So with the month of October bringing a new wave of balance changes I have been accumulating a list of proposed changes.
I’m basing my changes based on recent tournaments, Ladder play, and personal subjective opinion.
Not all of these ideas are originally mine, but seemed to be a good fit, credit to the original owners
All changes are aimed at land based play and Changes will be updated as time goes on, and as changes are discussed.
Bolded words break changes up into Categories
Italicized words are my thoughts on why the change is needed.
General Unit/Tech Changes
Supplies - Cost reduced to 100 food and 75 gold
Longsword - Upgrade Cost reduced to 150 food and 50 gold. Increase Speed to 0.95.
THS/Champion - Movement Speed Increased to 1.0.
Also considering adding a new armor type of scouts, spears, and skirms, all of which would take bonus damage from LS/THS/Champion only (Militia and M@A unchanged), though right now its something i would like feedback on.
These changes are all oriented at making the Militia line more efficient and cheaper at forcing engagements
Foot Archers (Unique Units included) - Stacking of these units has been reduced slightly.
the stacking potential of these units is easy to abuse, making it even more powerful against melee units in particular
Cavalry Archer/Heavy Cavalry Archer - Based on This Thread, reduce the Frame Delay from 36/35 down to 24 and 20 respectively.
the Cavalry Archer doesn’t see much use lately, and for a unit that is supposed to be all about micro to have such a large frame delay is absurd.
Hand Cannoneer - Base Accuracy increased to 70%. Projectile Speed increased, Rate of Fire increased to 3.0.
all aimed at making the HC more appealing.
Steppe Lancer - cost reduced to 60 food and 40 gold. ESL upgrade cost reduced to 600 food and 500 gold.
Civilization Changes
Starting Gold bonus removed
Aztecs are far and away one of, if not the strongest civ in the game today. by removing the gold bonus, the early game of the civilization is nerfed
Blacksmith, Barracks, Stable, and Archery Range reduced to 100 wood
Bulgarians are one of the weaker civs in the game and these two bonuses synergize well with the civilization
Howdah - Effect increased to 2/1.
looking for other recommendations on how to buff this civ
Byzantines Free Town Patrol
Forager Bonus reduced to 15%
These changes work to slow down the power of the Frankish early game, without impacting their late game strength.
GC - training time reduced to 18/16 seconds. Elite upgrade cost reduced to 600/400
Age up Bonus increased to 20%
Small boost to early game potential, GC brought in line with other UU
Battle Elephants move 5% (Castle)/10% (Imp) faster, Bonus extended to UU
Do i need to elaborate on this?
wood bonus extended to siege, SW reduced to 100 wood
Koreans continue to under-perform despite repeated buffs, this is a big jump.
Starting Food bonus reduced to 100 or Skirms and Spears move only 5% faster.
Lithuanians, while having balanced winrates, are a very popular civ and this nerf is more to encourage diversity then anything.
resources last 10% longer
Mayans, along with Aztecs are arguably the two best civs in the game
Carrack Renamed and Affects gunpowder units as well as ships
Organ Gun ROF changed to 3.0. Elite reduced to 800/600
Arquebus fixed to not be bugged
Team Bonus changed to something else. unsure what
Portuguese are arguably one of the weakest civs in the game and their UT doesn’t even work correctly if feedback is to be believed.
Economic Upgrades cost 50% less food
Silk Armor modified to +1/+1
This upgrade synergizes well due to them having other food eco bonuses
Gold lasts 20% longer (on top of being mined faster)
Gain elite skirm