Production : Default to Position Q
Chemistry Upgrade > Madrasa : Hotkey bounded to French’ College of Artillery’s Chemistry

Howdahs still name Siege Elephants on Hotkey Option

Byzantines :
Selecet all Melee Infantry, Range Infantry, Cavalry not work on Mercernaries units

Japanese :
Sohei Sutra > Budhist Monk : Default to Position W

Abbasid Dynasty :
Fertile Crescent > Eco Wing tier 1 : Default to position Q, no option to change

Fresh Foodstuff still locate on House of Wisdom in hotkey option
Camel Shield and Camel Barding hotkey should only have 1 hotkey to avoid confusion

Ayyubids :
Eco, MIlitary, Culture, Trade Wing need separate hotkey between two of them
Mass Heal > Dervish : Default to Position W, no option to change
Desert Raider > Stable & AR : Hotkey bound to Abbasid Camel Archer hotkey
Camel Lancer > Stable : Hotkey bound to Regular Knight hotkey
Sultan Mamluks > Blacksmith : Bound to Abbasid’s Boot Camp hotkey
Infantry Supprot > Blacksmith : Bound to Abbasid’s Camel Support hotkey
Siege Carpentry > Siege Workshop : Bound to Abbasid’s Camel Support hotkey
Structural Reinforcement > Siege Abiltty : Hotkey default to position R, no option to change
Desert Raider Bow / Blade : Hotkey default to position Q and W

Chinese :
Imperial Spy > Imperial Palace : Hotkey default to position Q
Battering Ram > Astronomical Clocktower : Hotkey default to position R (only on Clocktower not on siege workshop)

ZhuXi Legacy :
Palace Guard > Barracks : Hotkey default to position W , ONLY on PALACE GUARD, not Early and Elite
Yuan Rider and Imperial Guard : Hotkey Bound to chinese Fire lancer, no option to change

French :
Trader > Chamber of Commerce : Hotkey default on position Q
Long Guns > Royal Institute : Hotkey default on position D

Jeanne d’Arc :
Long Guns > Royal Institute : Hotkey default on position D
Companion Equipment > Royal Institute : Hotkey default to position F
Jeanne d’ Arc all 4 abilities hotkey cannot be remap

Holy Roman Empire :
NO hotkey issue on this civ

Order of the Dragon :
NO hotkey issue on this civ

Please dev, I really love this game, and these hotkey are just messed up but really easy to fix.
Now i already provide the complete list, please fix it in the future patch.


Very nice summary. I hope the devs will fix them soon. Thank you!

For JD, I wish to add a hotkey for her to level up.

Besides, some fully remappable hotkeys do not work when it is used as a peasant, only work when JD works with other villager(s). And age up option hotkey sometimes do not work. I reported in another issue.

I guess the hotkey “select all melee military units” does not select Landsknecht for both HRE and OOTD

Jeanne d’Arc :
Long Guns > Royal Institute : Hotkey default on position D
Companion Equipment > Royal Institute : Hotkey default to position F
Jeanne d’ Arc all 4 abilities hotkey cannot be remap

Age Up Hotkey : Default to Q and W, can’t be change (only for Jeanne Darc not on other villagers)

in Fully Remappable, for Jeanne d’Arc, for Keep, by default, both bombard upgrade and Jeanne’ Rider are set to hotkey W. (for Rider, the default is wrong, the correct position of key is E) There is no option to change Riders’ W hotkey. So by default the hotkey won’t work to produce any rider. A workaround is to change bombard upgrade to another key such as E.

there is no problem with Grid System.

What about the Town Bell button of the Town Center? I want to be able to change the hotkey of it but I’m not able to do so right now.

You can do it with Fully Remappable.

Hello devs, I would like to update what hotkey issues still occur after patch 9.2
Thanks for fix the majority of it anyways.

Here is the list :

Universal :

  • Stone Wall delete hotkey : Weirdly default to “,” (comma) , no option to change

  • Chemistry Upgrade > University/Madrasa : Hotkey bounded to College of Artillery French, potentially Greased Axles and Siege Works also (haven’t test)

  • Battering Ram on siege workshop on some civ : Hotkey is bounded to position R

Malians :
-Battering Ram > Siege Workshop : Hoptkey default to position R (only on several Civ and building)

Sofa Production Hotkey should be separated with horseman hotkey

Mongol :
-Eco Upgrade Food Wood Gold > Ger & Steppe Redoubt : Bounded to other Civ Mill, Lumber, Mining Camp Eco Upgrade hotkey

Ottoman :
-Battering Ram > Siege Workshop : Hotkey default to position R (only on several Civ and building)
-Chemistry Upgrade > University & Instanbul Obs : Hotkey bounded to French’ College of Artillery’s Chemistry

Rus :
Knight Poleaxe Upgrade still named Knight Sabers on Hotkey Option

Delhi :
-Age Up Hotkey : Default to Q and W, can’t be change (only Delhi)

Howdahs still name Siege Elephants on Hotkey Option

Jeanne d’Arc :
-Age Up Hotkey : Default to Q and W, can’t be change (only for Hero Jeanne)

Thats the remaining list, thank you!

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Find & Select Hero hotkey doesn’t apply to the King, there is no hotkey to Find & Select the King.

For Abbasid, there should be no way to remap the Fresh Foodstuffs upgrade for a Mill. Both Horticulture and Fresh Fruitstuffs share the same Q key by default, and when Horticulture is not researched, it is higher prirority than FFs.

And there is no sub-menu for Abbasid so there is no way to change.

I made a deepdive inte the buildings hotkeys, here are the inconsistencies i have found for “Fully Remappable”:

“Palisade Gate” “Stone Gate” “Great Wall Gatehouse” Ability - Using the Grid Hotkey

“Stone Tower”, “Stone Wall”, “Stone Gate” - Using the Grid Hotkey for “Delete Building”

“University” “Chemistry” - Is using the “College of Artillery” “Chemistry” Hotkey

“Mill”, “Granary”, “Hunting Cabin” and “Twin Minaret Medrese”: “Wheelbarrow” - Is using the “Kura Storehouse” “Wheelbarrow” Hotkey

Farmhouse “Tawara” - Is Using the “Kura Storehouse” “Tawara” Hotkey

“Fresh Foodstuffs” Hotkey is modified via the “Town Center” Submenu, should be in “Mill” Submenu

“Composite Bows” Hotkey is modified via the “Archery Range” Submenu, Should be in “House of Wisdom”

“Companion Equipment” Hotkey in “Keep” Submenu

For some Civ’s the selection of the Age-Up building is usig the Grid Hotkeysy e.g. Delhi Selecting between “Tower of Victory” and “Dome of the Faith”

Delhi Siegeworkshop “Lightwight Beams” is using the Grid Hotkey

“Farimba Garrison” is using the “Upgrade Donso”, “Upgrade Musofadi Warrior” and “Local Knowledge” hotkeys from “Barracks”

“Deer Stones” and “Outpost”: “Yam Network (Improved)” using the Grid Hotkey

“Ger” and “Steppe Redoute” using the “Upgrade Food Gathering” hotkey from the “Mill” and the “Upgrade Wood Gathering” from “Lumber Camp”

While Unpacking Mongol Buildings the “Pack Up” Hotkey (which cancels the unpacking) changes to the Grid Hotkey

“Sultanhani Trade Network” “Assign Trader Directly” uses the Grid Hotkey

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