Another italian mini buff proposal

After thinking in the consequences of the wheelbarrow fix, I had an idea of a little buff for italians:

Replace " * Advancing to the next Age is 15% cheaper." by * All Town center technologies are 15% cheaper.

TC techs don’t help in water maps too much, so this would be a buff for land maps.

The most researched TC techs, besides ageing up, are loom, wheelbarrow and handcart.

  • Loom cost: 50 g->42.5 . (7.5g saved!!!)
  • Wheelbarrow cost: 175f 50w-> 148.75f 42.5w (26.25f + 7.5w saved!!!)
  • Handcart cost: 300f 200w->255f 170w (45f + 30w saved!!!)

All resources saved after handcart: 116.25 (probably in castle age). It ain’t much, but it is honest work.

If you combine this resources plus their savings by their ageig up discount:

  • Feudal age: 75f
  • Castle age: 120f, 30g

Thus, in after handcart, if we consider all their hypothetical discounts with this buff, they could save: 37.5g + 37.5w + 266.25f = 341.25 resources in castle age (mostly food).

This is quite similar to ethiopians bonus (by the moment they researched handcart, they had reveived 200f + 200g). However, the big part of my proposed italian bonus comes into play later (not inmediatly after ageing up). Ethiopians will reveive another 100f 100g in imperial age, while italians still have their discount for the enormous cost of imperial age (saving 150f 120 g).

Some of yours could think that this is also similar to Vietnamese bonus, but Vietnamese only save wood, and italians would mainly save food.

All of this without considering townpatrol or town watch.

Other considerations:

  • The few wood saved wont affect water maps a lot.
  • In open maps, the tiny gold discount of loom might be useful for drushing, although they still have to mine 2.5 gold for a perfect drush build order…
  • This wont affect feudal age a lot, but would help for fast castle builds when playing as pocket or in close maps. It also helps for recovering after surviving early pressure.
  • As I stated in the title, this is intended to be a mini-buff. I don’t want a khmer-like bonus.

It’s a tiny resource saving, I don’t think it would accomplish much. A lot of people already don’t realize how small of a bonus -15% age up bonus is, it is really not as good as it sounds if you do the math.

I think I would rather italians lose the 15% age up bonus and have something different, like for example all technologies (except age up) are researched 50% faster or something like that. On most techs this wouldn’t matter much, but stuff like faster loom/wheelbarrow can add up to extra vills. Also fast chemistry with italians would be a nice power spike.


Indeed not a huge deal but I still like it. Only issue would be the terming because in these word (I think, at least) it wouldn’t include the age up because these don’t count as technologies. At least chinese don’t have cheaper age ups although their bonus says “all techs”. But there surely is a way to put it into correct terms.

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l like the idea. Seems compatible with Italian bonuses.

Good point. So they should specify ageing up together TC techs.

I proposed this faster researching bonus for bulgarians or portuguese in other thread. Bulgarians already have their blacksmith teambonus, and their free (and instant) militia upgrades, so having faster techs fits with their quick upgrading style and would enable for a bit longer powerspikes.
50% research time for TC techs makes possible to add 0.5 villagers/loom, 1.5 villagers/wheelbarrow and 1,1 villager/handcart= 3,1 villagers. Not bad at all, and they also would become a better solution when getting housed. Although the final effect would be very similar to malay bonus.

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Sounds like an elegant but tiny buff.
I’d prefer if they give Italians a big buff, and then use this proposal to tweak the Italian strength if they need a further buff.
Like you’d use a big hammer before using the small hammer :wink:

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I think faster techs fits more italians tbh. I would rather give bulgarians cheaper military buldings or a big discount on blacksmith techs. Either way, both civs could use a buff.

Not if you just wanna make a nail into the wall for a picture, not want a new wall.

I like this idea, simple and in line with their current bonuses. Not a huge buff, but it gives you those extra res when you really need them.

I could see an argument for these techs also researching a little faster, if just cost reduction isn’t enough. But nice work on a reasonable/feasible buff suggestion!

I think this is a great idea!

As others pointed out. Their age up bonus is really not much at all (until imperial age then it becomes decent)

Combined with GC faster TT i think it could help their standing.

Will almost definitely not be enough for s tier but at least they won’t be trash tier…


It’s fine, italians should not be a top tier civ on land, but they still should stand a chance regardless. I personally would like something which helps them feel more unique in terms of playstyle, which is why I suggested faster tech research. Italians are underpowered on land, but they are not bottom level like koreans. I think with one more buff we could get them to the average spot where they belong. Of course, water balance is a whole separate matter…

Despite not having an early military bonus, they would still have a more smooth transition into imperial, with cheaper BBCs and condos. This is when they feel truly unique.

If only they buffed GC and HC… it would be perfect.

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Make it 20% while you’re at it.

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Might get out off hand! :slightly_smiling_face:

Sure. They would save 455 after handcart, with most savings being after later feudal. But they also would save 200f 180g for imperial age, making a total of 835 resources saved in imperial. Byzantines save 540 for their imperial discount (not counting free town watch), although they have defensive bonuses that italians doesnt.

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