Allow other TC to become a "capital TC"

This is mostly for team games, but I do think you should be able to move at least this landmark to a different location. I have a lot of great memories of coming back from when you are “down and out” in a team game in AoE 2, by rebuilding a TC somewhere else.

Why not add a significant resource cost for this and some build time so that you can’t easily do it?

I like this idea. Rise of Nations has it.

its a good idea but its a broken one… imagine that you are going to lose your capital tc but you have another tc in some corner of the map , you switch capitals and thats it , you cannot lose if you use this correctly lmao

I’d rather propose that your teammates stay alive until all your team‘s landmarks are destroyed to allow comebacks.

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ts a good idea but its a broken one… imagine that you are going to lose your capital tc but you have another tc in some corner of the map , you switch capitals and thats it , you cannot lose if you use this correctly lmao

That’s… exactly the point. And you lose when you run out of resources or when you no longer have villagers. Similar to Age 2.

I’d rather propose that your teammates stay alive until all your team‘s landmarks are destroyed to allow comebacks.

This works as well.

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