Anyone ever speculated on ROMA civilisation? (Not Romanian, not Romans)

Anyone ever speculated on ROMA civilisation? (Not Romanian, not Romans) i’m talking about a huge chunk of Indian subcontinent that was separated during wars in 14. century. While similar to Hindustanis, because of Punjab region, they would be more nomadic.

Im specifically asking if anyone knows any forum thread where this was already discussed. If not, maybe we can start the discussion here.

Gurjaras are the closest to roma in game.

Not sure if its even possible to make a roma civi as they would not have leader names or a separate kingdom.


I wonder what would be their UU? Maybe Esmeralda??

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Which Roma empire existed in the timeframe of this game?


If someone can find 8 to 12 leader names for them its doable in theory.we dont really need a uu and wonder from the same culture/ethnicity/kingdom.Huns mongols Cumans have made up wonders,generic units are used as uus already eg.composit bowman.

Have you ever encountered “Romanis”? 111

There are plenty of peoples who are unique and interesting but dont fit the game and dont deserve to be a part of it. The Roma people are one of them

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You mean Gypsies?

They didn’t have a civilization.


Introduce Sindhis as a civilization. That’s where Sintis/Romani migrated from.

They’re an ethnic group, not a civilization. That’s like asking for Jewish or a Kurdish civilization.

Whats the problem with either of these?they had independent kingdoms at some point.

Both have actually been asked for already.

This is a medieval game?

Saracen campaign is based on a kurdish person.

Chinese are a civilization and ethnic group,Dravidians is a language family vikings is a trade celts are a can have anything ingame if it fits the ingame criterias.

Saladin was Kurdish but he established power in Egypt and Syria. So it’s much more of an “arabic” campaign than a kurdish one. And considering how broad the Saracen civ is…

Given his significance I have zero problem with him being the choice for the saracen campaign. I keep my venom for the byzantine one that, despite the wealth and the crazyness of the byzantine history, picked a fictional family…

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Which realms did they form ? I probably have some blindspots but I can’t think of a single one.

It would be the same as a Jewish civ, as they are a minority spread everywhere. I could see them being portrayed by a placeholder civ in some specific missions (which would be small-scale) but not beyond that.

I know it won’t happen, but I don’t want a new civilization.

There are already more than enough civs, and some are very similar. Adding more will only diminish the uniqueness of existing ones. Maybe new whacky mechanics could help, but they’d come with their own downsides.

Since this thread segwayed into three separate directions:

The Kurds had a great number of emirates of various importance during the Middle Ages, some of whom lasted until the 19th century. None managed to build a trully Kurdish empire (even though Saladin was a Kurd himself, the people he ruled over mostly wasn’t) but collectively they were noteworthy, just like the Italians. Imo the Saladin campaign shouldn’t be changed to Kurd, but the first scenario where he’s still leading a Kurdish army and not the Sultan of Egypt yet could, just like it was done for Babur. It would be even better if the scenario was slightly changed to include Shirkuh (Saladin’s uncle and a great leader in his own right) to some extent, even as a brief mention in dialogues or in the intro.

A Jewish civ is a whole different story. I don’t think I need to explain that Judaism is a religion and not an ethnicity, and there were actually extremely different state who adopted it in the Middle Ages or are speculated to have done so: the Khazars in the Pontic Steppe and the Agaw (including Beta Israel) in Ethiopia. Agaw are already somewhat represented in game with Gudit (though it is still debated today whether or not she was Jewish). Either way, as much as I’d like to see Khazars in game I don’t think they should be part of a civ that also crams in element of Ethiopian people, not mentioning represent the Ashkenazi, Sepharadi and Mizrahi Jews.

As for Romanis, well… Forget having an empire, they never had any form of state or army. I can’t seriously think of any way to include them in the game aside from a few units in the scenario editor.

You dont need to say the same thing in every thread about new civs


Ok so you are just a cribaby, guess I woll mute you back since you havent seem to have anything interesting to say beyond “we had enough”