Anyone else think the game looks trash?

this is a huge looking base lol, much bigger than we ever see in any of the other Age games.


Sadly you are not the Devs

I see it, its trash bro. I am quite sure the collective had something else on mind, I mean for the age, Aoe1 and 2 were very impressive and incredible detailed and unique. So what we all expected was an incredible realistic graphics game because we all already love the gameplay and thats why we love playing RTS games. Only thing they had to focus was graphics and they didnt do it… What they have done in aoe 4 is purely trash, by recycling the best game of the saga with the incredible innovation of soldiers on walls lol but dont worry as you can see in youtube and facebook most of the people are complaining about it, I think its clear for MS that they did wrong. Only people supporting it are those that would pay $60 even if it was age of empires online 2 lol the whole saga now depends of a game changer in the last minute that make us all eat our own words (thing I hope happens for the good of my favorite game saga)

I don’t understand what happened with Age IV, from X019 the game looked good/decent, cities were big and building size was ok as well, at that time people were only complaining about bright/pastel colors, in new trailers the thing is very different and it looks dull, lack of texture/details, poor animations etc.

Are those changes because of community council? I really don’t see a point of a community council, do they know more about developing games than actual devs? the best games including RTS never had such thing, for example, relic created a community council for COH3, this "pro “community” suggested relic to remove tank critical hits and vehicle abandons, then of forums 90% of the real community are asking relic to return those… Devs should be confident in their game and their vision for their game, they already had several games to look at (age1-3, aom) (coh1-2). How do you know that this community represents the majority? I guess that this was due to the massive DOW3 failure, but no one asked relic to introduce Moba crap into DOW3 or cartoon style, and Gabriel Angelos doing blackflips with terminator armor, that’s not something community can help, that is just common sense respect their previous games and modernize it, ( not downgrade it)

The best thing they can do is to release a beta/alpha public, people around the world can give their feedback ( like COH3 at very early stage of developing) not just some random guys ( which some of them could provide good feedback, but at the end you could have the age of empires that viper wants and not the age of empires that Andy wants for example)

I relic games were only played by weirdos, why is relic still alive? where is ensamble?
I can bet anything that a DOW1 remaster (properly made) will have more sells than age 2 DE.

Relic is still alive ( even after DOW3 failure) because they were always original, making games ahead of its time ( homeworld, dow1, coh) witch features that other dev studios could only dream at that time for RTS.
Projectile physics (HW1)
Range/melee (DOW)
morale (DOW1)
dynamic cover
accuracy system
vehicle system dmg

Relic has survived many years because they produced top products while others died making the same boring games over again with no variety, even blizzard use to steal devs from relic.