the problem is that some people might think one thing is better and someone else thinks something else is better.
did you miss the part where they pretty much already tried that and the game flopped hard.
it is a valid argument - exactly what you are asking for was tried in AoE3 and It didn’t work.
there is a difference between - let’s try to change it in the confines of aoe2 and “lets change it into a completely separate game”.
oh really? what games have this? yeah SC2 has places to test changes but they never try to reinvent the wheel on those.
is it the best solution? for who? sounds like a heck of a lot of work for the devs that they won’t get paid for, all to throw together a huge change that the community will largely hate and won’t go live.
false - you’ll find i’ve posted numerous ideas for changes - just within the confines of what aoe2 is and how it runs. i’m not a fan of radical changes to this already great game because i feel they would largely fail. you want to know why i feel that way? if radical changes to the age of franchise worked well, AoE3 would have been a much better received game then it has been. but clearly the community largely prefers too. so yeah i’m against some idea of changing pops of units and radically changing how the game plays. I like this faster style of play with more aggression, and i don’t think slowing the game down will help at all.
here you go - at the end of September i posed a list of changes for the game. and i’ve done this every couple months too.