Analyses of the ratings - Spotting the issues

I agree on you. I just think it is not easy, or more like impossible, to balance out a premade team against a non premade one. Since there are premade teams that have a very specific plan on how they will play the game (looking for teambonuses that interact well with each other, going for some meme strat (like douching)). So everyone on that team knows what to do, what civ to choose and so on. The randoms, well at my level we choose cav civs on pocket, archer on flank and well thats it for strategizing. So you would have to give premades a rather big disadvantage (for example balancing like they have 100 elo more in total). But at the same time there migth be premades that just want to play a round, with no strategizing before playing, for them this would be a huuuuuuuge problem, bc they would get punished for potential strategizing they have not done.

So yeah, why not, they can stay in ranked, but maybe only face other premades? (I totally get ur point, but whenever I am against premade team with huge elo diffs, I just resign… no point in wasting my time)

On your last topic: They are currently not able to reproduce villager bumping (List of unfixed bugs - #96 by GMEvangelos), so I have close to no hope that this issue will be worked on soon…