Ancient Friends

I know that very well because I was autistic enough to go though every unit in AoE1 and compared the stats (including upgrades) to AoE2.
AoE1DE should become an AoE2DE Expansion

Wouldn’t be the same thing be the case of AoE1 civilisations.
Everyone can use them. Doesn’t if they are OP or underpowered.
A lot of people are just playing casually with friends, against each other of vs. AI.
In my experience there are always some people that are better and some that are worse in any friend circle. So you could kinda see it as a handicap system in a way.

Yes absolutely.
Why? Because why not?
AoE2(DE) got boring for me. I’ve played it for every 20 years now but every new civilisation is just slightly different from the old ones, I still build the same knights, crossbows or what every other generic unit that civilisation is good at.
Some of the new civilisations are bit more interesting because of regional units but they are often just worse then the generic ones.

I’m still a causal player so I don’t care about the small balance differences between civilisations. I don’t care if that civilisation can get 5 crossbows out 10 seconds faster then any other with the perfect build order because I won’t learn that build order.
AoE1 civilisations are fundamentally different and would mix things up a lot, especially in team games.
In a 2v2 where both teams have one AoE1 and one AoE2 civilisation it doesn’t matter if AoE1 is stronger or weaker.

But my biggest argument is custom Scenarios.
the timelines of AoE1 and AoE2 overlap so there is enough reasons to want to use civilisations from both games in scenarios.
It’s obviously stupid to let the Spanish fight the Summersians but isn’t it already stupid to let them fight the Goths or Huns?

And this is the main reason I don’t want it as a mod.
I wand to be able to have then Goths fight the Romans instead of the Byzantines.

Just having the AoE1DE units added to AoE2DE would already enable that for the most part. (Would be a pain to completely rewrite the AI to train AoE1 units instead of AoE2 ones).
Buildings would be nice too of course. This might even make it easier because then those buildings could be setup to train and upgrade those units by default.

Someone made a list but I can’t find it anymore.
For example the Storage Pit in AoE1 allows villager to deposit Wood, Stone, Gold and Food from hunting but not food from berries or farms.

And of course artefact and ruins victory but that’s a minor concern.

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