I just started getting a couple of these pop-up errors as soon as I launch the game. Uninstalled and reinstalled and it didn’t fix a thing. I’ve got a feeling this is coming from AoE4’s servers:
Same problem for me. Uninstalled the game, did not work. Updated drivers, did not work. Cut the internet while opening, did not work. Hopefully someone is able to find a workaround.
@SavageEmpire566 : Perhaps you know if some server-side changes were pushed yesterday? A few of us seem to be getting the same errors. I just checked and they’re still there today.
Doesn’t seem to be affecting the game but it sounds like it could be assets from your profile, like the banner, TC decoration or something like that that is not loading.
Azure has an outage right now that is causing a partial outage on the mod service. They’re in the process of restoring services so hopefully it’ll be back up soon.