América do Sul

Aos jogadores da América do Sul, estou criando este tópico, para conversarmos sobre qual civilização melhor representaria a América do Sul na idade média. Pela pesquisa que fiz, seriam os Incas. Espero que eles estejam no próximo DLC.

A civilização Inca se estendia do Peru até a Argentina.

Os Incas construíram um poderoso império e, para isso, desenvolveram um exército organizado e eficiente, com armas e táticas de guerra adaptadas ao seu ambiente e às suas necessidades.

Armas de ataque:

  • Maças (macanas): feitas de pedra ou bronze, com pontas afiadas ou estreladas.

  • Lanças (tupus): longas lanças de madeira com pontas de pedra, bronze ou osso.

  • Fundas (warakas): usadas para lançar pedras com grande precisão e força.

  • Bordunas (ch’aska chuki): porretes de madeira ou pedra com pontas afiadas.

  • Machados (kunka kuchuna): machados de pedra ou bronze.

Armas de defesa:

  • Escudos (wallqanqa): feitos de madeira ou couro, com desenhos e símbolos.

  • Capacetes (uma awachu): feitos de madeira, couro ou bronze, para proteger a cabeça.

  • Armaduras (awqa kusay): feitas de algodão acolchoado ou placas de metal, para proteger o corpo.

Táticas de guerra:

  • Guerra de cerco: os Incas eram especialistas em cercar cidades e fortalezas, bloqueando o acesso a água e suprimentos.

  • Guerra de montanha: aproveitavam o conhecimento do terreno montanhoso para emboscar e atacar seus inimigos.

  • Guerra de movimento: utilizavam a velocidade e a mobilidade de suas tropas para flanquear e cercar seus inimigos.

  • Guerra psicológica: usavam o medo e a intimidação para enfraquecer seus inimigos, com o uso de música, tambores e gritos de guerra.

O império Inca possuía um sistema de estradas muito bem estruturado, o que garantia a logística de seus exércitos.


Sim, espero algo semelhante aos Incas de 3…

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Tem um trabalho muito bom de um cara que teoriza civilizações pro Age 4, o ChillyEmpires. Ele tem até um site, e já fez uma dos Incas, com elementos chimús, por exemplo muito interessantes.


I just checked it out, it seems like an interesting proposition. :+1:

I leave a link so everyone can see it.

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very cool, thanks for sharing. A very nice civ design for the Incas.

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Will they have Messi as a hero unit?

Sim, é lógico que vejamos algo relacionado a chimues para AoE 4…

Yes, to compare with the Incas of 3 DE:

Unique Inca units

Inca-war-chief-icon-aoe3 Inca War Chief: The leader of your Tribe. Possesses many powerful bonuses and abilities. Explores, fights, builds Town Centers, Strongholds and Tambos.
Priestess-icon-aoe3 Priestess: Heals injured units and converts enemy units.
Chasqui-icon-aoe3 Chasqui: Inca scout with a great deal of utility. Good against Treasure Guardians and can construct various buildings.
Jungle-bowman-icon-aoe3 Jungle Bowman: Foot Archer with envenomed arrows, which inflict poison damage over time. Good against Heavy Infantry and Light Ranged Cavalry.
Plumed-spearman-icon-aoe3 Plumed Spearman: Heavy Infantry armed with a feathered spear. Good against cavalry and buildings.
Chimu-runner-icon-aoe3 Chimu Runner: Fast moving warrior armed with a mace. Can easily disengage from fights. Good against skirmishers and artillery.
DE Bolas Warrior Icon Bolas Warrior: Ranged warrior who hurls bolas for a wide area of effect. The bola slows down enemies. Good against cavalry.
Huaraca-icon-aoe3 Huaraca: Anti-building ranged infantry. Good against artillery and buildings.
Inca Maceman Icon Maceman: Powerful Heavy Hand Infantry which inflicts splash damage with a large bludgeon. Good against buildings, cavalry, and anything within range.
Chincha raft aoe3de Chincha Raft: Strong seagoing raft which fires multiple projectiles.

Unique Inca buildings

Inca kancha house Kancha House: Inca House that supports 16 population and produces food.
Inca tambo Tambo: Defensive Inca Trading Post that supports 5 population and can shelter civilians who strengthen its attack.
Inca kallanka Kallanka: Military building that trains Inca elite infantry and reduces the population cost of garrisoned units.
Inca stronghold Stronghold: A powerful military building that can train and garrison all military units to strengthen its attack.

As for Chilly’s Incas for AoE4:

I would mix the 2 concepts and make it:


Chasqui: Serves as a scout unit


Maceman (replacement of the MAA)

Plumed Spearman/Kamayuk (replacement of the Spearman)

Chimu Runner (shock infantry that replaces the cavalry)

Archery Range:

Jungle Bowman (replacement of the Archer that uses poisoned arrows like the Malian Skirmishers)

Bolas Warrior: Throws Bolas that are good against cavalry.

Huaraca: Slinger good against siege units and buildings.

(They wouldn’t have a stable)


Llama Caravan: same as Chilly concept


Fishing Ship: same as always

Canoe (replacement for the Galley): shoots arrows little by little

Chincha Raft (replacement for the War Ship): shoots many arrows and can be upgraded to throw rocks like an onager

Afterwards, the unique buildings and landmarks are kept the same as in Chilly concept…


Lol. :smiley:

The Inca Empire probably had its heroes, but the ones who won and told the story were the Spanish.

I am Brazilian, here we had several tribes, but no large empire in the Middle Ages like those in Spanish America, which were the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs.

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Very good, @MatM1996 . Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the Inca empire for the game.

Yes, you could put a Sapa Inca or Manco Inca as a hero and that’s it…

Yes, I really liked the Incas from AoE 3 (which in turn are influenced by those from 2) and I would like to see them back in AoE 4…


Thanks for such concept. They also deserves their own cavalry and musket corps after Manco Inca Uprising, as showcased from production cluster of AOEIII:Wars of Liberty in this form:

Of course, but the idea of ​​the mesocivs is that they don’t have gunpowder or cavalry/stable (like in AoE 2 and 3)… I don’t think they’ll give them a stable for just one unit…