Hi! I’m looking for people to play the Co-Op campaigns with, but slowly & casually. My play style is:
At the start of the game I put a few cheat cars around my city after building Town Center (for defense), I never build walls and hate defending against incoming attacks and losing units (but you don’t have to put around yours, just I do on mine only. So it shouldn’t affect your gameplay).
Then I gather resources, build buildings, and research pretty much all the technologies… unless they’re really useless or cost too much resources.
Then I build a huge army (usually max population) and go for an all-out attack on the entire map against all the AIs.
I’m looking for people who are interested to play like this. If you’re an expert, and know exactly what technologies to research and quickly create the required units and attack asap, then I hardly get to do anything. People finish the objective by the time I’m still researching
So let me know if anyone’s interested. Oh and I play on Steam by the way. Usually after 3:30 PM GMT, more on weekends.
PS: I’m interested in knowing your views on my play style as well, for a casual gamer. I do want to learn advantages/disadvantages of each civilization, but it’s wayyy too much I wonder how do other people even remember all that! I play AoE 2 & 3 these days. Finished AoM and AoE 4 campaigns (no cheats available in 4, omg!). Have AoE 1 but not playing that for now, maybe afterwards.
The civ differences really aren’t that big for the most part. The important thing is learning to the play properly for a generic civ, then learning how to play different civ types and actual civs well.
I could actually be down for this! I’m a slow and conservative player, I do spend time really fortifying my base with walls, and like you like to wait til I’ve got a huge and fully-upgraded army before going on the offensive. I’m unavailable for the next few weeks, but maaybe after that would be keen to join you in some co-op campaigns.
You know what you need? Instead of using cheats and cobra cars, enable a treaty for your games. That way, no-one is allowed to attack for a given period of time.
Oh yeah you’re right! There was a setting like that indeed, I remember. But I’ll have to check if that can be applied on Co-Op campaigns as well, or just Skirmish / Ranked matches.
I could actually be down for this! I’m a slow and conservative player, I do spend time really fortifying my base with walls, and like you like to wait til I’ve got a huge and fully-upgraded army before going on the offensive. I’m unavailable for the next few weeks, but maaybe after that would be keen to join you in some co-op campaigns
That sounds great. Oh, a few weeks! I see… no worries! We can connect then, if we both are still playing CoOp that time. Let me know when you want to play. You can add me on Steam as well: