Am I the only one who think African DLC won't be that good? And want the next DLC to focus East Asia?

Oh! I don’t think the Javanese would come out without one or two other factions in the same dlc (possibly Chams and/or Thais). However, I think instead of getting a new Javanese campaign we would have the Gaja Madah campaign turned into a Javanese one just like what happened for Prithviraj with the last dlc.

There are more people living on the island of Java than in all of Russia, and Indonesia is part of the countries with the fastest growing economy, so I wouldn’t bet on that.

I don’t see why we couldn’t have both.

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The thing is, we already have Thais (sort of). We called them Burmese but Thai, Cambodian and Burmese architecture is nearly identical. When I play as any of the civs in Rise of the Rajas I get confused with all of them. Nearly all of them have elephants, and at least one has it as its UU.

The population of Russia (along with Crimea) is 145,478,097 (as of 2022). While the population of Java alone is 147,795,436, that island is a war with the Philippines and therefore, the estimate might not be as accurate, but this is a topic for another forum.

Hmmmm. I do buy their clothes, but that doesn’t make them economically steady. China makes pretty much everything that Indonesia doesn’t. Their military for example consists of Russian and Chinese equipment. Either way, this is another topic for which I probably will be scolded here for. :disappointed_relieved:

Well, if like you said, we will introduce other civs, it might work. We cvan even create a couple of DLCs which will list most (if not all) Java’s ethnic groups: Java - Wikipedia, but for that we need all of them to have UUs, distinct Wonders etc. which the devs probably won’t be thrilled in making. Pretty much it’s like sucking your own blood from a bleeding finger instead of using a bandage (if you know what I mean).

All western European civs are the same, they had all similar architecture and similar militaries! /s

And I dont really see what you are talking about. These guys had diferent architecture. Its just like France when compared to Germany. They are simikar, but nit that similar

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If I need to learn history then you need to learn how to spell stuff. /s

Ah yeah the “you wrote it wrong so I dont have to hear you” fallacy. And its not an spelling mistake, it was a typing mistake since Im writing from my phone

Not at all, but there should be a word suggestion line on your phone so that people like you would know the difference between “a” and “an”.

Sadly, one thing that games don’t teach is grammar, unless of course they’re designed for pre-school, like Browse 1st Grade Typing Online Games | for example. :grin:

On the other hand, English isn’t my first language either, so I too make mistakes. :smiley:

The problem with adding more African civs is the same that adding more American civs (especially from the modern USA) would be : too isolated from the rest of the world, respectively by the Sahara and the Atlantic. Not only would it restrict the civs met during campaigns (hello Pachacuti), but the tech level during the Middle Ages would be underwhelming.

It’s not by chance that the 2 existing (subsaharian) African civs, the Malians and Ethiopians, are still relatively north in the continent, they were the closest from Eurasia and thus the most connected, and the closer from their tech level, while also having a geography that helped forming stable kingdoms (around a major river and in defensible mountains, respectively). For a contrast, look at late-19th century Zulus who ravaged much of the south of the continent with just spears shields and no armour, only using some gunpowder weapons after coming in contact with Europeans.

With the limited number of slots for civs (is it still 48 ?), better focus on parts of Eurasia that are still underused, adding the Jurchens for example.


Imagine telling someone to learn how to spell while being pedantic and linking pre-school material; yeah right, in an attempt to bring him down. When here there are tons of french, german and italian guys.
Even more so when you yourself don’t speak english as your first language. Allegedly :confused:


I dont use auto correct. And honestly yeah, you are being an arrogant dumbaas as Pizzasamurai said

I may need to make my english better but you are ignoring the point of the conversation and trying to attack me for my poor grammar


I think you missunderstood me. Pre-school material was an example to show that there are plenty of typing games out there for people to learn how to do it.

And that’s why auto correct might come in handy. I’m sorry if any of you assumed that I put somebody down, I really didn’t meant to do that.

Ok. In that case I think who is in great need of improving his communication skills is you who first said this:

And then use a pre-school learning tool as an example of how I need to learn more (which tbh its fair, but thats beyond the point its not hard to see how it would be actually understood by most people)

Literally everyone with a basic understanding of english would think you are making fun of me and telling me to fuck off and go learn basic english before daring to talk with people that actually know the language

Its annoying when using my native language and I have no problem communicating with English speakers despite my mediocre grammar.

And sorry if this cames off as overly aggressive, Im still quite salty.

Not at all. What country are you from? :smiley:

I’m from Argentina. (Almost 20 characters)

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In what world would Hong Kong and Macau even be represented in AoE2? We’re not playing HOI4, this game is set in medieval times and throughout most of medieval history Hong Kong and Macau were just some more Chinese cities. It’s pretty dumb that people see thousands of years of history and can only go “Lmao Hong Kong Taiwan Tibet” and ignore the fact that Chinese history is more than 4 controversial to the west regions.

Also, Microsoft wants to make money, and China is a huge market for doing so. The USA isn’t the centre of the world, there are more markets than just the American ones.

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Wow, this has become a pretty political and otherwise off topic thread. @anon63664082.

I fully agree with you on that we need an East Asia xpac.

I would put siam/thai
And then one or two “Chinese” civs so
We could rename the current Chinese to Han Chinese which is a dynasty but also theiir cultural main identity apart from those cultures thaz got hanified over the past 2000 years.


The Chinese civ can remain the same, having civs from the periphery of China (Jurchens Tibetans…) will imply the Chinese are the Han instead of the entire empire when it is strong enough to extend beyond its heartlands.

Indians needed being split up since there was neither political nor cultural unity in India, the country wasn’t fully politically united until after the British left and even then Pakistan and Bangladesh broke away. China, at least the core regions, has been politically united for most of the time since the Qin emperor, in AOE1’s timeframe, for most of the time one dynasty had the Mandate of Heaven.

On a more gameplay focused reason, the Chinese is a good old civ that dates back from AOK, it’s harder to push for massive changes on such a civ. The Indians were only added in the Forgotten 15 years later, and were considered one of the civs that needed a rework the most.

Now I’ll do like Cato the Elder and remind everyone that the Slavs must be renamed :wink:

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On the topic of Malay/Javanese. Please note that the devs smartly used the word “Malay” not Malays. Malay refer to the people groups of the Nusantara archipelago made up of Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and Brunei and one of the largest of these Malay people groups are the Javanese. So, yea they are fine as it is.

Werent we done defending those large umbrellas?

Yes I know Malay can represent Javanese just okay. But from that point of view wehad fewer reasons to need Bulgarians since Slavs are almost the same civ. Javanese could be more diferent than that without going unhistorical.

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